WALDIN, Johann Gottlieb.
(1728 – 1795)
Waldin graduated from the University of Jena, with advanced degrees in mathematics and philosophy. In 1758, he was appointed adjunct to the philosophical faculty at Jena and in 1765 he was made professor extraordinary. However, in 1766, he accepted a position as professor of logic and metaphysics at the University of Marburg. In 1782, he also became a professor of physics. He was appointed founder and curator of the University's mineral collection, and focused on acquiring new material.
Biographical references: Baur, Allgemeines historisches Handwörterbuch, 1803. Curtius, M.C., Memoria Ioannis Gottlieb Waldini. Ex Ritu Academiae Scripsit Michael Conradus Curtius. Typis Kriegeri acad. typographi, 1795. DBA: I 1327, 131-145; II 1360,61. Günther, Lebensskizzen der Professoren, 1858. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 1245-6. WBI.

1. German, 1791-2 [Collection catalog].
Das | Hessische | Mineralien=Kabinet | bey der | Fürstl. Hessischen Universität | Marburg | beschreiben | und | mit physischen Zusätzen erweitert | von | Joh. Gottlieb Waldin, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erstes Stück. | [rule] | Gedruckt bey Johannes Bayrhoffer | 1791 [-1792].
3 parts. [Part 1: 1791] 8°: [Part 2: 1792] 8°: [Part 3: 1792] 8°:
Very rare. First published catalog of the Hessischen University mineral collection at Marburg (today Philipps University). Waldin was appointed founder and first curator of the mineral collection in 1790. In this role he applied himself with distinction, helping to build the collection into one of Germany's finest. He acquired some material from Nathanael Gottfried Leske and convinced the University's administration to provide a yearly stipend to purchase additional specimens.
Related work: Die Frankenberger Versteinerungen, nebst ihren Ursprunge von Johann Gottlieb Waldin ... Marburg, Verlag der Universität Buchhandlung, 1778. 4°: 32 p., 2 plates. This is a rare description of the fossils and other petrifications found in the vicinity of Frankenberg, Germany. Waldin includes speculations on their origins.
Marburg, Germany. Philipps University, Mineralogical Museum. . Founded 1790. The mineral collection has close historic connections to the chair of mineralogy at the Philipps-University of Marburg. By decree of the Count of Hessia, a "Hessian Mineral Cabinet" was created in 1790. The first curator was J.G. Waldin [1728-1795] and was followed in succession by J.C. Ullmann [1771-1821], J.F.C. Hessel [1796-1872], C.A.H. Girard [1814-1878], A. von Koenen [1837-1915], F.G. Klocke [1847-1884], M.A. Bauer [1844-1917], O. Weigel [1881-1944], F.H. Laves [1906-1978], H.G.F. Winkler [1915-1980] and E.E. Hellner [1920- ]. Today, the collection contains 60,000 minerals and 150 meteorites.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung: May, 1795, p. 257-9. BL [727.c.33.]. Burchard, Mineral Museums, 1986. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 269. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 698. LKG: XV 42. NUC: 645, 379 [NW 0029286]. Schürmann, K., 200 Jahre Hessisches Mineralien-Kabinet 1790-1990. Festschrift. Marburg, 1990: p. 9-11. (Philipps University, Mineralogical Museum) Burchard, Mineral Museums, 1986: 50-2. • Petersen, World Directory of Mineral Collections, 1994: 122. • Schürmann, K., 200 Jahre Hessisches Mineralien-Kabinet 1790-1990. Festschrift. Marburg, 1990.
2. German, 1778.
Die Frankenberger Versteinerungen, nebst ihren Ursprunge von Johann Gottlieb Waldin ... Marburg, Verlag der Universität Buchhandlung, 1778.
4°: 32 p., 2 plates.
Rare. Description of the fossils and other petrifications found in the vicinity of Frankenberg, Germany. Waldin includes speculations on their origins.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 41, p. 221. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 110. LKG: XIV 129. NUC: 645, 379.