(1836? – ?)

1. Russian, 1866.
[Contained within an ornamental border:] Сътки | Кристалличесихъ Моделей | Съ Изложенiемъ | Началъ Черченiя Кристаллическихъ | Илоскостей. | М. Струговшикова. | [ornate rule] | Съ 16 Литографированпымн Таб. Иицами. | [ornate rule] | С. Петербург, 1866.
Sietki | Kristallichesikh Modeleii | S Izlozhehiem | Nachal Chercheniia Kristallicheskikh | Iloskostei. | M. Strugovshchikova. | [ornate rule] | S 16 Litografirovanpymn Tab. Iitsami. | [ornate rule] | S. Peterburg, 1866.
8°: [2] p., 16 plates (124 cut and paste crystal drawings).
Extremely rare. One of those unusual publications containing crystal diagrams on the 16 plates that were meant to be cut apart, folded and pasted to create 124 3-dimensional crystal models to aid in the study of crystallography. No other copy of this book has been traced.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. NUC [no copy listed]. Personal communication [Petr Szacho, October 2005].