RIO, Niccolò da.
(1765 – 1845)
Rio was director of the philosophical and mathematical studies at the University of Padua under Napoleon. Afterward, he became inspector of the forests in the region of Brenta. Rio was a member of the Venetian Institute.
Biographical references: ABI: I 345, 240-244. Dizionario Biografico Italiani. Poggendorff: 1, col. 522. WBI.

1. Italian, 1836.
Orittologia | Euganea | Del Nobile | Niccolò Da Rio | Di Padova | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Padova | Tipografia Cartallier | 1836.
4°: [8], [1]-179, [1] p., 2 large folding plates. Page size: 280 x 210 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Orittologia | Euganea," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Ascendunt montes: et descendunt campi | ..."; [3 pgs], "Indice | De'Capi E De'Paragrafi."; [1 pg], "Avviso."; [1]-170, Text.; [171]-175, "Indice | Dei Luoghi E Delle Cose Contenute | Nella Orittologia Euganea."; [176], Blank.; [177]-178, "Indice | De'Nomi Degli Autori E Delle Persone | Citate Nell'Orittologia Euganea."; [179], "Errata."; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. A topographical work, describing the mineralogy of the Euganean hills of Italy.
Bibliographical references: NUC. Personal communication [Title page supplied by Adriana and Renato Pagano, 2005].
2. Italian, 1836.
Catalogo Ragionato delle Rocce e delle Altre Produzioni Minerali dei Monti Euganei. Tratto dall'Orittologia Euganea. Padua, Cartallier, 1836.
4°: 40 p.
Rare. This text catalogs the minerals and rocks of the Euganean hills of Italy with very complete notes and references. It was written as a supplement to the author's Orittologia Euganea of the same year.
Bibliographical references: Bibliographie Géologique l'Italie, 1881: no. 5633. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1878.