NEUMANN, Franz Ernst.
(1798 – 1895)
Biographical references: ADB: 52, 680. Krollmann, C.A.C., ed., Altpreussische Biographie. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Historischen Kommission für Ost- und Westpreussische Landesforschung. Königsberg, Gräfe und Unzer, 1936-44. Vols 1-2, fasc. 3. [Biographical dictionary of deceased Prussians.]. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 189. DBA: I 893, 322; 893, 325-326; II 944, 182-191. DSB: 10, 26-9. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. ISIS, 1913-65: 2, 219. Poggendorff: 2, col. 275. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1784. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 1248.
1. German, 1823.
Beiträge | zur | Krystallonomie. | [tapered rule] | Von | F.E. Neumann. | [rule] | Erstes Heft. | Mit 12 Tafeln in Steindruck. | [rule] | Berlin und Posen. | Bei Ernst Siegfried Mittler. | 1823.
8°: 152 p., 12 plates, illus.
Rare. A pioneering work that applied for the first time stereographic, gnomonic, clinographic, and linear projection techniques to crystallographical problems. The importance of the work apparently escaped contemporary scientists, however, and only the first part was published. Neumann's ideas were later developed by William H. Miller in Cambridge in 1839, who successfully applied the technique to create his "Miller Indices," whose work was later developed by Axel Gadolin in his studies of symmetry.
Another edition, 1914: Carl Neumann, ed., Franz Neumanns Beiträge zur Krystallonomie aus den Jahren 1823 und 1826. Ein Versuch, den wesentlichen Inhalt dieser vor fast 100 Jahren erschienenen fundamentalen schriften in übersichtlicher und lückenloser Weise darzustellen. 4°: xx, 195-448 p., 66 illus., 22 plates. [Published as: Abhandl. d. physikal. Kl. d. Kgl. Sächs. Gesell. d. Wissenschaften, 33 (1914), no. 3.]
Bibliographical references: Burckhardt, Symmetrie der Kristalle, 1988: p. 58-64. Fabian, Die Entdeckung der Kristalle, 1986: p. 169-170. Lima-de-Faria, Time-Maps of Crystallography, 1990: p. 28.