ZENO, Franz.
(1734 – 1781)
Jesuit instructor of grammer and mathematics in Prague and Olmütz. From 1777 oversaw the observatory at Prague. There he was known an innovator with the insturments.
Biographical references: DBA: I 1409, 17-20. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. Poggendorff: 2, col. 1405. Svobody, Naučný Geologický Slovník, 1960: 2, p. 803. WBI.
1. German, 1769.
Abhandlung von See-Versteinerungen und Fossilien, welche bey Prag gefunden werden von F. Zeno. Prag, 1769.
8°: 2 plates.
Extremely rare. This title appears to reference a separate printing of a series of papers first published in the Neue Physicalische Belustigung, 1 (1770) & 2 (1771).
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. LKG: XIV 67. NUC [no copy listed]. Wrany, Pflege der Mineralogie in Böhmen, 1898: p. 53.