RAIMONDI, Antonio.
(1826 – 1890)
Educated in Milan, Raimondi was appointed the first professor of botany at the University of Lima in 1851. However, he turned his attention to the study of mineralogy and geology of his adopted country, and was one of the first to publish scientific papers on the region.
Biographical references: ABE: III 388, 69-72. ABI: I 825, 188; II 494, 54-55. Balta, J., La Labor de Raimondi. Lima, Imprenta Torres Aguirre, 1926. 87 p. ISIS, 1913-65: 2, 378. Janni, E., La Vita di Antonio Raimondi. Milano, Mondadori, 1940. 280 p. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 351. Paz Soldán, C.E., "Algunas Cartas Inéditas para el Epistolario de Antonio Raimondi", An. Soc. Peruana Hist. Med., 1940, 159-74, 1 facs. Poggendorff: 3, 1084. Varese, S., Antonio Raimondi, 1965, portrait. WBI.
1. Spanish, 1873.
El Departamento | De | Ancachs | Y | Sus Riquezas Minerales | Por | A. Raimondi. | Publicado por Enrique Meiggs. | Lima-Peru | [short rule] | Imprenta de "El Nacional" Por Pedro Lira. | [short rule] | 1873.
2°: [2], [I]-II, [1]-651, [1] p., folding engraved map of the province (33.5 x 24 inches). Page size: 325 x 255 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [I]-II, "Prologo."; [1]-633, Text.; [634], Blank.; [635]-651, "Indice."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. An exhaustive work describing the rich mineral resources of the Peruvian province of Ancachs (or Ancash), located in the west costal region of the country. Treats in general geography, geology, minerals and meterology, but the largest part is devoted to descriptions of mineral deposits and the mines and the properties of the individual mineral species found there.
Bibliographical references: BL [10480.g.14]. NUC: 479, 453-4 [NR 0027684].
2. Spanish, 1874-1914.
[In black:] Antonio Raimondi. | [ornate rule] | [in red:] El Perú | [in black:] Tomo I. | [ornate rule] | Parte Preliminar. | [ornate rule] | [in red, ornament] | [in black:] Lima. | Imprenta Del Estado, Calle De La Rifa Num. 38 | Por J. Enrique Del Campo. | [short rule] | 1874.
6 vols. [Vol 1: 1874] 8°: 444 p. [Vol 2: 1876] 8°: 475 p., 2 folding maps (70x50cm & 45x33cm), 5 page illus. [Vol 3: 1879] 8°: 614 p., 4 folding maps (40x45cm & 37x57cm & 33x58cm & 37x57cm), 5 page illus. [Vol 4: 1902] 8°: 515 p. [Vol 5: 1913] 8°: 201 p. [Vol 6: 1902] 8°: 52 p., 23 plates. Page size: 280 x190 mm.
Rare. Tome I. Parte preliminar [1874]. Tome II. & III. Historia de la geografia del Perú [1876-80]. Tome IV. Estudios mineralógicos y geológicos, primera serie [1902]. Tome V. Estudios mineralógicos y geológicos, sequnda serie. Fasc. I [1913].Very important and monumental six volumes work that includes the two posthumous volumes. It started with the publication of the first volume in 1874 and finished in 1913. The First Book contains: Interesting notes about their reasons for researches and the methods developed for Raimondi in their investigations on Geography, Meteorology, Geology, Mineralogy, Botanic, Zoology, and ethnology, and Journeys reports between 1851-1869. The second contains historic notes of Peru, with the Spaniard Conquest, the missions and their explorations, the first scientific studies of Peru in the XVII & XVIII centuries, La Condamine's Journey, and the territorial evolution of Peru and its Frontiers. The Third Volume is concerning to geographical Explorations, the navigation by almost unknown rivers and places, specially at rain forest or Amazon, more about Peru's Frontiers, impressions and maps of these remote, amazing and hard regions. The Fourth has representatives orographic reports, Rocks Classifications, Mineral Waters and so Peruvian islands( Huano). The Fifth has their called “ geologic itineraries” reports wrote along their vast and transversal journeys from Ocean Pacific to Amazon Bowl near of Atlantic. The sixth and last is an ambitious collection of Fossils and is illustrated with 23 plates. Published by Imprenta del Estado por J. Enrique del Campo in Lima.
Bibliographical references: BL [10481.w.4; 5 vols only]. Internet search. NUC: 479, 453-4 [NR 0027705].

3. Spanish, 1878 [First edition].
A. Raimondi. | [rule] | Minerales Del Perú | ó | Catálogo Razonado | De Una Coleccion Que Representa Los Principales Tipos | Minerales De La Republica | Con Muestra De | Huano Y Restos De Aves | Que Lo Han Producido. | [ornament] | Lima. | Imprenta Del Estado, Called De La Rifa, Número 58. | Por J. Enrique Del Campo. | [ornate rule] | 1878.
8°: [i]-vi, [1]-305 p.
Rare. Original edition of the primary source on the mineralogy of Peru.
Bibliographical references: BL [7106.i.22.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 79. NUC: 479, 453-4 [NR 0027700].
4. Spanish, 1939 [Supplement].
Antonio Raimondi | Minerales del Perú | [rule] | Descripcion Mineralogica Detallada De 1617 | Muestras De La Republica | [rule] | Version Literal Extractada De Sus Cinco Grandes | Cuadernos Manuscritos | Tomo II | Publicado Por El | Supremo Gobierno | Del Peru | 1939.
4°: [I]-X, [1]-609, [1], [9], [1] p. Page size: 318 x 208 mm.
Contents: [I-II], Title page, verso blank.; [III]-X, "Prologo."-signed J.A. Broggi, April 1937.; [1], Sectional title page.; [2], Blank.; 3-609, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [9 pgs], "Indice."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. This work was published from a manuscript left by Raimondi and was intended to supplement his Minerales del Perú (Lima, 1878). The text describes in great detail a collection of 1617 specimens which Raimondi had physically and chemically analyzed. The specimens are classified according to the province in Peru from which they were found and then by the district within the province. Under each sample, the description provides information on the geological environment, chemical analysis, associations, etc.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC: 479, 453-4 [NR 0027699].
5. French, 1878 [French transl.].
A. Raimondi | [wavy rule] | Minéraux Du Pérou | [ornate rule] | Catalogue Raisonné | D'Une Collection Des Principaux Types Minéraux De La République | Comprenant Aussi | Des Échantillons De Guano Et Des Débris Fossilisés | Des Oiseaux Qui L'Ont Produit | [ornate rule] | Traduit de l'espagnol | par | J.-B.H. Martinet | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | Paris | Imprimerie Centrale Des Chemins De Fer | A. Chaix Et Cie | Rué Bergère, 20, Près Du Boulevard Montmartre | 1878.
8°: [1]-336 p. Page size: 232 x 138 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Half title page, "Minéraux Du Pérou," verso blank.; [3-4], Title page, verso blank.; [5]-6, "Introduction."-dated 20 March 1878.; [7]-322, Text.; [323], "Errata."; [324], Blank.; [325]-326, "Table Des Matières."; [327]-336, "Table Alphabétique."
Scarce. Translation by Jean Baptiste H. Martinet [1840-?] of Minerales del Perú (Lima, 1878). The work begins with a short section considering generalities about the minerals of Perú. The observation is made that a high degree of the minerals of economic importance are silver and antimony bearing species. The main text consists of 652 numbered entries, each describing a specific mineral sample. Raimondi provides for each entry information on the exact locality, geological environment, chemistry, and physical characteristics. After describing the non-metallic minerals, the species are divided according to their principal contained metal, i.e. gold, silver, bismuth, copper, iron, etc.