RUTLEY, Frank.
(1842 – 1904)
Rutley was educated partly at Bonn, but his interest in geology was kindled at the Royal School of Mines, where he studied from 1862-1865. He then joined the army, and served as lieutenant until 1867, when he became an assistant geologist on the Geological Survey. Working in the Lake district, Rutley began to make a special study of rocks and rock-forming minerals, and soon qualified as acting petrologist for the Geological Survey. For several years be worked in that capacity at the Geological Museum in Jermyn Street. In 1882 he was appointed lecturer on mineralogy at the Royal College of Science, and held this post until ill-health compelled him to retire in 1898.
Biographical references: BBA: I 958, 71. Geological Magazine: July, 1904 [by H.B. Woodward]. WBI.

1. English, 1874 [First edition].
Murby's "Science And Art Department" | Series Of Text-Books. | Edited by Sydney B.J. Skertohly, F.G.S. | [rule] | Mineralogy. | By | Frank Rutley, F.G.S., | H.M. Geological Survey. | [ornament] | London: | Thomas Murby, | 32, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, L.C., | And All Booksellers. | 1874. | [The right of Translation is reserved.]
8°: [i]-x, 1-214 p., 67 text illus. Endpapers contain advertisements. Page size: 162 x 94 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Butler & Tammer. | ..."; [iii], Dedication, "To the Memory | of | My Wife, | Mary E.J. Rutley, | This Little Book | Is | Affectionately Dedicated."; [iv], Blank.; [v]-vi, "Preface."; [vii]-x, "Contents."; [1]-206, Text.; 207-208, "Appendix."; [209]-214, "Index."
Very rare. Written as part of `Murby's Test Books', this little treatise expresses in a clear and simple form that facts that are essential to the general student studying mineralogy. The descriptions are concise, and the selection of material good. The first section provides an introduction to the science stressing the physical properties of minerals, with a chapter on crystallography and one on optical properties. The second part of the volume is taken up by a descriptive mineralogy that lists characteristics of the most commonly encountered mineral species, including metals with occurrences and uses. At the end is a glossary of terms. Immensely popular the book went through twelve editions during the author's lifetime and more after his death, being perhaps the most frequently reprinted textbook in the mineralogical literature (27th edition, 1988).
Contents: Introduction. Part I. Properties Of Minerals. Chapter I. Chemical Composition. Chapter II. The Blowpipe. Chapter III. Physical Properties Of Minerals. Chapter IV. Crystallography. Part II. Description Of Mineral Species. A. Non-Metallic Minerals. B. Metallic Minerals.
Bibliographical references: BMC [wanting]. Nature: 2 July 1874, 161. NUC.

2. English, 1876 [2nd edition].
Murby's "Science And Art Department" | Series Of Text-Books. | Edited by Sydney B.J. Skertohly, F.G.S. | [rule] | Mineralogy. | By | Frank Rutley, F.G.S., | H.M. Geological Survey. | Revised [ornament] Edition. | London: | Thomas Murby, | 32, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, L.C., | And All Booksellers. | 1876. | [The right of Translation is reserved.]
8°: [i]-x, 1-214 p., 66 text illus. (figure 67 of the first edition showing native silver has been deleted). Page size: 160 x 100 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Butler & Tammer. | ..."; [iii], Dedication, "To the Memory | of | My Wife, | Mary E.J. Rutley, | This Little Book | Is | Affectionately Dedicated."; [iv], Blank.; [v]-vi, "Preface," followed by "Preface To The Second Edition."; [vii]-x, "Contents."; [1]-206, Text.; 207-208, "Appendix."; [209]-214, "Index."
Very scarce. "Since the publication of the first edition valuable corrections and additional notes have been made by Prof. John Morris, F.G.S., of University College; Mr. Hilary Bauerman, F.G.S., A.I.C.E. (who has in great part rewritten the section on Coals and Bitumens); and Mr. Thos. Davies, F.G.S., of the British Museum; to all of whom the author would here record his most sincere thanks. Other notes and corrections have also been made. These alterations have done much towards rendering the book trustworthy and useful."-Second Edition Preface.
Bibliographical references: BL [1607/614.]. BMC: 4, 1773. NUC.
3. English, 1887 [3rd edition].
Mineralogy. Third edition, revised and considerably enlarged. London, Thomas Murby, 1887.
8°: vii, [1], 241 p., illus. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: USGS Library Catalog.
4. English, 1897 [10th edition].
Murby's "Science And Art Department" | Series Of Text-Books. | [rule] | Mineralogy. | By | Frank Rutley, G.G.S., | [ line...] | Tenth Edition, Revised And Corrected. | [ornament] | London: | Thomas Murby, | 3, Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. | And All Booksellers. | 1897. | [The right of Translation is reserved.]
8°: 240 p., illus.
Very scarce. Published as a volume in Murby's Science and Art Department series of text-books.
Bibliographical references: USGS Library Catalog.
5. English, 1900 [12th edition].
Mineralogy. 12th edition. London, Thomas Murby, 1900.
8°: vii, 240 p. illus. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: USGS Library Catalog.
6. English, 1902 [13th edition].
Mineralogy. 13th edition. London, Thomas Murby, 1902.
8°: Scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.
7. English, 1908 [15th edition].
Mineralogy. 15th edition. London, Thomas Murby, 1908.
8°: viii, 251 p., illus. Scarce.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1773.
8. English, 1912 [18th edition].
Murby's "Science And Art Department" | Series Of Text-Books. | [rule] | Mineralogy. | [double rule] | By | Frank Rutley, F.G.S. | Late Lecturer on Minealogy in the Royal College of Science, London | Eighteenth Edition | London: | Thomas Murby & Co., | 6, Bouverie Street, E.C. | And All Booksellers | [The right of Translation reserved.]
8°: [i]-viii, [1]-267, [7] p., illus., diagrams. The date of publication taken from the publisher's note, p. iii. Page size: 176 x 114 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], "Preface To The Thirteenth Edition" and "Publisher's Note," describing this the eighteenth edition.; [iv], "The Publishers would draw ..."; [v]-vii, "Contents."; viii, "Abbreviations."; [1]-259, Text.; [260], "To The Student."; [261]-267, "Index."; [1 pg], Blank.; [6 pgs], Advertiesments.
Scarce. Rutley's Mineralogy is a book packed full of information. It contains much more matter than anyone would expect in a book of its size and price, and is the most useful work of its kind on the market.
Sections: Introduction (pp. 1-2). Part I. Properties of Minerals. Chemical Composition (pp. 3-9). The Blowpipe (pp. 10-21). Physical Properties of Minerals (pp. 22-45). Crystallography (pp. 46-70). Part II. Description of Mineral Species (pp. 71-226). Appendix (pp. 227-262).
Bibliographical references: BL. Mining Journal: 1912, ??. Nature: 1912, ??. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
9. English, 1916 [19th edition].
Elements of mineralogy, by Frank Rutley, rev. by H. H. Read, introduction by G. T. Holloway. London, T. Murby & Co., 1916.
8°: xxii, 394 p., illus., diagrams. Very scarce.
Other editions: 22nd edition, 1929. xxii, 394 p., illus.
23rd edition, 1936. 490 p., illus., diagrams.
25th edition, 1953. 525 p., illus., diagrams.
25th edition, revised. 1962. x, 525 p., illus.
26th edition, 1970. xii, 560 p., illus., diagrams.
27th edition, 1988. [512] p., illus., diagrams.
Bibliographical references: USGS Library Catalog.
Rock-Forming Minerals
10. English, 1888.
Rock-Forming | Minerals. | By | Frank Rutley, F.G.S., | Lecturer on Mineralogy in the Royal School of Mines. | [rule] | With 126 Illustrations. | [rule] | London: | Thomas Murby, | 3, Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. | All rights reserved. | [short rule] | 1888.
8°: [i]-iv, [2], [1]-252 p., illus., diagrams.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-iv, "Preface."; [1 pg], "Note On Preparation Of Models."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-237, Text.; 239-246, "Tables Of | Hardness And Specific Gravity Of The | Principle Rock-Forming Minerals."; 247-248, "Bibliography."; 249-252, "Index.";
Very scarce. An elementary textbook for the beginner, Rutley describes the various optical and chemical properties displayed by the different minerals that form rocks upon microscopic investigation.
Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog. Zittel, History of Geology, 1901: p. 336.
11. English, 1894.
Granites | And | Greenstones | A Series of Tables and Notes for | Students of Petrology | By | Frank Rutley, F.G.S. | Lecturer on Mineralogy, Royal College of Science, London | [All Rights Reserved] | London | Thomas Murby | 3 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. | 1894.
8°: [1]-51 p., tables, diagrams. Page size: 210 x 170 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Butler & Tanner | ..."; 3, "Contents."; 4, "Extracts from Works Published between the Years 1820 and 1860."; 5-6, "Prefatory [!] Note."; 7-45, Text.; 46-51, "Index To Determinative Tables."
Very scarce. Granites and Greenstones is the title of a series of tables for the determination of rocks and their essential components. Rutley divides the rocks into Volcanic, Dykes and Sills and Plutonic masses, which he then subdivides.
Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.