(1750? – ?)
Uibelaker was associated with the Benedictine Order. He was a member of the Natural History Society of Berlin.

1. German, 1781-2.
P. Franz Uibelakers | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | System | des | Karlsbader Sinters | unter Vorstellung | schöner und seltener Stücke | samt einem Versuche | einer | mineralischen Geschichte desselben | und | dahin einschlagenden Lehre | über die | Farben. | [ornament] | [rule] | Erlangen, | auf Kosten Wolfgang Walthers. 1781.
Issued in four parts. 2°: )(2 )()(2 A-S2; 40l.; [8], [1]-72 p., 39 hand-colored plates by Lachenbauer. However, Gatterer states the work contains 41 plates, which is an error.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pg], Dedication to Joseph Wenzel, signed P. Franz Uibelaker.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede."-dated 15 December 1779.; [1]-72, Text.; [At end], 39 hand-colored plates.
Very rare. This work describes and illustrates sections of stalactites and stalagmites (254 specimens in all) from the famous Karlsbad caverns of Germany. Until recently this book written in the eighteenth century was the standard work on its subject. According to the forward, Uibelaker selected these specimens from his collection of over 600 examples to best illustrate the varieties of color and form found within the caverns. They are illustrated in lively hand-colored renderings on the thirty-nine plates. Also included are two color wheels based on the schemes of Schiffermuller and Newton. Gatterer says of this work that "it contains many new observations, mostly related to microscopic observations and vocabulary, but ... is confused with too many hypotheses. The plates are beautiful."
Bibliographical references: Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 8 (1782), 269. Bernard Quaritch, Bookseller: cat. 1052 (1985), no. 291. BL [459.e.19.]. BMC: 5, 2161. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 745 & 828. Dittmar, V. and G. Lehrberger, eds., Der Sprudel macht den Stein - Schätze aus Karlsbad. Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Egerland-Museum Marktredwitz von 23. Oktober 2004 bis 1. Mai 2005. Berlin, 2004. [1]-528 p., num. illus. [Extensive catalog of an exhibit of materials related to the Karlsbad caverns of Germany.]. Dryander, Catalogus Banks, 1796-1800: 4, p. 169. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 74-5. LKG: XVI 301.