SCHONBAUER, József Antal.
(1756 – 1807)
Father of Vince [see next entry]. From 1789, Schönbauer was professor ordinary of natural history at the University of Budapest. Then in 1791 he was promoted to professor extraordinary of medicine. He wrote several works concerning the natural history of regions in Hungary, particularly descriptions of insects and birds.
Biographical references: DBA: I 1130, 35-38; II 1175, 202. • Ferchl: 483. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon: 2, 597-8. • Poggendorff: 2, col. 829. • WBI. • Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. German, 1805-9.
Joseph Anton Schönbauer's | [...4 lines of titles and membersips...] | Neue | Analytische | Methode | Die | Mineralien Und Ihre Bestandtheile | Richtig Zu Bestimmen. | [ornate rule] | Ein Leitfaden zur Selbstübung, und zum Selbst- | unterrichte in der Mineralogie. | [ornate rule] | Erster Theil. | [ornate rule] | Wein, | Bey Carl Schaumburg und Comp. | 1805.
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1805] 8°: [56], xl, 331 p. [Vol 2: 1809] 8°: [46], 418 p.
Very rare. After his father's death, Vincent Schönbauer edited and completed the second volume. This work describes the author's new analytic method for the determination and classification of minerals. The first volume contains the mineralogical system, which is quite complex. The second volume includes: 1) concise descriptions of the important characters found in earthy minerals and their constituents; 2) a systematic determination of the terrestrial minerals; 3) a natural system of classification for the terrestrial minerals, including information about their compositions; 4) mixed minerals, which are clearly composed out of single minerals; 5) concerns mineralogical apparatus and its use; 6) a concise mineralogical terminology. Volume two also contains descriptions of mineralogical apparatus, the preparation, examination and refining of reagents, and a glossary of mineralogical terminology.
Bibliographical references: BL [726.g.16.]. • Jonathan Hill, Bookseller: cat. 49, no. 122. • Leonard's Taschenbuch: 5, 327-8. • LKG: XII 223. • Wrany, Pflege der Mineralogie in Böhmen, 1898: pp. 35 & 38.
2. German, 1809.
Determinationssystem (der mineralogisch - einfachen Fossilien). Insbruck [Austria], bei Wagner, 1809.
Double folio size table.
Very rare. This work, probably printed without the knowledge of the author, is a rather incomplete extract from his Neue analytische Methode die Mineralien (1809). In this system the minerals are divided into four classes, namely; a) those which possess either a metallic luster or streak; b) salts; c) combustible minerals and d) those minerals without metallic luster or without the characteristics of the former classes and which are more or less soluable in mineral acids. These last are subdivided according to color, taste, etc. On the reverse is printed Werner's mineral system of 1807, to which is added the beginning of Andres' classification of the common minerals and Blumenbach's system of the rock types.
Bibliographical references: Leonard's Taschenbuch: 5, 328-9. • LKG: XII 223. • Wrany, Pflege der Mineralogie in Böhmen, 1898: pp. 35 & 38.