(1867 – 1940)
(Born: 1867; Died: 1940) Icelandic educator.

Ágrip, 1900
Biographical references: SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: A-26, 318-319; A-19, 149-155. WBI.

1. Icelandic, 1900.
Ágrip | Af | Steinafræði | Eftir | Bjarna Sæmundsson. | [rule] | Prentað sem handrit. | [rule] | [ornate rule] | Reykjavík. | Glasgow-Prentsmiðjan. | 1900.
8°: 55 p., 4 plates.
Rare. This summary of mineralogy is written in the Icelandic language (Steindafræði=mineralogy). Apparently, it was prepared from a manuscript notes used by the author in teaching mineralogy at a techncial school in Reykjavík.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.