(1675 – 1726)
Wolfart graduated from the University of Giessen in 1696 with his M.D. In 1703, he became professor of physics and anatomy at the Gymnasium of Hanau. He also established a medical practice in the city. In 1708, Wolfart was named a professor of physics and anatomy at the Collegium Carolinum. He was a widely respected physician being named Landphysicus for Hessia in 1716. He also held membership in the Leopolinische Akademie.
Biographical references: DBA: I 1391, 252-257. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 465. Poggendorff: 2, col. 1358. WBI.

1. Latin & German, 1719.
Historiæ Na- | turalis | Hassiæ Inferioris | Pars Prima | Qua | Potiora & Elegantiora hujus Fossilia, Figurata æque | ac certa quadam & regulari figura carentia, eaq; vel lapi- | dea vel metallica, ita in lucem protrahuntur publicam ne- | cessariisq; Iconismis illustrantur, ut cuilibet curioso in illis conchas genuinas Marinas, Plantas, Pisces aliaq; naturæ | admiranda cernere & per hæc magnum Creato- | rem laudare liceat. | i.e. | Der Natur=Geschichte | Des | Nieder=Fürstenthums Hessen | Erster Theil | Worinnen dessen vornehmste und zierlichste/ sowol ge= | bildete als ungebildete/ zu theils in Stein/ zu theils in Metallen be= | stehende Fossilia dergestalten an des Tages Licht hervor gebracht werden/ daß ein jeder Curiosus an denen ersten veritablen See= | Muscheln/ Pflantzen/ Fische auch andere Seltenheiten der Natur | täglich beschauen/ und dadurch den grossen Schöpffer | preisen kan. | Von | Dr. Peter Wolfart, | Leib=Medico, der Artzney und Natur Wissenschafft Profess. Publ. Land=Physico | und der Hochlöbl. Käyserl. Carolinischen Gesellschafft Mit=Glied. | [ornate rule] | Cassel/ Gedruckt bey Henrich Harmes/ Fürstl. Hess. Hof=Buchdrucker. Anno 1719.
2°: [A]-N2; 13l.; [13], 14-52 p., frontispiece, 25 plates (partly folding). Text in Latin and German. Engraved head and tail piece and initial letter. Page size: 390 x 245 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3], "In Frontem Libri"-being a Latin poem about Wolfart's collection, signed Joh. Adolph Hartman.; [4], "Erklärung des ersten Kupffer=Blats."; [Frontispiece].; [5-8], Dedication to Prince Carl I, signed P. Wolfart.; [9-12], "B.L.S."-in Latin.; [13], "Nach Standes Bebühr geehrter | Leser."; 14-16, "I.N.J. | Præliminarla. | De | Ratiociniis nonnullis in Praxi fundatis."; 17-22, "Caput Primum | sistens | Hassiae Inferioris Lapides | Pretiosos."; 22-25, "Caput Secundum | exponens | Lapides Hassiæ Inferioris Vulgares | Seu Minus Pretiosos."; 26-52, "Caput Tertium | Tractans Specialus."-description of figures located on the 25 plates. A Latin description is given first, followed by a description in German.
Plates: The size of the engraved copper plate impression upon the paper is typically 310 x 200 mm. Plates are numbered I-XXV with no descriptions. Some of the them are signed at the bottom by the designer and the engraver. The subjects of the plates are mostly fossils of one type or another, although Tab. I shows several excellently drawn quartz crystal groupings. All of the plates are expertly drawn with clearly recognizable figures. Frontispiece. Shows Greek gods. Signed Ioh. Andr. Theolth inv. et del. and Ioh. Aug. Corvinus Sc. Aug. Vind. Tab. I. Quartz crystal groups (15 figs.). Signed Carolus Wilhl. Eberlinus del. and Ioh. Aug. Corvinus secit. Aug. Vind. Tab. II. Fossil in matrix (1 fig.). Signed Carolus Wilhl. Eberlinus del. and Ioh. Aug. Corvinus secit. Aug. Vind. Tab. III. Fossils [=Brachiopods] (6 figs). Signed C.W.E. del. and I.A.C. sculp. Tab. IV. Fossil shells (22 figs). Not signed. Tab. V. Fossil shells (6 figs). Not signed. Tab. VI. Fossil ferns and shells (4 figs.). Not signed. Tab. VII. Fossil shells (10 figs.). Not signed. Tab. VIII. Fossil shells in matrix (6 figs.). Not signed. Tab. IX. Fossil shells in matrix (2 figs.). Not signed. Tab. X. Fossil shells (10 figs.). Signed I.N. Prizier del. and I.A.C. sc. Tab. XI. Fossil shells (9 figs.). Not signed. Tab. XII. Fossil fish and shells (6 figs.). Not signed. Tab. XIII. Fossil fish (1 fig.). Not signed. Tab. XIV. Fossil fish and shells (6 figs.). Signed I.N. Prizier del. and I.A.C. sc. Tab. XV. Fossil fish in matrix (1 fig.). Signed C.W. Eberlinus del and J.A. Corvinus sculpsit. Tab. XVI. Fossil fish in matrix (1 fig.). Signed C.W.E. del and J.A.C. scul. Tab. XVII. Fossil fish in matrix (1 fig.). Signed C.W. Eberlinus del and Joh. A. Corvinus sculp. Tab. XVIII. Fossil fish in matrix (2 figs.). Folding plate, measuring 390 x 290 mm. Signed C.W.E. del and J.A.C. scul. Tab. XIX. Fossil fish in matrix (1 fig.). Folding plate, measuring 390 x 530 mm. Signed C.W. Eberlinus del and I.A. Corvinus sc. Tab. XX. Fossil fish in matrix (2 figs.). Signed I.A. Corvinus sc. Tab. XXI. Fossil shark teeth (25\ figs.).\ Not signed. Tab.\ XXII.\ Miscellaneous fossils (10\ figs.).\ Signed I.A.C.\ sc. Tab.\ XXIII.\ Stones (9\ figs.).\ Signed I.A.C.\ sc. Tab.\ XXIV.\ Fossil shells in matrix (7\ figs.).\ Not signed. Tab.\ XXV.\ Fossil shells in matrix (5\ figs.).\ Not signed.
Very scarce. No more published. Only this first part of this work was published, and it deals mostly with paleontology, although there are two plates of minerals (I and XXIII). The specimens described were found by the author in the vicinity of Hessia in Germany.
The portrait of Wolfart called for by Cobres and Nissen is either extraordinarily rare or most likely a phantom. In numerous bookseller entries examined, as well as many library and bibliography citations, no other mention of a portrait was found.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.262.(2.)]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, p. 739 ["Nützlich, aber selten."]. Hoover Collection: no. 895. LKG: XIV 124a. Nissen (ZBI): no. 4438 [calls for an additional plate bearing a portrait].
2. Latin & German, c1726 [2nd edition].
D. Petri Wolfart, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Historia Na- | turalis Lapidum, | imprimis figuratorum, | Hassiæ Inferioris. | Qua | Potiora & elegantoira hujus Fossilia, figurata æque ac certa | quadam & regulari figura carentia, eaque vel lapidea vel metallica, | ita in lucem protrahuntur publicam necessariisque Iconismis illu- | strantur, ut cuilibet Curioso in illis conchas genuinas Marinas, | Plantas, Pisces aliaque naturæ admiranda cerne- | re & per hæc magnum Creatorem | laudare liceat. | Natur=Geschichte | Des | Nieder=Kürstensthums Hessen, | Worinnen | Dessen fürnehmste und zierlichte/ sowol gebildete als ungebil= | dete/ zu theils in Stein/ zu theils in Metallen bestehende Fossilia dergestalt | an des Tages Licht hervor gebracht werden/ daß ein jeder Curiousus an denen | ersten veritablen See=Muscheln/ Pflantzen/ Fischen auch andere Selten= | heiten der Natur täglich beschauen/ und dadurch den grossen | Schöpffer preisen kan. | Editio Secunda. | [rule] | Cassel/ | Verlegt und zu finden bey Johann Georg Damm / Hof- und Cantzley Buchbinder.
2°: [A]-N2; 13l.; [13], 14-52 p., frontispiece, 25 plates (partly folding). Text in Latin and German. Engraved head and tail piece and initial letter. Page size: 390 x 245 mm.
Contents: Other than a newly set title page, the contents are identical to the 1719 edition.
Very rare. This "Editio Secunda" is apparently a reissue of the original text with a new and significantly changed title page, omitting the "Pars Prima," and calling Wolfart "olim," meaning the book must have been published after Wolfart's death in 1726. This perhaps indicates that these copies were acquired from Wolfart's estate in 1726 and reissued by the bookbinder Johann Georg Damm. The remainder of the book is identical to the 1719 first edition. \Amueller
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].
3. Latin, 1707.
Vale Hanoviae et salve Cassellae dictum : Cujus occasione inventa quaedam hanoica, Utresque dilectissimis suis Popularibus communicare, se suaque Studia de meliori commendare, atque prioribus benevolam, sui memoriam relinquese voluit ... Francofurti ad Moenum, [1707.]
4°: 45 p., 3 plates. Rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [987.a.18.]. LKG: XIV 267.
4. Latin, 1711.
Amoenitatum Hassiae Inferioris Subterraneae Specimen Primum / ... Praeside D. P. Wolfart ... Eruditorum placidae censurae Publice exponet Johannes Henricus Herbst, Hasso-Cassell. ... Cassellis, Harmes, [1711].
4°: [2], 30 p.
Very rare. Dissertation-respondent, Joannes Henricus Herbst.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.403.(2.)].