WOLTERECK, Christoph.
(1686 – 1735)
From 1706, Woltereck studied theology, jurisprudence, history and mathematics in Leipzig. In 1710 he left the University without a degree, going to Hamburg and Rendsburg and practiced around 1716 as a lawyer in Goslar. In 1717 he was entrusted with the order of archives of the main church in Wolfenbüttel, becoming in 1720 the secretary to the Schweiger prime minister and subsequently other jobs in the government. In 1708, he wrote the Ausführlichen Bericht von allerhand neuen Büchern.
Biographical references: ADB: 44, 172. • DBA: I 1393, 249-252; 1124, 338. • DBE: 10, 585-6. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • WBI.

1. German, 1724 [Collection catalog].
Münchausisches | Steinen= | Kabinet; | Ordentlich eingetheilet/ | beschrieben und erkläret. | Wovon | Gegenwärtiges zur Probe | Dem Herrn Gehimen Rath | Hieronymo | von Münchausen | eingehändiget worden/ | Den 10. Septemb. 1724. | Von | Christoph Woltereck. | [rule] | Wolffenbüttel/ 1724.
8°: A-B8; 16l.; [1]-32 p.
Contents: [1], Title page.; [2], "Inhalt."; [3]-32, Text.
Very rare. Collection catalog describing the stones, minerals and precious stones of the mineral cabinet of the Barons Münchausen as it existed on the 10 September 1724.
Bibliographical references: BL [728.b.18.]. • Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 260. • LKG: XV 7.