ULLOA, Don Antonio de.
(1716 – 1795)
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 2, col. 115?.
Spanish editions

1. Spanish, 1748 [First edition].
[In red:] Relacion Historica | [in black:] Del Viage | [in red:] A La America Meridional | [in black:] Hecho | [in red:] de orden de S. Mag. | [in black:] Para Medir Algunos Grados De Meridiano | Terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera Figura, | y Magnitud de la Tierra, con otras varias Observaciones | Astronomicas, y Phisicas: | Por [in red:] Don Jorge Juan, [in black:] Comendador de Aliaga, en el Orden de San | [...one line of titles...] | y [in red:] Don Antonio de Ulloa, [in black:] de la Real Sociedad de Londres: | [...one line of titles...] | [in red:] Primera Parte, Tomo Segundo. | [in black, vignette] | Impressa De Orden Del Rey Nuestro Señor | [in red:] En Madrid | [in black:] Por [in red:] Antonio Marin, [in black:] Año de M.DCC.XLVIII.
4 vols. [Vol 1] 2°: π4 ¶¶-¶¶¶4 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Ddd4 Eee2; 214l.; [24], 404 p., 14 plates. [Vol 2] 2°: π4 Fff-Zzz4 Aaaa-Qqqq4; 141l.; [4], 405-682 p., 8 plates. [Vol 3] 2°: ¶6 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa4 Bbb2; 196l.; [12], 379, [1] p., 10 plates. [Vol 4] 2°: ¶6 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa4 Bbb2; π2 Ccc-Zzz4 Aaaa-Zzzz4 Aaaaa-Ggggg4 Hhhhh6; 112l.; [4], 381-603, [1] p.; [I]-CXCV, [1] p., 3 plates. Title in red and black.
Contents: [Vol 1] No copy examined.
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Half title page, verso blank.; [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [405]-640, Text, beginning "Libro Sexto."; 641-682, "Indice | De Las Materias, | Y Cosas Notables | Contenidas En Esta Primera Parte."
[Vol 3] [2 pgs], Half title page, "... Sequnda Parte, Tomo Tercera," verso blank.; [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], "Tabla | De Los Libros, | y capitulos."; [1 pg], "Erratus, Que Se Han De Corregir | en esta Segunda Parte."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-379, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 4] No copy examined.
Very scarce. Antonio de Ulloa and his companion Jorge Juan went with an expedition to Peru mounted by the French Academy of Sciences in 1735 whose ultimate purpose was to determine the size of the planet. Spanish colonies were normally closed to foreign expeditions, but the King of Spain made exception for the French Academy and sent his gifted young scientific officers, Ulloa and Juan, to share the glory. Sabin wrote, "Juan and Ulloa's Travels may be selected as the most entertaining and satisfactory work of its kind; they are the acknowledged source of much that has been published in other forms."
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Hoover Collection: no. 799. LKG: XIV 895. Medina, Bibliotheca Hispano-Americana 1493-1810: 346. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 125471. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. ??.
2. Spanish, 1792 [2nd edition??].
Noticias Americanas: | Entretenimientos Físicos-Históricos | Sobre | La América Meridional, Y La Septentrianal [!] Oriental | Comparacion General | De Los Territorios, Climas, Y Producciones | En Las Tres Especies | Vegetales, Animales Y Mineral; | Con Relacion Particular | De Los Indios De Aquellos Paises, Sus Costumbres | Y Usos, De Las Petrificaciones De Cuerpos | Marinos, Y De Las Antiguedades. | Con un discurso sobre el idioma, y conjeturas sobre el | modo con que pasiron los primeros pobladores. | Su Autor | El Esce. Sr. Don Antonio de Ulloa, Commenisdor de Ocabs en la | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Con Licencia. | Madrid El La Imprenta Real. | Año 1792.
8°: [24], 407, [2] p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [979.i.30.]. LKG: XIV 897b. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
French editions
3. French, 1752 [French transl.].
[In red:] Voyage | [in black:] Historique | [in red:] De L'Amerique | [in black:] Meridionale | Fait Par Ordre Du Roi D'Espagne | [in red:] Par Don George Juan, | [...in black, 2 lines of titles and membership...] | [in black:] Et | [in red:] Par Don Antoine de Ulloa, | [...in black, 3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ouvrage Orné Des Firgures, Plans Et Cartes Necessaires. | Et qui contient une | [in red:] Histoire Des Yncas Du Peruo, | [in black:] Et les Observations Astronomiques & Physiques, faites pour détermi- | ner la Figure & la Grandeur de la Terre. | [in red:] Tome Premier. | [in black, vignette] | [in red:] A Amsterdam et A Leipzig, | [in black:] Chez Arkste'e & Merkus. | [in red:] M DCC LII.
2 vols. fronts., plates (part fold.) fold. maps, fold. plans, fold. diagrs. Page size: 260 x 220 mm.
Very scarce. A translation, by E. de Mauvillon, of Ulloa's "Relación historica del viage a la America Meridional", and of the companion work by Jorge Juan y Santacilia, entitled, "Observations astronomicas y phisicas hechas ... en los reynos del Peru", both published at Madrid in 1748.
Bibliographical references: BL [211.c.7,8.]. LKG: XIV 896a.
4. French, 1787 [2nd edition].
Voyage historique de l'Amerique Meridionale fait par ordre du roi d'Espagne par don George Juan et par don Antoine de Ulloa ... 1787
2 vols. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].
English editions
5. English, 1758 [First edition].
A voyage to South America: describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provincies, &c. on that extensive continent. London, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1758.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: xvi, [8], 509 p. [Vol 2] 8°: [6], 420, [18] p., 7 copper engraved plates and maps (6 folding).
Very scarce. A translation of Ulloa's Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional ... Madrid, 1748. The "Resumen historico del origen, y sucession de los Incas, y demas soberanos del Peru", by Garcilaso de la Vega, found in the original, is omitted from this translation. The account of the scientific work of the expedition, written by Jorg Juan y Santacilla, was published separately, Madrid, 1748 under title : "Observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas hechas...en los reynos del Perú..." It is not included in this translation.This translation does not contain the historical account of the Rulers of Peru, nor the Astronomical Observations of J. Juan y Santacilla.
Bibliographical references: BL [10481.d.10.].
6. English, 1760 [2nd edition].
A Voyage to South America. Describing at Large, The Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. on that extensive Continent. Interspersed Throughout With Reflexions on whatever is peculiar in the Religion and Civil Policy; in the Genius, Customs, Manners, Dress, &c. &c. of the several Inhabitants; whether Natives, Spaniards, Creoles, Indians, Mulattoes, or Negroes. Together with The Natural as well as Commercial History of the Country. And an account of the Gold and Silver Mines. London, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1760.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: [xxiv], 1-498 p. [Vol 2] 8°: [4], 410, [18] p., two folding maps and five plates Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [10481.d.11.].
7. English, 1801 [American issue].
Voyage of Don George Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa to South America ... Philadelphia, Printed and sold by Joseph & James Crukshank, 1801.
108 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].
8. English, 1806 [4th edition].
A | Voyage | To | South America: | Describing At Large | The Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces , &c. | On That | Extensive Continent: | Undertaken, By Command Of The King Of Spain, | By | Don George Juan, | And | Don Antonio De Ulloa, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Translated From The Original Spanish; | With | Notes And Observations; and An Account Of The | Brazils. | [double rule] | By John Adams, Esq. of Waltham Abbey; | Who resided several Years in thos Parts. | [double rule] | The Fourth Edition. | Illustrated With Plates. | [tapered rule] | Vol. I. | London: | Printed For J. Stockdale, Piccadilly; R. Faulder, Bond- | Street; Longman And Co. Pater-Noster Row; Lackington | And Co. Finsbury Square; And J. Harding, St. James's Street. | [tapered rule] | 1806.
2 vols. fronts. (fold. map, fold. plan) 5 fold. pl. (incl. plans). [Vol 1] 8°: [i]-xxvii, [1], [1]-479, [1] p., frontispiece (folding map), 5 plates (I-V). [Vol 2] 8°: [4], [1]-420, [14] p., 2 plates (VI-VII).
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Title page, verso "J. Brettell, ..."; [iii], Dedication, signed John Stockdale, 26 September 1806.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-xix, "Preface."; [xx], Blank.; [xxi]-xxiii, "Contents | Of | Volume The First."; [xxiv]-xxvii,"Explanation | Of The | Plates."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-479, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Contents | Of | Volume The Second."; [1]-420, Text.; [14 pgs], "Index."
Very scarce. Adams, John, Esq. of Waltham Abbey.Translation of Ulloa's Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional ... Madrid, 1748. The "Resumen historico del origen, y succession de los Incas, y demas soberanos del Perú", by Garcilaso de la Vega, found in the original, is omitted from this translation. John Adams was not the translator of the English edition, but merely furnished the "Notes and observations" and "Account of the Brazils." The account of the scientific work of the expedition, written by Jorge Juan y Santacilia, was published separately, Madrid, 1748, under title: Observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas hechas ... en los reynos del Perù. It is not included in this translation.
Bibliographical references: BL [279.h.12,13.].
German editions
9. German, 1781 [German transl.].
Physikalisch - historischo Nachrichten vom sudlichen und nordostlichen Amerika. Aus dem Spanischer mit Anmerkung von J.A. Dieze. Leipzig, 1781.
2 vols.
Very scarce. Translated by J.A. Dieze.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. LKG: XIV 898c.