STRUVE, Henri.
(1751 – 1826)
Biographical references: ABF: I 969, 403-406. Biographie Universelle: 40, 341-42. Feller, Biographie Universelle, 1851. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 1033-4. WBI.
Principes de Minéralogie ou Exposition Succinte des Caractères Extérieurs des Fossiles, d'apres les leçons du Professeur Werner, ... Par J.-P. Vanberchem-Berthout ... et Henri Struve ... (Paris, 1795).See under: Vanberchem-berthout, Johann-pierre.
1. French, 1797 [First edition, issue A].
Methode | Analytique | Des Fossiles, | Fondée | Sur Leurs Caractères Exterieurs. | Par H. Struve Professeur de Chymie & Démonstrateur | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Prix L. 5. 5 f. avec les planches coloriées & L. 3 15 f. sans planches | [rule] | [tapered rule] | A Lausanne, | Aux dépens de l'Auteur, & se vend chez Lacome | & Copagnie, Libraires au Café Littéraire. | [tapered rule] | 1797.
4°: [a]4 b3 A-V4 X3: 90l.; [i]-xii, [2], 1-166 p., 2 plates (hand colored). Page size: 18 x 138 mm. uncut.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "N.B. L'Auteur avise que tous les exemplaires de | l'Edition originale de son Ouvrage, ainsi que ceux | de la traduction allemande qu'il en prépare, por- | terount sa signature."; iii-v, "Avertissement."; vi-xii, "Notions Préliminaires."; [1 pg], "Principes | Élémentaires | De | Mineralogie. | D'Après Le Professeur Werner."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-32, Text.; [33], "Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles."; [34], Blank.; 35-147, Text.; 148-163, "Table | Des Matieres."; 164-166, "Errata."; [At end], 2 plates (hand-colored), showing color gradations.
Very scarce. This mineralogical work outlines a new method of classifying minerals by their external characteristics. The system is based upon that of Werner but is modified in accordance with the principles used by Jean Baptiste Pierre Lamarck for the botanical classification in his Flore Francoise (Paris, 1794). We learn from the title-page of this issue that the book was issued with and with out the two handcolored plates illustrating 80 color gradations.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 769. LKG: XII 148.
2. French, 1798 [First edition, issue B].
Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles | Fondée | Sur Leurs Caracteres Extérieurs | Par H. Struve, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Prix L. 5.10 f. avec les planches coloriées, & L. 3.15 f. sans plances. | [rule] | [tapered rule] | A Paris, | Chez C. Pougens, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue | St. Thomas du Louvre, N°. 246. | Et A Lausanne, | Chez Durand l'ainé & Compagnie, Libraires. | [double rule] | 1798.
4°: xii, 166 p., 2 plates (hand-colored). Pages 124 misnumbered 224, 130 as 30, 156 as 56. Errata, pages 164-166.
Very scarce. Text consists of the same sheets of the first issue, but a new title page with a different publisher and a new year have been incorporated.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 574, 150-1 [NS 1016193].
3. French, 1797/98 [2nd edition, issue A].
Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles, | Fondée | Sur Leurs Caractères Extérieurs, | Par H. Struve, Professeur de Chemie, et | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | A Paris, | De l'Imprimerie des Sciences et Arts, rue Thérèse, | près la rue Helvétius, N°. 538. | [tapered rule] | An VI.
8°: a8 B-L8 M6; 94l.; [i]-xij, [2], [1]-174 p., 2 plates (hand-colored). Page size: 210 x 135 mm. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-v, "Avertissement."; vi-xiii, "Notions Préliminaires."; [1 pg], "Principes Élémentaires dé Minéralogie, d'Après le Professeur Werner."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-34, "Principes Élémentaires de Mineralogie."; [35], "Méthode Analytique des Fossiles."; [36], Blank.; 37-157, Text.; 158-174, "Table des Matières."
4. French, 1798 [2nd edition, issue B].
Méthode | analytique | Des Fossiles, | Fondée | Sur Leurs Caracteres Extérieurs; | Par H. Struve, Professeur la Chemie, et | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | A Paris, | Chez Henry Ta Rdieu. [!] | [rule] | L'An VII.
8°: [2], [i]-xii, [2], 1-174 p., 2 plates (hand-colored). Very scarce.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles," verso blank.; [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-v, "Avertissement."; vi-xii, "Notions Préliminaires."; [1 pg], "Principes | Élémentaires | de | Minéralogie, | dAprès les Professeur Werner."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-32, Text.; 33-34, "Note | des instrumens indispensables ou Mineralogiste." [35], "Méthode | analytique | Des Fossiles."; [36], Blank.; 37-152, Text.; 153-157, "Analyse Générale, | ou | Récapitulation de la Méthode | analytique des Fossiles."; 158-174, "Table | des Matières."; [At end], 2 hand-colored plates.
5. French, 1798 [2nd edition, issue C].
Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles, | Fondée | Sur Leurs Caracteres Extérieurs; | Par H. Struve, Professeur de Chimie, et | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | A Paris, | Chez Henry Tardieu. | [rule] | L'An VII.
8°: π1 a8 B-L8 M6; 95l.; [2], [i]-xii, [2], 1-174 p., 2 plates (hand-colored). Page size: 188 x 122 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles," verso blank.; [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-v, "Avertissement."; vi-xii, "Notions Préliminaires."; [1 pg], "Principes | Élémentaires | dé | Minéralogie, | D'Après Le Professuer Werner."; [1 page], Blank.; 1-32, Text.; 33-34, "Note | Des Instrumens indispensables au Minéralogiste."; [35], "Méthode | Analytique | Des Fossiles."; [36], Blank.; 37-152, Text.; 153-157, "Analyse Générale, | ou | Récapitulation de la Méthode | analytique des Fossiles."; 158-174, "Table | Des Matières."; [At end], 2 plates (hand-colored).
Very scarce. Second edition, first issue. The remanider of the book consists of the sheets of the first issue." "This is a rare mineralogical and geological work which outlines a new method of classifying minerals by their external characteristics. This system is based upon that of Werner but is modified in accordance with the principles used by Lamarck for the botanical classification in his `Flore Francoise'. We learn from the title-page of this issue that the book was issued with and with out the two handcolored plates illustrating 80 color gradations."
6. French, 1799 [2nd edition, issue C].
Méthode analytique Des Fossiles, Fondée sur leurs Caracteres Extérieurs; Par H. Struve ... Paris, Chez Henry Tardieu, L'An VII. [1799].
8°: xii, [2], 174 p., 2 plates (hand-colored). Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 148. NUC: 574, 150-1 [NS 1016192-4].

7. German, 1806.
Handbuch | des | Mineralogen | oder | Methodische Uebersicht | der | Foßilie | nach ihren unterscheidenden, auffallenden oder leicht zu | bemerkenden Kennzeichen, | von | H. Struve, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ausgezogen aus desselben Französischer Handschrift, und übersetzt | durch | D.B. Rätzer, Mitglied mehrerer gelehrten Geselschaften. | [tapered rule] | Mit einer Farbentafel. | [tapered rule] | Bern, bei Bernhard und Ludwig Albrecht Haller. | 1806.
4°: π4 **4 1-324; 132l.; [i]-xvi, [1]-256 p. One double-page engraved and hand-colored plate. Printed throughout on blue paper. Page size: 202 x 126 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Dedication.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-vii, "Vorrede."; [viii], Blank.; ix-xvi, "Druckfehler, Verbesserungen und Zusätze."; [1], "Anfangsgründe | der | Kennzeichenlehre der Foßile | oder | Erklärung der Kunstwörter | die man bei der Bestimmung der Foßile gebraucht."; [2], Blank.; [3]-4, "Einleitung."; [5]-38, "Die äussern Kennzeichen."; 39-44, "Tabellarische | Uebersicht der Foßile."; [45]-148, Text.; [149], "Systematische Eintheilung | der | Metallischen Substanzen."; [150], Blank.; 151-190, Text.; [191], "Oryktognostische | Uebersicht oder Tabelle | der | Metallischen Substanzen."; [192], Blank.; 193-218, Text.; [219], "Gemengte Foßile."; [220], Blank.; 221-236, Text.; [folding colored plate].; 237-256, "Register."
Very rare. Translated by D.B. Rätzer [see note below] from a French manuscript. The author follows the previous work of Johann Georg Lenz and August Johann Georg Carl Batch, both based on Werner, in creating a synthetic method for mineral determination. It also outlines a new method of classifying minerals by their external characteristics, which shows the influence of the principles of Lamarck used in botanical classification as described in his Flore Françoise (Paris, 17??). The instructions given to the reader are very inconsistant, however, and according to the reviewer, could cause the beginning mineralogist to go insane from the chaos presented by the system. The double-page engraved hand-colored plate shows 74 different color shades to help identify minerals.
David Bernhard Rätzer. (Born: Bern, Switzerland?, ; Died: Bern, Switzerland, ) Swiss mineralogist. Swiss mineral collector. His mineral collection is described as having a large number of crystallizations from Gothard Massif. It was purchased by Martinus van Marum in 1802 and later incorporated into Teyler's Museum in Haarlem.
Bibliographical references: Leonard's Taschenbuch: 1, 332-3. LKG: XII 149a. NUC [no copy listed]. (Rätzer) DBA: I 994, 277. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • WBI. • Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: 189.