WHITLOCK, Herbert Percy.
(1868 – 1948)
Certified engineer who graduated from the Columbia University School of Mines, 1889. Whitlock became an assistant in mineralogy at Columbia University in1892. He was appointed in 1916 the mineralogist for New York State mineralogist. In 1918, he moved on to the curatorship of the mineral collections of The American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where he remained until his retirement.
Biographical references: ABA: I 1732, 36-39; II 670, 103-105. American Men of Science. 5th ed., New York, 1933. Poggendorff: 6, 2868. WBI. Who Was Who in America.

1. English, 1902 [First edition].
... | Guide To The | Mineralogic Collections | Of The | New York State Museum. | By | Herbert P. Whitlock, C.E. | [List of contents] | Albany | University Of The State Of New York | 1902.
8°: [1]-147, [1] p., 39 photographic plates of minerals, 249 text illus. Printed wrappers. Published as New York State Museum Bulletin, 58, Mineralogy 2.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "University of the State of New York ..."; [3], "Preface."; 4-131, Text.; 132-138, "Appendix."; 139, "Bibliography."; 140, Blank.; 141-143, "General Index."; [144]-147, "Index To Mineral Species."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. This elementary text briefly describes the minerals contained in the collection of the New York State Museum listing their properties, crystallography, etc., the whole arranged according to the Dana classification. The appendices contain a glossary and bibliography.
Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
2. English, 1903.
List of New York mineral localities. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1903.
8°: 108 p. Bibliography: p. 11-21. Bulletin (New York State Museum), no. 70.
Very scarce. A list of the mineral occurrences of New York state, published as Bulletin of the New York State Museum, no. 70.
Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
3. English, 1910.
Calcites of New York by Herbert P. Whitlock. New York State Museum, Memoir 13. Albany, 1910.
4°: 190 p., 27 plates.
Very scarce. The species calcite is an almost inexhaustible subject from the standpoint of the crystallographer, and many important monographs have been published describing the forms from different localities. The author has now taken up the calcites of New York, which have been obtained from a wide range of different localities, among which that of Rossie has been famous for nearly a 100 years. The thoroughness of this investigation will be appreciated from the fact that some twenty-five plates are needed to show the different types of crystals with their wide range of forms; among these a considerable number of new ones are noted.
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 4th Series, 31, (1911), 337. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
The Story of Minerals
4. English, 1925 [First edition].
The Story of Minerals. New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1925.
8°: 144 p., black & white photos, color frontispiece (azurite).
Scarce. This elementary guide to minerals conatins a short history of the American Musuem of Natural History's mineral collection, properties of mineral, brief descriptions, etc. It is illustrated with good quality photographs of some of the museums most prized specimens.
Chapters: History and Sources of the Mineral Collection, What is a Mineral, Nature's Mathematics, Mimicry of Minerals, Water as a maker of minerals, chanes and decay in minerals, Elements, Scpphides and haloids, oxides, carbonates, silicates, silicates(continues), silicates (continued), phosphates and sulphates.
Another edition, 1932: The Story of the Minerals New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1932. 144 p., colored frontispiece.
Another edition, 1946: The Story of the Minerals. Handbook No. 12. New York, American Museum of Natural History, 1946. 128 p.
Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.