WEBER, Johann Carl.
(1801 – 1875)
Biographical references: ADB. Nissen (BBI): nos. 2119-2120. Nissen (ZBI): nos. 4350-4351.

1. German, 1871 [2nd edition].
Die | Mineralien | In | 64 Colorirten Abbildungen Nach Der Natur | Von | J.C. Weber. | Zweite Auflage. | Verbessert Und Vermehrt Unter Mitwirkung | Von Dr. Karl Haushofer. | [rule] | München, 1871. | Christian Kaiser.
12°: [1]-99, [1] p., 64 chromolithographic plates (showing mineral specimens). Page size: 128 x 84 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Akademische Buchdruckerei von F. Straub in München."; [3]-5, "Vorwort."; [6]-94, Text.; [95]-99, "Register."; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. According to the title page, this second edition of the work has been improved by Karl Haushofer [see note below], and has been enlarged to include those minerals found in the alpine regions. After a short introduction the described mineral species are arranged according to Kobell's Mineralogie (3rd ed., Leipzig, 1864). Each of these is then illustrated as one or two figures on one of the 64 chromolithographic plates that are scattered throughout the volume. These plates are apparently unique to the work and were not reproduced elsewhere; however, they are not depictions of the best quality and have an amateurish look about them.
According to the preface the first edition of this work appeared under the title, Die Mineralien Baiern's und beschränkte sich auf Mineralien und Gesteine dieses Landes (München, c1850), which described the minerals found in Bavaria. However, no copy of this book has been traced. Perhaps this first appearance was included as a section in some other unknown natural history work, or is part of the unpublished two volume monograph Abbildungen von Pflanzen, Insekten und Mineralien in München cited by Nissen (BBI, no. 2120). In its second edition, Die Mineralien in 64 colorirten Abbildungen appears to be a companion volume to Weber's Die Alpen-Pflanzen Deutschlands und der Schweiz in colorirten Abbildungen nach der Natur und in natürlicher Grösse (3rd ed., München, 1872, 4 vols., 400 color illus.).
Karl Haushofer. (Born: Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 28 April 1839; Died: Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 9 January 1895) German mineralogist. Haushofer graduated from the University of Munich in 1864 with his Ph.D. From 1865 to 1868 he was a docent at the University, then he was named a professor extraordinary of the Polytechnicum. He was a member of the Academy of Science in Munich.
Bibliographical references: BL. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879 [no copy listed]. Nissen (BBI): no. 2120. NUC: 652, 254 [NW 0134589]. (Haushofer) Grundmann, G., "Karl von Haushofer (1839-1895), erster Mineraloge des königlichen Polytechnikums München," in: Geofa Fachmesse, ed., Offiz. Katal. 25. Mineralientage Muenchen `Wer sammelt, macht Geschichte', München 1988, 106-107, portrait. • Poggendorff: 3, 597-8.