NAUMANN, Georg Amadeus C.F.
(1797 – 1873)
Naumann was brother of the Freiberg Bergakademie mathematician Constantin August Naumann [1800-1852]. He made a extensive trip through Norway in 1821 and 1822, before becoming a private docent first at Jena in 1823 and then Leipzig in 1824. He was appointed a professor of crystallography and discipliar-Inspector at the Freiberg Bergakademie in 1826. In 1835, his duties increased to include a professorship of geognosy. In 1842, Naumann was named professor ordinary of mineralogy and geognosy at the University of Leipzig. He was elected a foreign member of the French Academy of Sciences and the Saxon Royal Academy of Science.
Biographical references: ADB: 23, 316. American Journal of Science: 107 (1874), 80. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 188. Cleevely, World Palæontological Collections, 1983: 212. DBA: I 885, 378; II 937, 254-258. DSB: 9, 620. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 309. Leopoldina: 9 (1874), 83-7. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie: 1874, 147-54 [By H.B. Geinitz]. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 257-8 & 3, 958. Proceedings of the Geological Society, London: 1874, p. l-li [By Duke of Argyll]. Rast, H., "Als C.F. Naumann vor 100 Jahren die Hohburger Berge geologisch kartierte", Rundblick, 21, (1974), no. 1, 42-4. Rast, H., "C.F. Naumann entdeckte die Felsschliffe in den Hohburger Bergen", Rundblick, 21, (1974), no. 2, 173-6. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1777-8 & Suppl. 1 (1986), 2, 654. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 84. Schiffner, Alter Freiberger Bergstudenten, 1935-40: 1, 30-1. Wagner, Mineralogisch Durchforschung Sachsens, 1902: p. 111-6. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 1242.
1. German, 1824.
Beyträge zur Kenntniß Norwegen's, gesammelt auf Wanderungen während der Sommermonate der Jahre 1821 und 1822, von Carl Friedrich Naumann ... Leipzig, A. Wienbrack, 1824.
2 vols. [Vol 1] xx, 243 p. [Vol 2] xvi, 406, [2] p., 9 plates (folding, 4 hand-colored).
Very scarce. Description of Naumann's mineralogical trip to Norway in the summer months of 1821 and 1822, before becoming an important instructor at the Bergakademie in Freiberg.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077139]. Schiötz, Utlendingers Reiser i Norge, 1970-86: 719.
2. German, 1825 [Dissertation].
De | Hexagonali | Crystallinarum Formarum | Systemate | Pars Prior. | [rule] | Dissertatio | Quam | In Academia Lipsiensi | Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis Auctoritate | Pro | Venia Docendi Et Pro Juribus | Magisterii Lipsiensis Consequendis | Illustris Ictorum Ordinis Concessu | In Auditorio Juridico | Die V. Febr. MDCCCXXV | Accumto A Meridie Socio | Carolo Maier | Gothano | Philologiae Studioso | Publice Defendet Auctor | Carolous Fridericus Naumann | Dresdensis | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Lipsiae | Ex Officina Glubchii | MDCCCXXV.
2 parts. [Part 1] [4], [1]-48 p. [Part 2] [2], [49]-81, [1] p., one plate showing 3 figs. of crystal drawings. Page size: 195 x 120 mm.
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Quotation in Latin signed Paulus Manutius.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-47, Text.; 48, "Theses." [Part 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [49]-81, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], One plate.
Rare. Naumann's dissertation in which he describes occurrances of the hexagonal crystal system in nature including minerals, basalts, chemicals, etc.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077140].
3. German, 1826.
Entwurf | der | Lithurgik | oder | ökonomischen Mineralogie, | ein | Leitfaden | für | Vorlesungen, | von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Leipzig, | bei Adolph Wienbrack. | [short rule] | 1826.
8°: xx, 300 p. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. NUC: 408, 403-5 [no copy listed].
4. German, 1826.
Grundriss der Krystallographie. Leipzig, 1826.
8°: xxiv, 408 p., 3 plates. Rare.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077165].
5. German, 1828.
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | D. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor an der Bergakademie in Freiberg. | [tapered rule] | Mit einem Atlas von 26 Taflen. | [tapered rule] | Berlin bei August Rücker. | [short rule] | 1828.
8°: xvi, 643 p., 26 plates.
Rare. Forming volume one of the Encyclopädie der speciellen Naturgeschichte.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC [no copy listed].

6. German, 1829-30.
Lehrbuch | der | reinen und angewandten | Krystallographie | von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor an der Bergakademie zu Freiberg. | [rule] | In zwei Bänden. | Erster Band. | Mit 22 Kupfertafeln. | [tapered rule] | Leipzig: | F.A. Brockhaus. | [rule] | 1830.
2 vols. and atlas. [Vol 1] 8°: π6 1-318 324 335; 263l.; [i]-x, [2], [1]-511, [3] p. [Vol 2] 8°: π5 1-348 354 362 2332; 283l.; [i]-vii, [3], [1]-556 p. [Atlas] 39 plates labeled Taf I-Taf XXXIX showing crystal drawings. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Half title page, "Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann's | Lehrbuch | der reinen und angewandten | Krystallographie. | [rule] | Erster Band.", verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v], Dedication to Mohs and Weiss.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-x, "Vorwort."-signed Carl Naumann.; [2 pgs], Publisher's list.; [1]-511, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Verbesserungne."; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 2] [i-ii], Half title page, "Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann's | Lehrbuch | der reinen und angewandten | Krystallographie. | [rule] | Zweiter Band.", verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vii, "Vorwort."-signed Carl Naumann.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Half title page repeated.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-516, Text.
[Atlas] No Title page. The atlas consists of 39 plates labeled Taf I-Taf XXXIX showing crystal drawings.
Very scarce. His "Lehrbuch der reinen und angewandten Krystallographie" (1830) was even more important in that Naumann introduced a novel method for the designation and treatment of crystal forms, which greatly simplified and coordinated those of Weiss and Mohs and which was adopted almost immediately by German crystallographers. Naumann also analyzed the tetragonal system in this work and commenced an examination of the incomplete symmetry of some crystals, which led to many published descriptions of tetartohedrism and hemimorphism. Although Naumann continued to write on crystallography, his central interest turned to geognosy.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077170].
Anfangründe der Krystallographie
7. German, 1841 [First edition].
Anfangründe der Krystallographie. Von Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann ... Mit 25 Steindrucktafeln. Dresden & Leipzig, In der Arnoldischen Buchhandlung, 1841.
8°: xii, 302, [2] p., 25 plates.
Rare. Naumann develops the study of crystallography from a mathematical standpoint, and creates a very well received, advanced textbook on the subject. It is illustrated with a series of lithographic plates, which show apparatus and crystal drawings.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077137].
8. German, 1854 [2nd edition].
Anfangsgründe | der | Krystallographie. | [rule] | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor an der Universität zu Leipzig. | [rule] | Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 26 Steindrucktafeln. | [rule] | Leipzig, | Arnoldishe Buchhandlung. | 1854.
8°: [1]-xvi, [1]-292 p., 26 lithographic plates. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Anfangsgründe | Der | Krystallographie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vi, "Vorrede zur ersten Auflage."; [vii]-viii, "Vorrede zur zweiten Auflage."; [ix]-xvi, "Inhaltsverzeichniss."; [1]-278, Text.; 279-292, "Anhang. Ueber die allgemeine Entwicklung und graphische | Darstellung der Zonen."; [At end], 26 plates.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077138].
Elemente der Mineralogie

9. German, 1846 [First edition].
Elemente | der | Mineralogie | von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor an der Universität Leipzig. | [rule] | Mit 157 in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. | [rule] | Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann. | [rule] | 1846.
8°: xii, 440 p., 157 illus.
Rare. This is the first appearance of Naumann's Elements of Mineralogy a deservedly praised textbook, which became the most popular instrument in the German university system of the last half of the nineteenth century. During his lifetime, on a regular basis Naumann revised and enlarged the text, thus keeping in step with all the latest discoveries in the science. After his death in 1873, the tenth edition of the work appeared under the editorship of one of his former students, Ferdinand Zirkel, a renowned mineralogist in his own right.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077141].
10. German, 1850 [2nd edition].
Elemente der Mineralogie. Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1850.
8°: xvi, 478, [2] p., 362 text illus. Rare.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077142].
11. German, 1852 [3rd edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Carl Friederich Naumann, | Professor An Der Universität Leipzig. | [rule] | Dritte, Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 385 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [tapered rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1852.
8°: [i]-xvi, [1]-448 p., 385 woodcut illus. Page size: 152 x 225 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elemente Der Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v], "Vorwort."-signed C.F. Naumann, 26 June 1846.; [vi]-vii, "Vorrede zur zweiten Auflage."-signed C.F. Naumann, 6 July 1850.; [viii], "Vorrede zur dritten Auflage."-signed C.F. Naumann, 30 May 1852.; [ix]-xvi, "Inhalt."; [1]-440, Text.; [441]-448, "Register."
Very scarce. Prof. Naumann in his excellent work, commences with crystallography, the elements of which are presented without entering into mathematical formulas. The physical and chemical characters and classification of minerals occupy the next 90 pages, and are treated with much detail and system. In his classification of species, which is related to that of Mohs, he adopts 16 classes: - I. Hydrogenoxyd; II. Hydrolytes; III. Chalcites; IV. Haloids; V. Earths; VI. Geolites; VII. Amphoterolites; VIII. Chalcolites; IX. Tantalitoids; X. Metalloxyds; XI. Metals; XII. Glances or Galenoids; XIII. Pyritoids; XIV. Cinnabarites or Blendes; XV. Thiolites; XVI. Anthracides. The arrangement is quite similar to that adopted (as a modification of Mohs's system) in the 1st and 2nd editions of Dana's Mineralogy. The author enumerates and describes 643 species of minerals, giving the crystallography and chemical characters of each briefly but with precision, and mentioning the prominent localities.
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 2nd Series, 15 (1853), 430. BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077143].
12. German, 1855 [4th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr.Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor An Der Universität Leipzig. | [rule] | Vierte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 398 Figuren in Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1855.
8°: [i]-xvi, [1]-479, [1] p., illus. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elemente Der Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-viii, "Vorwort" (=reprints of the `Vorworts' from the first to the fourth editions.).; [ix]-xvi, "Inhalt."; [1]-470, Text.; [471]-479, "Register."; [1 pg], "Druck von Breitkopf und Härtel in Leipzig."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077144].
13. German, 1859 [5th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Fünfte, Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 483 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1859.
8°: [iii]-xvi, [1]-460 p., 483 illus. "Literatur", p. 5-6. Page size: 152 x 225 mm. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, verso blank? [not present in copy examined.]; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Das Recht der englischen und französisichen Uebersetzung dieser fünf- | ten Auflage hat sich der Verleger vorbehalten."; [v]-viii, "Vorwort."-signed C.F. Naumann, 30 December 1858.; [ix]-xvi, "Inhalt."; [1]-6, "Einleitung."; [7]-176, "Präparativer Theil."; [177]-451, "Applicativer Theil."; [452]-460, "Register zur Physiographie."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077145].
14. German, 1864 [6th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Sechste, Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 718 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1864.
8°: xvi, 500 p., 718 woodcut illus. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077146].
15. German, 1868 [7th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Siebente vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 796 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von W.Engelmann. | 1868.
8°: [i]-xv, [1], [1]-566 p., 796 illus. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elemente Der Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Das Recht ..."; [v]-viii, "Vorwort" (=reprints sections from the `Vorworts' from the previous editions.).; [ix]-xv, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], "Verbesserungen und Zusätze."; [1]-566, Text.; [557]-566, "Register der Physiographie."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077147].
16. German, 1871 [8th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Achte, Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 836 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1871.
8°: xvi, 606 p., 836 woodcut illus. Scarce.
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 102 (1871), 232. BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077148].
17. German, 1874 [9th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Neunte, Vermehrte Und Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 871 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [tapered rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1874.
8°: π8 1-408 417; 335l.; [i]-xv, [1], [1]-654 p., 871 woodcut illus. Page size: 232 x 146 mm. Scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elemente Der Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Das Recht der englischen und französischen Uebersetzung dieser neunten Auflage | hat sich der Verleger vorbehalten."; [v]-viii, "Vorwort."; [ix]-xv, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], "Verbesserungen und Zusätze."; [1]-8, "Einleitung."; [9]-197, "Präparativer Theil."; 198-644, "Zweites Hauptstück."; [645]-654, "Register zur Physiographie."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077149].
Zirkel's Stewardship
In 1873 after the death of Naumann, authorship of the Elemente der Mineralogie transferred to Ferdinand Zirkel [1838-1912]. One of the best mineralogists of the time Zirkel continued the textbook authoring six more editions until the last issue appeared in 1907.
18. German, 1877 [10th edition].
Elemente | der | Mineralogie | von | Carl Friedrich Naumann. | [rule] | Zehnte, Gänzlich Neubearbeitete Auflage | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel, | Ord. Professor Der Mineralogie Und Geognosie An Der Universität Leipzig. | [rule] | Mit 891 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1877.
8°: π6 1-448 455; 363l.; [i]-xii, [1]-714 p., 891 woodcut illus. Page size: 228 x 150 mm. Scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elemente Der Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Das Recht der englisher und französischen Uebersetzung..."; [v]-vi, "Vorrede."-signed F. Zirkel, September 1877.; [vii]-xii, "Inhalt."; [1]-698, Text.; [699]-703, "Zusätze und Berichtigungen."; [704]-714, "Register zur Physiographie."
Ferdinand Zirkel. (Born: Bonn, Germany, 20 May 1838; Died: Bonn, Germany, 11 June 1912) German mineralogist, petrographer & geologist. Zirkel was educated in his native town, and graduated Ph.D. at the university in 1861. In early years he was engaged in teaching geology and mineralogy in Vienna. He became professor of geology in 1863 at the University of Lemberg, in 1868 at Kiel, and in 1870 professor of mineralogy and geology in the University of Leipzig.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077150]. (Zirkel) American Journal of Science: 4th Series, 184 (1912), 228. • Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 289. • Ber.Verh.sächs.Akad.Ges.Wiss., Leipzig, Germany, Math.-Phys.Kl.: : 64 (1912), 499-508. • DBA: I 1416, 381-382; II 1450, 87-100. • Der Geologie: 12 (1914), 7 p. • DSB: 14, 625 [by G.C. Amstutz]. • Freund & Berg, Geschichte der Mikroskopie, 1966. • Math. Naturw. Blätter: 9 (1912), no. 10, 145-6. • Nature: 76 (1907), 605. • Poggendorff: 3, 1487, 4, 1693 & 5, 1412. • Proceedings of the Geological Society, London: (1912-3), lv-lvii. • Quarterly Journal of Geological Society of London: 69 (1913), ??. • Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2489-90. • Science: 36 (1912), 48. • WBI. • World Who's Who in Science: 1847. • Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Monatsberichte: Jg. 1912, no. 7, 354-63, portrait. • Zeitschrift prakt. Geol.: Jg. 1912, 383. • Zentralblatt für Mineralogie: Jg. 1912, 513-22, portrait.
19. German, 1881 [11th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Carl Friedrich Naumann. | [short rule] | Elfte, Vollständig Neu Bearbeitete Und Ergänzte Auflage | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel, | Ord. Professor der Mineralogie und Geognosie an der Universität Leipzig. | [short rule] | Mit 918 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1881.
8°: [i]-xii, [1]-735 p., 918 woodcut illus. Scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Das Recht ..."; [iii]-iv, "Vorrede Zur Zehnten Auflage."-signed F. Zirkel, September 1877.; [v], "Vorrede Zur Elften Auflage."-signed F. Zirkel, June 1881.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-xii, "Inhalt."; [1]-724, Text.; [725]-735, "Register zur Physiographie."; [1 pg], "Druck von Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077151].
20. German, 1885 [12th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Begründet Von | Carl Friedrich Naumann. | [short rule] | Zwölfte, Vollständig Neu Bearbeitete Und Ergänzte Auflage | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [short rule] | Mit 951 Figuren In Holzschnitt. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann | 1885.
8°: [i]-xii, [1]-782 p., 951 woodcut illus. Page size: 230 x 154 mm. Scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Das Recht der englischer..."; [iii]-iv, "Vorrede Zur Zehnten Auflage."-dated September 1877.; [v], "Vorrede Zur Elften Auflage."-June 1881.; [vi], "Vorrede Zur Zwölften Auflage."-August 1885.; [vii]-xii, "Inhalt."; [1]-759, Text.; [760]-766, "Anhang."; [767]-768, "Zusätze und Berichtigungen."; [769]-770, "Register zum Allgemeinen Theil."; 771-782, "Register zur Physiographie."
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077152].
21. German, 1897-8 [13th edition].
Elemente der Mineralogie. Begründet von Carl Friedrich Naumann ...
Dreizehnte vollständig umgearbeitete Auflage von Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1897-8.
8°: xi, [1], 798 p., 1003 woodcut illus.
Scarce. Issued in two parts, the text of this edition has been throughly revised reflecting the great progress in mineralogy since the previous edition of twelve years earlier. The first section treats crystallographic, physical, and chemical properties of minerals, while the second is a description of the species.
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 153 (1897), 424. BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077153].
22. German, 1901 [14th edition].
Elemente | der | Mineralogie | Begründet von | Carl Friedrich Naumann | (1873{†}) | Vierzehnte neu bearbeitete und ergänzte Auflage | von | Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel | Ord. Professor der Mineralogie und Geognosie an der Universität Leipzig, | K.S. Geheimen Rath | [rule] | Mit 1085 Figuren im Text | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann | 1901.
8°: xi, 807 p., 1085 illus. Scarce.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077154].
23. German, 1907 [15th edition].
Elemente | Der | Mineralogie | Begründet Von | Carl Friedrich Naumann | (1873†) | [short rule] | Fünfzehnte, Neu Bearbeitete Und Ergänzte Auflage | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [short rule] | Mit 1113 Figuren im Text | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann | 1907.
8°: i-xi, [1]-821, [3] p., 1113 illus. (insturments, diagrams, crystal drawings). Page size: 230 x 156 mm. Very scarce.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte ..."; [iii]-vi, "Vorrede Zur Zehnten [-Fünfzehnten] Auflage."; [vii]-xi, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-792, Text.; [793]-801, "Anhang."; [802]-806, "Register zum Allgemeinen Teil."; [807]-821, "Register zur Physiographie."; [1 pg], "Druck von Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig."; [2 pgs], Advertisements.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077155].
Spanish edition
24. Spanish, 1891 [Spanish transl.].
Elementos de Mineralogia, publicados primero por Carlos Federico Naumann y continuados después de la muerte de éste por el Dr. Fernando Zirkel ... Traduit de la duodécima et alemana por D. Juan José Muñoz de Madariaga ... Madrid, Estab. tip. de los hijos de Lapuente, 1891.
8°: xvi, 995, [4] p.
Rare. Translated by Juan Jose Muñoz de Madariaga from Elemente der Mineralogie (12th ed., Leipzig, 1885), this edition was created especially to be used in the school of engineering in Madrid.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077157].
Elemente der theoretischen Krystallographie
25. German, 1856.
Elemente | der | theoretischen | Krystallographie | von | Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumann, | Professor an der Universität Leipzig. | [rule] | Mit 86 Holzschnitten. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann. | 1856.
8°: π8 1-248; 200l.; [i]-xvi, [1]-383, [1] p., 86 woodcut illus. Page size: 226 x 145 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-viii, "Vorrede."-signed Carl Friedrich Naumann, 13 January 1856.; [ix]-xvi, "Inhalt."; [1]-383, Text.; [1 pg], "Druck von Breitkopf und Härtel in Leipzig."
Scarce. This important theoretical crystallography textbook is divided into two sections. Beginning from an introduction to analytical geometry, Naumann develops the foundation of crystallographic studies from a mathematical viewpoint. General topics covered include axis definitions, space groups, zoning, and twinning. The later section (pp. 73-383) applies the introductory material to detailed discussions of each crystal system class: tessular (cubic), tetragonal, hexagonal, rhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. Within each of these systems Naumann provides in depth observations on the formation of the class, variations that are encountered, distortion of the axes, twinning, etc.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 3, 1402-3. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 77. NUC: 408, 403-5 [NN 0077156].
Comparaison et transformation des notations cristallographiques de Lévy ... Naumann, Dana. (Paris, 1874).See under: Selle, Albert De..