SCHAUROTH, Carl Friedrich.
(1818 – 1893)
From 1837 to 1839, Schauroth studied mining at the Bergakademie in Freiberg, then mineralogy at Heidelberg (1840). In 1844 he became director (Kustode) of the Herzogl. Kunst- und Naturalienkabinett in Coburg, staying there till the year 1883. Schauroth was active as a field geologist around Coburg from 1850-1865, and specialized in stratigraphy and wrote several scientific papers about the mining, fossils, and geology of the region.
Biographical references: Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, p. 2052-3. Verhandlungen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien: 1893, p. 211-212 [obituary].

1. German, 1861 [Collection Catalog].
Verzeichniss | der | Mineralien | im | Herzoglichen Naturaliencabinet | zu | Coburg. | [ornate rule] | Als Manuskript gedruckt. | [ornate rule] | Coburg. - Dietz'sche Hofbuchdruckerei. - 1861.
8°: [4], [1]-133, [1] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], Foreword.; [1]-115, Description of 3883 mineral specimens, numbered 1-3883.; [116], Blank.; 117-133, Register, including localities.; [1 pg], Blank.
Very rare. Descriptive catalogue of the 3883 mineral specimens in the Herzogl. Kunst- und Naturaliencabinet in Coburg (today the Naturkunde-Museum, Coburg). It was printed in only 126 copies. [Information about the book supplied by Hans-Peter Schröder.]
Bibliographical references: Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 582 [VII 1261].