ZIPSER, Keresztély András.
(1783 – 1864)
Advisor to an evangelical girl's school in Neusohl, Hungary. Formerly a school instructor in Brünn.
Biographical references: ADB: 45, 359 [by K. von Zittel]. • DBA: I 1416, 360-369; II 1450, 71-72. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 474. • Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon: 2, 1080. • Poggendorff: 2, col. 1417 & 3, 1487. • Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 2489. • WBI. • Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. German, 1817.
Versuch | eines | topographisch - mineralogischen | Handbuchs | von Ungern. | [tapered rule] | Ein Taschenbuch | für mineralogische Excursionen, Reisen- | de und Sammler vaterländischer | Produce aus dem Mineralreiche | zusammengetragen | durch | Christian Andreas Zipser, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Oedenburg, 1817. | bey Carl Friedrich Wigand.
8°: π8 χ8 A-Z8 Aa-Dd8 Ee4; 236l.; [i]-xxxi, [1], [1]-439, [1] p. Page size: 190 x 110 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso quotation in Geman, signed F.L. Graf zu Stolberg.; [iii], Dedication to Carl Caesar Leonhard and Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-xviii, "Vorrede."-signed C.A. Zisper, 1816.; xix-xxxi, "Herrn Bergrath | Werners | Neuestes Mineral-System (von 1817)."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-432, Text.; 433-439, "Geographisches Register."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler."
Very scarce. An interesting topographical mineralogy being a handbook to Hungarian mineral occurances. The text is divided by locality, under which the mineral species that are found there are listed. Zipser follows Werner in his mineral descriptions. At the end is a geographical index to the work.
Bibliographical references: BL. • BMC: 5, 2393. • GV (1700-1910): 160, 331. • NUC: 684, 391 [NZ 0049548].