SPADA, Giovanni Giacomo.
(1680 – 1774)
Spada was archipresbyter at Graz, Italy.
Biographical references: Antonio, N., Biblioteca Hispana Antigua o de los escritores espanoles que brillaron desde Augusto hasta el ano de Cristo de MD. Matriti, Apud viduam et heredes D. Ioachimi Ibarrae, 1788. 2 vols. [Reprinted: Madrid, Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1998; ISBN: 8473923960.]. LKG: p. 304. Phillips, Dictionary of Biographical Reference, 1889: p. 871.
1. Latin, 1737 [Dissertation].
Dissertazione ove si Prova, che li Petrificati Corpi Marini, che nei Monti Adiacenti a Verona si Trovano, non sono Scherzi di Natura, nè Diluviani, ma Antediluviani. (Giunta.) Verona, 1737.
2 parts.
Rare. Dissertation describing the petrified marine bodies found in the mountains adjacent to Verona. Included are descriptions of their nature, and various theories as to their formation in the context of the Deluge.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.358.(1,2.)]. LKG: XIV 631 & 632a.
2. Latin, 1739 [First edition].
Catalogus | Lapidum Veronensium | [{Greek Text}] | Idest propria forma præditorum, | Qui Apud | Joannem Jacobum Spadam | Gretianæ Archibresbyterum | Asservantur. | [ornament] | Veronæ, MDCCXXXIX. | [rule] | Typis Dionysii Ramanzini Biblipolæ apud S. Thomam. | Superiorum Permissu.
8°: [1]-31, [1] p. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.356.(6.)]. LKG: XIV 633b.

3. Latin, 1744 [2nd edition].
Corporum | Lapidefactorum | Agri Veronensis | Catalogus | Quæ Apud | Joan. Jacobum Spadam |
Gretianæ Archipresbyterum asservantur. | Editio altera multo auctior, cui accedunt Annotationes, | & Marmorum quæ in eodem agro reperiuntur | Elenchus. | [ornament] | Veronæ, MDCCXLIV. | [rule] | Typis Dionysii Ramanzinii Bibliopolæ apud S. Thomam. | Superiorum permissu.
4°: A-K4 χ1 ($2 signed); 41l.; [1]-80, [2] p., 10 leaves of plates (including map). Page size: 252 x 184 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-[6], "Nobilissimis Viris | Hieronymo Et Carolo | De Allegriis | Comitibus."; 7-12, "Præfatio."; [13]-80, Text.; [2 pgs], Publisher's list.
Rare. Apparently an expansion of the previous Catalogus Lapidum Veronensium (1739), this is a descriptive catalog of the mineralogical and paleontological specimens in Spada's collection that were found in the vicinity of his native Verona. In this edition, the text has been increased through the inclusion in the descriptions of copious annotations about the specimens.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.358.(3.)]. Hoover Collection: no. 755. LKG: XIV 634c. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 2094.