STRUVE, Heinrich Christoph Gottfried von.
(1772 – 1851)
Biographical references: Biographie Universelle: 40, 342. DBA: I 1243,189; 1243, 192-198; II 1282, 243. Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 1035-6. WBI.
1. Latin, 1789.
Nouvelle Theorie des sources salees et du roc sale appliquee aux salines du Canton de Berne et suivie d'une excursion aux salines d'Aigle. Lausanne, 1788. German translation by J.S. Wyttenbach. Bern, 1789.
8°: Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIV 499.

2. German, 1807.
Mineralogische | Beiträge, | vorzüglich in Hinsicht | auf | Würtemberg und den Schwarzwald, | von | H.v.S. | [rule] | [...6 lines of quotation, signed Buffon...] | [rule] | Gotha, | Ettingersche Buchhandlung. | 1807.
8°: π3 A-M8 N5; 105l.; [i]-v, [1], [1]-202, [2] p. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-v, "Vorrede."-dated 6 August 1807.; [1 page], "Inhalt."; [1], Sectional title page, "Mineralogischer | Ueberblick | der | Gegend | um | Stuttgart."; [2], Blank.; 3-42, Text.; [43], Sectional title page, "Mineralogische | Bemberkungen | auf | einer Reise | von | Stuttgardt über Tübingen nach Sulz, | Alpirsbach und Wittischen im | Schwarzwalde gesammelt."; [44], Blank.; 45-98, Text.; [99], Sectional title page, "Ueber | den | Sulzer Anhydrit | und | seine | Verwandtschaft | zum | Muriacit."; [100], Blank.; 101-126, Text.; [127], "Uebersicht | einiger | Mineralien - Cabinette | in | Stuttgardt."; [128], Blank.; 129-202, Text.; [2 pages], " Verbesserungen und Zusätze | zu den | Mineralogische Beiträgen | von H. v. S."
Very scarce. Concerned with the geology and mineralogy of the Black Forest, the mountain range which is largely composed of gneiss, granite and red sandstone. There are also accounts of the mineralogy of the area surrounding Stuttgart and of that city's mineral cabinet.
Bibliographical references: Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 513. LKG: XIV 319. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 2125.
3. German, 1822.
Beiträge zur mineralogie und geologie des Nördlichen Amerika's. Nach amerikanischen Zeitschriften bearbeitet von Heinrich von Struve ... Hamburg, Bei Perthes & Besser, 1822.
8°: [6], 124 p., title vignette.
Rare. The state of mineralogy in the free states of America is so little known that this treatise was deamed necessary for the friends of nature. In its preparation, the American journals of Benjamin Silliman, the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia and Cleaveland's Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology have been consulted. The first 22 pages contain a listing of minerals found in North America by Struve. The remainder of the volume are devoted to extracts of articles by Schoolcraft, Jessup, Dickson, Troost, among others.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 5, 2038. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 514. LKG: XIV 319. NUC: 574, 150 [NS 1016182]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 2126.