(1790 – 1864)

1. English, 1832 [First edition].
Medical Zoology, | And | Mineralogy: | Or | Illustrations And Descriptions | Of The | Animals And Minerals | Employed In Medicine, | And Of The | Preparations Derived From Them: | Including Also | An Account Of | Animal And Mineral Poisons: | With Figures Coloured From Nature. | By John Stephenson, M.D. F.R.S. | Author Of "Medical Botany." | [rule] | London: | John Wilson, Princes Street, Soho. | [rule] | 1832.
8°: π3 B-2E8 χ1; 178l.; [i]-vi, [1]-350 p., 45 plates (44 hand-colored). Page size: 238 x 140 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Medical Zoology, | And | Mineralogy," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vi, "Preface."; [1]-345, Text.; [346], Blank.; [347]-350, "Index."
Plates: The plates are identical in both the first and second editions. Only a few are signed C. Spratt del, printed G.E. Madeley, Nov. 1, 1831. The subjects covered on the first 30 plates include venomous animals, fish, insects, snakes, scorpions, fish, squids, centipeds, spiders, etc. Plates 31 to 45 render mineralogical subjects including gold, silver, bismuth, copper, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, sphalerite, smithsonite, galena, minium, cerussite, pyromorphite, pyrite, magnetite, pharmacosiderite, mercury, cinnabar, sulphur, amber, barite, calcite, etc.
Scarce. A relatively unknown colored mineralogy with somewhat crude though recognizable mineral depictions of many species. The text describes and illustrates various animals and minerals recognized in the medical science of the nineteenth century. Included are descriptions of many vemonous creatures and minerals from which medical preparations were derived. It was writen as a companion to the author's previous work describing medical botany. The illustrations that accompany the text appear to be original and not copied from some other work.
2. English, 1838 [2nd edition].
Medical Zoology, | And | Mineralogy; | Or | Illustrations And Descriptions | Of The | Animals And Minerals Employed In Medicine, | And Of The | Preparations Derived From Them: | Including Also | An Account of Animal and Mineral Poisons: | With Figures Coloured From Nature. | By | John Stephenson, M.D. F.L.S. | [ornament] | London: | John Churchill, Princes Street, Soho. | MDCCCXXXVIII.
8°: π3 B-2E8 χ1; 178l.; [i]-vi, [1]-350 p., frontispiece (hand-colored), 45 plates (44 hand-colored). Page size: 238 x 140 mm. Scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Medical Zoology, | And | Mineralogy," verso blank.; [Frontispiece.]; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vi, "Preface."; [1]-345, Text.; [346], Blank.; [347]-350, "Index."
Plates: Identical to the first edition except for the newly issued frontispiece absent from that edition.