(1831? – ?)

1. Russian, 1871 [Collection catalog].
Краткiй Каталогъ | Минералогическаго Собранiя | Музеума Горнаго Института. | Составленъ | Полеовникомъ В.В. Нефедьевымъ. | [ornate rule] | С. Петербургъ. | Типографiя Г. Шредеръ (Бывш. Хотинскаго) Гороховая, № 49. | 1871.
Kratkii Katalogi | Mineralogischeskogo Sobraniia | Muzeuma Gornago Instituta. | Sostavlen | Poleovnikom V.V. Nefed'evym. | [ornate rule] | S. Petersburg. | Tipografia G. Shreder (Byvsh. Khotinskago) Gorokhovaia, No. 49. | 1871.
8°: π2 1-368 376 218 223; 307l.; [2], [i]-ii, [1]-588, [1]-19, [3] p. Page size: 193 x 127 mm. uncut.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Печатано съ разръшенiя Совъта Горнаго Института 20 Фсвраля 1871 р. | Генералъ-Лейтенантъ Гельмерсенъ."; [i]-ii, "Преаисловiе."; [1]-588, Text.; [1]-19, "Алфавитный Указатель | Расположенiя Минераловъ."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1], "Опечатки."; [1], Blank.
Translated title: Concise catalog of the mineralogical collection. Mining Institute museum.
Very scarce. Catalog of the mineralogical section of the Museum of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. After the very short introduction, the minerals are listed according to the system of classification described in Dana's System of Mineralogy (5th ed., London, 1868). Localities of the specimens are given for each species described. An alphabetical index to the mineral species follows. The work concludes with a page of errata.
St. Petersburg Mining Institute. Russian institution. The oldest technical institution of higher learning in Russia. It was founded in 1773 as the Mining School and enjoyed a status similar to that of an academy. In 1804 it became the Military School of Mines, in 1833 the Institute of the Corps of Military School of Mines, and in 1866, the Institute of Mines. The St. Petersburg Mineralogical Society was founded at the institute in 1817. Many of the best Russian mineralogists, geologists and mining engineers graduated from this institution.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Grigor'ev, D.P., {\scyr Mineralogi\char31 v Gornom Institute za 175 let.} [Mineralogiia v Gornom Institute za 175 let]., Zapiski Vsesoiuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 77 (1948), no. 3, p. 177-184, 2 plates. [Outlines the 175 year history of the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg, Russia.]: ?????. NUC [DLC copy]. (St. Petersburg Mining Institute) Great Soviet Encyclopedia: 14, 398-9 [by L.N. Kell'].