TERIAEV, Andrei Mikhailovich.
(1767 – 1827)
From 1789, Teriaev was a teacher of natural sciences in St. Petersburg. In 1804, he was appointed professor of the pedagogical Institute, and in 1809 professor of medicine at the Academy of St. Petersburg. He authored books on mineralogy, botany, zoology, and made improvements to the teaching of these subjects.
Biographical references: Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar Biograpii: 65, 96. Sedletskii, I.D., "[Outstanding Russian scientist A.M. Teriaev and first history of mineralogy]," Vestnik Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, 6 (June, 1950), p. 94-8. Zvorykin, Biograficheskii Slovar, 1958: 2, p. 266.

1. Russian, 1796.
Краткое Разсужденiе | О | Минералогiи | Вообще, | О перемънаhъ и приращении во всъhъ часxяhъ оной, | съ присовокуплениемъ нако- | неcъ главнаго основания | новъйxей Минералогиче- | ской сисxемы, | сочиненное Андреемъ Теряевымъ, | Натуральной Истории Магистромъ и | Санктпетербургскаго Вольнаго | $3кономическаго Общества | Членомъ. | [rule] | Въ Санктпетербургъ 1796 года. | Печаxано у Федора Брункова, содержаxсля Типо- | графии Коммиссии объ учреждении Училкщъ.
Kratkoe Razsuzhdenie | O | Mineralogii | Voobshche, | O peremenakh i prirashchenïi vo vsekh chasshiakh onoi, | s prisovokuplenïem nako- | ne{\ts} glavnago osnovanïia | noveishei Mineralogiche- | skoi sisshemy, | sochinennoe Andreem Teriaevym, | Natural'noi Istorïi Magistrom i | Sanktpeterburgskago Vol'nago | Ėkonomicheskago Obshchestva | Chlenom. | [rule] | V Sanktpeterburge 1796 goda. | Pechashano u Fedora Brunkova, soderzhashslia Tipo- | grafïi Kommissïi ob uchrezhdenïi Uchilkshch.
8°: π4 {\cyrillic A8 B8 V8 G8}; 36l.; [8], [1]-64 p. Page size: 205 x 122 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedication.; [1 pg], Blank.; [2 pgs], ``Милостивый Государь!''--signed Andrei Teriaevy.; [2 pgs], ``Вмъсто Предислоыя.''; [1]-43, ``О Минералогии Боовще.'' [Text, being general descriptions and preliminaries].; [44]-64, ``Таблиcа Минераловъ | Или | Главное Основание | Новъйxей Минералогической | Системы.'' [Description of mineral species?].
Very rare. This short work provides an introduction to mineralogical science, providing information on the latest discoveries and emphasizing economic aspects.
Bibliographical references: Dryander, Catalogus Banks, 1796-1800: 4, p. 14. LKG: XII 146. Sopikov, Essay in Russian Bibliography, 1904-8: no. 9586. Svodnyi Katalog Russkoi Knigi: no. 7201.

2. Russian, 1819 [History].
История Минералогий. St. Petersburg, 1819.
8°: π12 1-284 [tables] χ3; 127l.; [8], I-XIX, [1], [1]-224, [6] p., 3 folding tables. Page size: 208 x 125 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso publication notice dated 1818.; [6 pgs], Dedication.; I-XIX, ``Предисловие'' [=preface-signed Andrei Teriaevy].; [1 pg], Contents.; [1]-224, Text.; [3 folding tables].; [5 pgs], ``Имена осовъ, благоволивщиhъ...''; [1 pg], ``Погршcyщности.''
Extremely rare. This very early history of mineralogy provides a short description of the beginnings of the study, followed by discussions of the growth and development of the science, especially in the first two decades of the nineteenth century. The author has also included descriptions of the latest discoveries in theoretical and practical mineralogy.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. NUC [no copy listed]. Povarennykh, Definition of Mineral, 1964. Sedletskii, I.D., "[Outstanding Russian scientist A.M. Teriaev and first history of mineralogy]," Vestnik Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, 6 (June, 1950), p. 94-8.