PACKE, Christopher.
(1670 – 1711)
Biographical references: BBA: I 843, 138. WBI.
1. English, 1693.
[Contained within a double rule box:] Mineralogia: | Or, | An Account of the Prepartation, | manifold Vertues and Uses of a Mineral | Salt, both in Physick and Chyrurge- | ry; which is so safe, pleasant and effe- | ctual in its Operation, that it may be taken by those of all Ages and Con- | stitutions with great Benefit, and with- | out Danger of the least Prejudice. | To which is added, | A short Discourse of the Nature and | Uses of the Sulphurs of Minerals and Metals, | in curing the most Chronical and pertinaci- | ous Diseases. | [rule] | By Chr. Packe, Philo-Chymico- | Medicus. | [rule] | London: | Printed and are to be sold by D. Newman, at | the Kings-Arms in the Poultry, 1693.
8°: A-D8 E2; 34l.; [2], 1-65, [1] p. Rare.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 1-65, Text, dated at end 4 May 1693.; [1 pg], "Advertisement."
Bibliographical references: BL [778.c.35.].