POTT, Johann Heinrich.
(1692 – 1777)
Pott studied under Friedrich Hoffmann and Georg Ernst Stahl at the University of Halle, receiving his M.D. in 1716. In 1737, he was appointed professor of theoretical chemistry at the Collegium Medico-Chirurgicum in Berlin. Later, he was appointed professor of practical chemistry. He also held the position of director of the Royal Hofapothecary. His specialty of research was on the effects of high temperatures on mineral substances.
Biographical references: ADB: 26, 486. Biographie Universelle: 35, 530. DBA: I 975, 52-82. DSB: 11, 109 [by F. Greenaway]. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 221-2. Hufbauer, German Chemical Community, 1982: 176-7. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16: 10, 507-10. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer): 40, col. 901. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 717-22. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 509-10. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1913. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 97. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 1367.
1. Latin, 1739-41.
[In red:] D. Johannis Henrici Pott | [in black:] Chym. et Medic. Profess. S.S. Pruss. Sodal. | Observationum | et | Animadversionum | [in red:] Chymicarum | [in black:] praecipue circa | [in red:] Sal Commune | Acidum Salis Vi- | nosum | [in black:] et | [in red:] Wismuthum | [in black:] Versantium | Collectio Prima. | [double rule] | [in red:] Berolini, | [in black:] Apud Johannem Andream Rüdigerum, 1739.
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1739] 4°: )(4 A-Aa4 Bb3 ($3 signed); 102l.; [8], [1]-197, [1] p. [Vol 2: 1741] 4°: )(2 A-O4 P2 Q2 ($3 signed); 62l.; [4], [1]-120 p.
Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedication.; [1 pg], Blank.; [4 pgs], "Lector Philo-chymice."; [1]-108, "De Sale Communi."; [109]-133, "De Acido Salis Vinoso."; [134]-197, "De Wismuhto."; [1 pg], "Sphalmata Typothetica."
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Lectori Philo-Chymico."; [1]-53, "De Zinco."; 54-104, "De Borace."; 105-120, "De Pseudogalena."
Rare. A collection of dissertations by Pott including monographs on bismuth, zinc and borax. Through his researches, Pott had extended the knowledge of several metals and earths. Zinc, which had only recently been isolated, is shown to be a metallic element. For the first time, he also fully describes Bismuth. These monographs were useful to T.O. Bergman in composing his own dissertations on the same subjects [which see].
Bibliographical references: BL [457.c.31.]. Cole, Chemical Literature, 1988: no. 1056. LKG: VI 8. NUC [NP 0519840].

2. German, 1746 [First edition].
D. Johannis Henrici Pott | Prof. Chym. und Mitgleid der Königl. Academie der Wissenchaften | Chymische | Untersuchungen | Welche fürnehmlich | von der | Lithogeognosia | oder | Erkäntniß und Bearbeitung der gemeinen ein= | facheren Steine und Erden | Ingleichen | Von Feuer und Licht | handeln. | [ornament] | [rule] | Potsdamm, | Bey Christian Friedrich Voß. | 1746.
4°: [8], 88 p.
Rare. The Chymische Untersuchungen and its two supplements gave the results of a reported 30,000 experiments performed by Pott to discover the secret of making porcelain. The King of Prussia had commissioned Pott to discover the secret for making Meissen porcelain. To achieve his goal, he employed the "dry method," heating to high temperature in a furnace, all manner and mixture of substances, mostly mineral in nature. The range of reactions recorded was a model of comprehensiveness in the chemical study of the time and showed conclusively that relative reactivity could be discovered through planned, interrelated analysis. Pott did not discover the secret to making porcelain and fell out of favor with the King. But his published results had wide relevance to manufacture, and were invaluable for the further development of theories regarding chemical affinity.
Bibliographical references: Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: p. 13 & 35. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 221-2. Kobell, Geschichte der Mineralogie, 1864: p. 63. LKG: XI 1. Oldroyd, Neopatonic and Stoic Influences, 1974. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 717-22. Szabadváry, History of Analytical Chemistry, 1966: 52.
3. German, 1751 [Supplement 1].
D. Johannis Henrici Pott | Fortsetzung | derer | Chymischen | Untersuchungen, | welche von der | Lithogeognosie, | oder | Erkäntniß und Bearbeitung | derer | Steine und Erden | specieller handeln. | [double rule] | Berlin und Potsdam, | bey Christian Friedrich Voß. | 1751.
4°: *4 A-P4; 64l.; [8], [1]-120 p. Page size: 214 x 170 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], "Vorrede."; [1]-120, Text.
Very scarce. The first supplement to the original text of the Lithogeognosia.
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 221-22. LKG: XI 1.
4. German, 1754 [Supplement 2].
D. Ioh. Henr. Pott | Zweyte Fortsetzung | derer | Chymischen | Untersuchungen | welche von der | Lithogeognosie | oder | Erkäntniß und Bearbeitung | derer | Steine und Erden | in Anwendung derselben | zur Bereitung Feuersester Gefäße und Tiegel | specieller handeln | nebst Tabellen | über alle drey Theile. | [double rule] | Berlin, | bey Christian Friedrich Voß. | 1754.
4°: π1 a3 b4 A-S4 T2 χ2 A-G5 *4 **2; ??l.; [16], [1]-148, [4], [1]-44, [14], [1]-11, [1] p., one plate (showing vessels and tubes; signed F.H. Frisch sc. Berl.). Page size: 214 x 170 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "Nachdem die von beyden Theilen, ..."; [1 pg], Blank.; [10 pgs], "Vorrede."; [2 pgs], "Beschreibung | des Ofens."; [1]-148, Text [=mostly tables].; [1 pg], Blank.; [2 pgs], "Allgemeine Tabelle."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "Neuer Anhang | zur | Lithogeognosie, | in welchem | die bisher zum Vorschein gekommene | Einwürfe abgelehnet, | auch verschiedene | Physicalisch=Chymische Materien | untersuchet und erläutert werden."; [2 pgs], Blanks.; [3]-44, Text.; [13 pgs], "Register."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-11, "D.I.H. Pott | Apologetischer Anhang zu seiner Abhandlung von dem Feuer= | beständigen und zartflüßigen Urin Salze."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. The second supplement to the original text of the Lithogeognosia.

5. German, 1757 [2nd edition].
D. Johannis Henrici Pott | Prof. Chym. und Mitglied der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften | Chymische | Untersuchungen | Welche fürnehmlich | von der | Lithogeognosia | oder | Erkäntniß und Bearbeitung der gemeinen einfacheren | Steine und Erden | ingleichen | von Feuer und Licht | handeln. | Zweyte Auflage. | so von dem Autore an einigen Orten verbessert und mit einem | neuen Anhange vermehret, darin die bihero zum Vorschein gekommene Beur= | theilungen untersuchet und verschiedene physicalisch= chymische Materien de= | rer Gegner mit neuen Experimenten erläutert werden | wie auch | einem Register | über alle drey Theile. | [double rule] | Berlin, | bey Christian Friderich Voß. | 1757.
4°: *3 A-L4; 47l.; [6], [1]-88 p. Page size: 214 x 170 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "Vorrede."; [1]-84, Text.; 85-88, "Zugabe | Einiger Remarquem über eines neueren berühmten Avtoris | Disseration sur le Feu."
Scarce. Although called a second edition, this apparently is a reprint of the first edition of Chymische Untersuchungen (Postsdamm, 1746) with a new title page and the addition of the two extensive supplements published in 1751 and 1754 [see previous entries].
Bibliographical references: Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 321.
6. French, 1753 [French transl.].
Lithogéognosie | Ou | Examen Chymique | Des Pierres | Et | Des Terres En Général, | Et du Talc, de la Topaze & de la Stéatite | en particulier, | Avec une Dissertation sur le Feu | & sur la Lumiere. | Par M.J. Pott, Docteur en Médecine, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ouvrages traduits de l'Allemand. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Jean-Thomas Herissant, rue | S. Jacques, à S. Paul, & à S. Hilaire. | [double rule] | M DCC. LIII. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 12°: a4 A-S12; ??l.; [i]-viii, [1]-431, [1] p. [Vol 2] 12°: A-L12; ??l.; [1]-267, [5] p.; π4 B-L4 M3; ??l.; [i]-ciii, [1] p.
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; iii-viii, "Préface de l'Auteur pour la premiere Partie de cet Ouvrage."; [1]-215, "Essai Pirotechnique sur la Lithogeognosie, ..."; [216], "Table des Chapitres."; [217]-277, "Examen Pyrotechnique du Talc, ..."; [278]-326, "Examen Pyrotechnique de la Pierre Nommée par les Anciens Steatites, ..."; 327-404, "Essai d'Observations Chymiques et Physiques sur les Proprieétés et les effets de la Lumiere et du Feu."; 405-420, "Supplément de quelques remarques Touchant la Dissertation sur le Feu"; 421-423, "Description du Fourneau de M. Pott."; 424-431, "Corrections & Eclaircissemens."; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 2] [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-30, "Préface aux amateurs de la connoissance de la Nature."; [31]-267, "Des jugemens de quelques auteurs modernes sur la nature & la distribution des Terres ..."; [4 pgs], `Approbation" and "Privilege du Roi."; [1 pg], "Fautes à corriger."; [i], Sectional title page, "[Within a box of double rules:] Table | des effets | des mélanges différents | des terres | de | la Lithogeognosie, | de M. Pott."; ii-lix, `Table des effets ..."; lx-lxxi, "Table de l'Examen Pyrotechnique de la Topz de Saxe."; lxxii-lxxxi, "Table ... du Talc."; lxxxii-ciii, "Table ... de la pierre ... stéatites ..."; [1 pg], Blank.
Scarce. Translated by Didier d'Arclais de Montamy [1703-1765] from Chymische Untersuchungen (Berlin, 1746).[Vol. 2] has title: Continuation de la Lithogéognosie pyrotechnique, où l'on traite plus particulièrement de la connoissance des terres & des pierres, & de la manière d'en faire l'examen"Table des effets des mélanges differents des terres de la lithogeognosie, de M. Pott": ciii p. at end of v. 2
Bibliographical references: Cole, Chemical Literature, 1988: no. 1054-1055. Hoover Collection: no. ??.
7. Latin, 1738 [Collected dissertations].
D. Johannis Henrici Pott Chem. et Medic. Profess. ... Exercitationes chymica sparsim hactenus editae, jam vero collectae restitutae a mendis repurgatae, variisque notis, experimentis et discussionibus ab autore adauctae, illustratae. Berolini, Apud Johannem Andream Rüdigerum, 1738.
4°: [8], 220 p. Title-pages in red and black; head- and tailpieces. Page number 206 misprinted 207. Includes bibliographical references.
Very scarce. Contents: Six dissertations on chemistry. Praeses for no. 1 and 5 are F. Hoffmann, no. 2 M. Alberti, no. 6, H.P. Juch. Respondents are: No. 1, Johann Heinrich Pott, Halae, 1716; no. 2, Augustus Friedrich Pott, Halae, 1720; no. 3, Johann Ludwig Conradi Marpurgi, 1729; no. 4, Johann Heinrich Rahn, Lugdunum Batavorum, 1732; no. 5, Carolo Hoffmann [sic] Halae, 1732; no. 6, Ephraim Fel. Enhoerningh, Erfordiae, 1735. Cf. DNLM.(from t.p.) De sulphuribus metallorum. - De auripigmento. - De solutione corporum particulari. - De terra foliata Tartari. - De acido vitrioli vinoso. - De acido nitri vinoso
Bibliographical references: Bolton, Bibliography of Chemistry, 1893: 1, 750. Cole, Chemical Literature, 1988: no. 1053. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 653.