(1664 – 1737)
Biographical references: Dyminska, M., "Wiadomosci o surowcach leczniczych pochodzenia naturalnego u polskich fizjografów XVIII Wieku. (Gabriel Rzaczynski i Remigiusz ladowski", Arch. Hist. Medycyny, 34, (1971), 411-23. Fedorowicz, Fauna Polski-Rzaczynskiego, 1966. Orgelbranda, Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1898-1912: 13, 197. PBA: Polskie Archiwum Biograficzne: 491, 55-71. Polski Slownik Biograficzny: 33, 613-5 [by L. Grzebień]. WBI.
1. Latin, 1721.
Historia | Naturalis | Curiosa | Regni Poloniæ, | Magni Ducatus Lituaniæ, | Annexarumq; Provinciarum, | In | Tractatus XX Divisa: | Ex | Scriptoribus probatis, servata primegenia eorum | phrasi in locis plurimis, ex M.S.S. variis, Testi- | bus oculatis, relationibus fide dignis, experimentis, | Desumpta | Operá | P. Gabrielis Rzaczynski Soc. Jesu. | [...one line of titles and memberships] | Sandomierz, | Typis Collegæ Soc. Jesu, Anno 1721.
4°: [14], 456, [16] p.
Very scarce. The first comprehensive survey of the natural history of Poland, it is a rare early monograph containing descriptions of the geology, fauna, flora, astronomy, meteorology, anthropology, medicine and the pharmacology of Poland and the Baltics. A supplemental volume Auctuarium Historiae Naturalis appeared in 1742 in Danzig. In chapter XIV the author offers also one of the earliest sources to the Polish Vampir (Upier), based on the manuscript "Everio atheism" (the destruction of the Atheismus) by the Jesuit Jerzy Gengell.A special section: gemnis, lapidibus insignioribus et rarioribus and "de Plantis officinarum". The last 16p. include the important index and the key to this work.
Contents: De fossilibus, De montibus Carpatis, De aquis mediacatis, De fluminibus et piscibus, De mari Balthico, De arboribus et fruticibus, etc.
Bibliographical references: Agassiz, Bibliographia Geologiæ, 1848-54: 4, p. 232. Berg, Repertorium Literatur Mineralogie, 1862: p. 43. Brunet: 4, 1476. De Backer, Bibliotheque des Ecrivains, 1853-61: 7, 347. Engelmann, Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, 1846: p. 121. Graesse, Trésor de Livres Rares, 1859-69: 6, 199. LKG: XIV 719.

2. Latin, 1742.
Auctarium | Historiæ | Naturalis | Curiosæ Regni Poloniæ, | Magni Ducat. Litvaniæ, | Annexarumque Pro- | Vinciarum, | In | Puncta XII. | Divisum | Studio | P. Gabrielis Rzączynski, | Soc. Jesu. | [rule] | Gedani, | E Typographia Jo. Jac. Preussii.
4°: [1]-504 p. Rare.
Bibliographical references: Berg, Repertorium Literatur Mineralogie, 1862: p. 43. BL [444.b.17.]. Brunet: 4, 1476. LKG: XIV 720a.