VOGELMANN, Johann Baptista.
(1760 – 1821)
Professor of natural history at the Julius-Maximilians University in Wurzburg.
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 2, col. 1222.

1. German, 1805.
Ueber | die chemischen Kennzeichen | und | die Bestandtheile | der | Mineralien, | als | Vorbereitungskenntnisse | zur | Mineralogie. | Zum | Gebrauche seiner Vorlesungen | herausgegeben | von | J.B. Vogelmann, | [...3 lines of title and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | [tapered rule] | Bamberg und Würzburg | bey Joseph Anton Göbhardt | 1805.
8°: π6 (1)-(9)8 (10)2; 98l.; [i]-xii, [1]-184 p. Page size: 195 x 110 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-xii, "Vorerinnerung."-dated 4 November 1804.; [1]-184, Text.
Rare. The text is a discussion of the chemical characters and constituents of minerals and their relationships in any correct system of mineralogy. The author notes that all bodies are made up of chemicals, and that therefore any correct system of minerals will be based upon their chemistry. Considering the date of publication, this was a remarkable insight on the part of Vogelmann.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XI 29.