SMITH, Aquilla.
(1806 – 1890)
Biographical references: Allibone, Dictionary of English Literature, 1859-71. BBA: I 1011, 241-242; II 1768, 370. Boase, Modern English Biography, 1892-1921. WBI.
1. English, 1862.
The Blowpipe Vade Mecum. | [rule] | The | Blowpipe Characters Of Minerals: | Deduced From The Original Observations Of | Aquilla Smith, M.D., M.R.I.A. | Vice-President Of The King And Queen's College Of Physicians. | Alphabetically Arranged And Edited | By | The Rev. Samuel Haughton, M.A., F.R.S., | President Of The Geological Society Of London; | And | Robert H. Scott, M.A., | Secretary Of The Geological Society Of Dublin. | [Ornament, showing an ancient Egyptian working a blowpipe.] | London: | Williams & Norgate, Henrietta-St., Covent Garden. | 1862.
8°: π2 B-I4 K1: 35l.; [4], [1]-65, [1] blank, title vignette. Page size: 215 x 130 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Dublin: Printed at the University Press by M.H. Gill."; [1 pg], "Preface."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-14, "Introduction."; [15]-57, "The Blowpipe Characters of Minerals."; 58-65, "Appendix: Containing a Pyrognostic Arrangement of Simple Minerals hitherto found in Ireland."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. The introduction contains a short history of the blow-pipe.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 550, 402-3.