GADD, Pehr Adrian.
(1727 – 1797)
Gadd was educated at the University of Åbo, graduating with a philosophical degree. In 1750, he was appointed a docent in natural history. With the support of University and public funds, he undertook travels in 1753 to 1755 throughout Finland to study nature and economics. Upon his return Gadd was appointed professor of physics, economics and chemistry at the University of Åbo. In this capacity, he showed his skill as an operative chemist, knowledge which he passed on to his many students. Gadd was a member of the Kungliga Svenksa Vetenpskapademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Science), and other learned societies.
Biographical references: Biographiskt Lexicon. Ersch & Gruber, Allgemeine Enzykopädie, 1818-89. Finsk Biografisk Handbok: 1, cols. 720-2. Hjelt, Naturalhistoriens Studium, 1896. Hultin, A., "Pehr Adrian Gadd. Till tvåhundraårsminnet av hans födelse", Finsk Tidskrift, 102, (1927), 366-77. Laitakari, Geologische Bibliographie Finnlands, 1934: 53-6. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Oma Maa, 1907-12: 4, 605-9 [by E.I. Hjelt]. Poggendorff: 1, col. 826. SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: B-086, 130-153. Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexikon: 1, 376. Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon: 16, 698. Tigerstedt, R. "Kemins studium vid Åbo universitet", Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, 42, (1899), 210 p. WBI.

1. Swedish, 1787.
Inledning | Til | Sten=Rikets | Känning, | Efter samlade rön och an- | märkningar, | Academiske Ungdomen | Til Tjenst, | Författad och utgifwen | Af | Pehr Adr. Gadd, | […8 lines of titles and membeships…] | [double rule] | Åbo, | Tryckt i Frenckellska Boktryckeriet | År 1787, på egen bekostnad.
8°: [1]-146, [2] p.
Very rare. Gadd's introduction to the science of mineralogy, containing many good observations on Swedish minerals.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung: 1790, I, p. 333. Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 15 (1787), 232. BL [B.243.(1.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 48. LKG: XII 116 & XVI 15. NUC [no copy listed].
2. Swedish, 1759 [Dissertation].
Chemisk och Oeconomisk Afhandling om Brånne-torf under ... P.A. Gadds inseende ... Repondent Jacob Foenander. Åbo, [1759].
4°: [8], 18 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Jacob Foenander [1731-1807], respondent.
Jacob Foenander. (Born: 1731; Died: 1807) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.234.(11.)]. LKG: XVI 440. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1062. (Foenander)
3. Latin, 1766 [Dissertation].
D.D. | Dissertation Chemica, | De | Exhalationibus Mineralium, | Quam | Venia Amplissimæ Facult. Philos. Academiæ Auraicæ, | Sub Præsidio | Amplisimi atque Celeberrimi Domini, | Mag. Petri Adriani | Gadd, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Modeste eruditorum examini submittit | Carolus Nicol. Hellenius, | Amanuensis in Laboratorio Chemico. | Tavastia-Fenno. | In Audit. Majori Die XX. Dec. A. MDCCLXVI. | H.A.M.S. | [rule] | Aboæ, | Impressit Joh. C. Frenckell.
4°: [4], 23, [1] p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Carl Nicolas Hellenius [1701-1768], respondent. The "Brakengeruch" of the sea and the resulting sea sickness that results from it, Gadd attributes to the salty exhalations of the sea, which are not however of alkaline nature. The suffocating vapor (Mephitis) he considers as vitrolic, and believes that it also gives an arsenical scent, if a small amount of arsenic is present. There follows descriptions of sulfur-like and petroleum-like vapors. These last, Gadd believes are responsible for fire, though he notices a sulfur smell from the combustion fumes of petroleum.
Carl Nicolas Hellenius. (Born: 1701; Died: 1768) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 621. BL [B.371.(3.)]. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 288. LKG: IX 7. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1088. (Hellenius) Finsk Biografisk Handbok. • SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-113, 366-377. • Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexikon: 1, 484. • Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. • WBI.
4. Swedish, 1767 [Dissertation].
J.G.N. | Anleedningar; | At Til | Finska Mineral | Historiens | Upkomst, | Rätt Kunna | Känna och Pröfva | Jordarter. | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Herr Pehr Adrian | Gadds | Inseende, | Utigisne och Förfvarade | af | Salomon Savenius | Tav:st Fiance, | I Äbo Academiens Öfre Lärosal pä vanlig tid | Eftermiddagen d. 5. December 1767. | [rule] | Äbo, Tryckt i Kongl. Academiæ Bektryckeriet.
4°: [2], [1]-22 p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-22, Text.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Salomon Savenius [†1811], respondent.
Salomon Savenius. (Born: c1741; Died: 1811) Swedish physician. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.229.(2.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 92. LKG: XIV 795. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1092. (Savenius) SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-283, 041-042. • WBI.
5. Latin, 1767 [Dissertation].
D.D. | Dissertatio Academica, | Indicia | Mineralogiæ | Fennicæ, | Ab Ortu Christianismi | Ad Jacta | Fundamenta Academiæ | Aboensis | Delineans, | Quam | Consensu Ampliss. Senat. Phil. in Reg. Acad. Aboënsi, | Præside, | Viro Amplissimo atque Celeberrimo | Dn. Petro Adriano | Gadd, | Direct. Oeconom. Reg. Chem. Profess. Ord. | Reg. Acad. Scient. Membr. | Publicoi Examini submittit | Regius Stipendiarius | Daniel Hirn, | Wiburgensis. | in Audit. Maj. d. XXVIII. Nov. Anni MDCCLXVII. | H.A.M.S. | [rule] | Aboæ, Impressit in Typographia ad Regiam Academiam.
4°: [4], 12 p.
Very scarce. Disseratation - Daniel Hirn [1744-1822], respondent.
Daniel Hirn. (Born: 1744; Died: 1822) Swedish theologian. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.396.(2.)]. LKG: I 3. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1091. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 877. (Hirn) SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-118, 269-270. • WBI.
6. Latin, 1767 [Dissertation].
Disseration Academica, | Indicia | Mineralogiæ | In Fennia | Sub Gentilismo | Delineans, | Quam | Consens. Ampliss. Philos. Ordine in Reg. ad Auram Acad. | Præside | Viro Amplissimo atque Celeberrimio | Dn. Petro Adriano | Gadd, | Direct. Oeconom. Reg. Chem. Profess. Ord. | Reg. Acad. Scient. Membr. | Nec non Facult. Philos. h.t. Decano. | Ad diem III. Junii Ann. MDCCLXVII. in Audit. Sup. | H.A.M.S. | Publicæ disquisitoni modeste submittit | Carolus Robertus Giers, | Satacunda-Fenno. | [rule] | Aboæ | Impressit Joh. Christoph. Frenckell.
4°: [2], [1]-14 p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-14, Text.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Carl Robert Giers [1741-1791], respondent.
Carl Robert Giers. (Born: 1741; Died: 1791) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.396.(1.)]. LKG: I 4. NUC [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1089. (Giers)
7. Swedish, 1768 [Dissertation].
Upgifter i Lithologien at rätt kunna känna och pröfva kalkaktige Stenarter. Respondent Gabriel G[abrielis] Aspegren. Åbo, 1768.
4°: [4], 25, [1] p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Gabriel Aspegren [1708-1784], respondent.
Gabriel Aspegren. (Born: 1708; Died: 1784) Finnish educator. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.397.(3.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 30. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1770, p. 1151. LKG: XVI 308. NUC [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1094. (Aspegren) Finsk Biografisk Handbok. • SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-014, 358-363. • WBI.
8. Swedish, 1768 [Dissertation].
Specimen Geurgiae Fennicae. Respondent Jacob Malleen. Aboae, Impressit J.C. Frenckell, 1768.
4°: [2], 30 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Jacob Malleen [1745-1816], respondent. Describes a classification scheme for earths, stones, and minerals.
Jacob Malleen. (Born: 1745; Died: 1816) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1093. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 876. (Malleen)
9. Swedish, 1768 [Dissertation].
M.G.H. | Mineralogisk Afhandling, | Om | Finska | SielffrÅtsten, | [rule] | Med Wederbörandes samtycke, |Vid Kongl. Lärosätet i Åbo, | Under | Nuvarande Rectoris Magnifici, | Plantage Directeurens, Chemie Professorens, samt | Ledamotens af Kongl. Svenska Vet. Academien, | Herr Pehr Adrian | Gadds | Inseende, | För Lager-Krantsen, | Utigisven och Forsvatad | Uti Academiens Öfre LÅrosal, | Den 20. December 1768. | af | Joseph Moliis, | Osterbothninge | [rule] | Åbo, Tryckt hos Joh. C. Frenckell.
4°: [4], [1]-18 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Joseph Moliis [1747-1822], respondent.
Joseph Moliis. (Born: 1747; Died: 1822) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.379.(15.)]. LKG: XIII 117. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1095. (Moliis)
10. Latin, 1769 [Dissertation].
Observationes Chemico-Physicæ de Originaria Corporum Mineralium Electricitate. Respondent Benedictus Jac[obus] Ignatius. Aboae, 1769.
4°: 14 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Benedictus Jacobus Ignatius 1746-1803], respondent. Concerns the origin of electricity in mineral bodies.
Benedictus Jacobus Ignatius. (Born: 1746; Died: 1803) Finnish dean. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 290. LKG: X 2 & XIV 796a. NUC [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1098. (Ignatius) SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-133, 233-234. • WBI.
11. Latin, 1769 [Dissertation].
D.A.G. | Observationes | Mineralogico | Metallurgicæ | De | Monte Cuprifero | Tilas Wuori | Quas | Suffragio Amplissimi Ordinis Philosophici in Illustri ad | Auram Fennonum Atheneo | Præside Viro amplissimo atque Celeberrimo | Dn. Mag. Petro | Adriano Gadd. | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Pro Gradu | Publico Examini submittit | Stipendarius Regius | Jacob Malleen. Filius. | Tavastia Fenno | Horis Ante Meridicin Soltis | In Auditorio Majori Die XIX. Junii Anni MDCCLXIX. | [rule] | Aboæ, Impressit Joh. Christoph. Frenckell.
4°: 12 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Jacob Malleen [1745-1816], respondent.
Jacob Malleen. (Born: 1745; Died: 1816) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.229.(6.)]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1099. (Malleen)
12. Swedish, 1772 [Dissertation].
Försök til en Chemisk och Metallurgisk Afhandling om Tennets och dess Malmers Beskaffenhet under Inseende af Pehr Adrian Gadd ... den 6 julii ... ar 1772, af August Nordenskjold. Stockholm & Åbo, Tryckt hos Carlbohm och Frenckell, [1772].
4°: 46 p. At head of title: I.J.N.
Very scarce. Dissertation - August Nordenskiold [1754-1792], respondent. Concerns tin, its ores and mining and metallurgical methods.
August Nordenskiöld. (Born: 1754; Died: 1792) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.231.(10.)]. Kress Catalogue: no. 10859.3-1 suppl. LKG: XVI 454. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1122. (Nordenskiöld) Finsk Biografisk Handbok. • SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-219, 208-228. • Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. • WBI.
13. Swedish, 1774 [Dissertation].
Dissertation Gradualis, Indicia Palingenesiæ chemicæ in Regno Minerali Continens. Respondent Johannes Arenius. Åbo, 1774.
4°: 14 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Johannes Arenius [1749-1817], respondent.
Johannes Arenius. (Born: 1749; Died: 1817) Finnish theologian. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1125. (Arenius) SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-012, 314. • WBI.
14. Swedish, 1775 [Dissertation].
M.G.H. | Anmärkningar | Mineralogiske och Oeconomiske | Om | Demanters | Rätta Art Och Beskaffenhet. | [rule] | Med Philosoph. Facult. samtycke vid | Kongl. Academien i Åbo. | Under Herr Pehr Adrian | Gadds | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Utgifne och Försvarade | Af | Friedrich Dickman | V.D.M. | I Åbo Acad. Öfre Laro-Sal den 3 Maji 1775. | [rule] | Åbo, | Tryckt hos Johan Christopher Frenckell.
4°: A4 B5; 9l.; 18 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Friedrich Dickman [1750-1817], respondent. Concerns diamonds and the diamond trade.
Friedrich Dickman. (Born: 1750; Died: 1817) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.229.(10.)]. Kress Catalogue: no. 11249.2-0 suppl. LKG: XVI 235. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1696. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1127. (Dickman)
15. Swedish, 1776 [Dissertation].
Academisk afhandling om Finska Jaspis-arter och Agater. Respondent Alexander Ramstadius. Åbo, Tryckt hos Johan Christopher Frenckell, 1776.
4°: 18 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Alexander Ramstadius [1752-1805], respondent.
Alexander Ramstadius. (Born: 1752; Died: 1817) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.397.(10.)]. LKG: XVI 295. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1129. (Ramstadius)
16. Swedish, 1780 [Dissertation].
Chemisk Undersöekning, om kalla Artificiela Mineral-Vattens Tilredning och nytta. Åbo, Tryckt hos Kongl. Acad. Boktr. J.C. Frenckells Enka, 1780.
4°: [4], 27, [1] p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Johan Lorents Westberg [1759-1846], respondent.
Johan Lorents Westberg. (Born: 1759; Died: 1846) Swedish.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.729.(15.)]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1136. (Westberg) No references found.
17. Swedish, 1788 [Dissertation].
Inledning, at efter Finska Bergens Art och Läge Samt Stenarternes Beskaffenhet, upsöka nyttiga Mineralier. I. Respondent Lars Georg Rabenius. Åbo, 1788.
Inledning ... II. Respondent Magnus Jacob Nordenswan. Åbo, 1788.
2 parts. 4°: 1-16 p.; 17-34 p.
Very scarce. Dissertations - (I) Lars Georg Rabenius [1771-1846], respondent; (II) Magnus Jacob Nordenswan [1770-1806], respondent. An introduction to mining and prospecting??
Magnus Jacob Nordenswan. (Born: 1770; Died: 1806) Swedish. Need Biography.
Lars Georg Rabenius. (Born: 1771; Died: 1846) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: nos. 1143 & 1144. (Nordenswan) (Rabenius)
18. Swedish, 1788 [Dissertation].
M.G.H. | Inledning | Til | Österbotns | Mineral-Historia, | Med | Philosophiske Facultetens Bifall | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Herr Pehr Adrian Gadds | Tilsyn utarbetad, | Och | Til allmånt omspröfvande utigsven | Af | Carl Kreander, | Kongl. Stipendiar. Den 6 Dec. f.m. på Kgl. Åbo Academiens Idro-Sal, år 1788. | [rule] | Åbo, Tryckt i Frenckellfka Boktryckeriet.
4°: [2], 18 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Carl Kreander [1766-1795], respondent. An introduction to the mineral history of the province of Ostbothnien.
Carl Kreander. (Born: 1766; Died: 1795) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.372.(5.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 170. Gothäische gelehrte Zeitungen: 1792, p. 234. LKG: XIV 797b. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1145. (Kreander)
19. Swedish, 1789-92 [Dissertation].
M.G.H. | Inledning | Til | Björneborgs Läns | Mineral-Historia, | Förra Delen | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | Herr Pehr Adrian Gadds | Inseende, | Utarbetad och til allmån granskning utgifven | Af | Philos. Cand. | Carl Gustaf Sanmark, | Satacunda-Bo, | Åbo Acad. Öfre Lårosal eft. mid. [...unreadable text...] 1789. | [rule] | Tryckt i Frenckellska Boktryckeriet.
Inledning ... II. Respondent Nils Christian Sanmark. Åbo, 1792.
Inledning ... III. Respondent Berndt Johan Gadd. Åbo, 1792.
3 parts. 4°: [2], 1-24 p.; [4], 25-53 (i.e., 43) p.; [2], 45-66 p.
Very scarce. Dissertations - (I) Carl Gustaf Sanmark [1766-1823], respondent; (II) Nils Christian Sanmark [1769-1839], respondent; (III) Berndt Johan Gadd [1768-1829], respondent.
Berndt Johan Gadd. (Born: 1768; Died: 1829) Finnish chaplain. Need Biography.
Nils Christian Sanmark. (Born: 1769; Died: 1839) Swedish. Need Biography.
Carl Gustaf Sanmark. (Born: 1766; Died: 1823) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.372.(8.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 170. Gothäische gelehrte Zeitungen: 1792, p. 235 [part I]. LKG: XIV 799d & XIV 800e. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: nos. 1151, 1152 & 1153. (Gadd) SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: I B-086, 036-037. • WBI. (Sanmark) (Sanmark)
20. Swedish, 1789 [Dissertation].
M.G.H. | Inledning | Til | Tavastlands | Mineral-Historia, | Forra Delen [-Sednare Delen] | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | Herr Pehr Adrian Gadds | Inseende, | För Lagerkrantsen | Utigifven och Försvarad | Af | Martin Lilius, | Satacundensis. | Vid Kongl. Academien i Åbo den [20] Maji 1789. | [rule] | Tryckt i Frenckellska Boktryckeriet.
Inledning ... II. Respondent Abraham Lilius ... Åbo, 1789.
2 parts. 4°: [4], 1-20 p.; [2], 21-30 p.
Very scarce. Dissertations - (I) Martin Lilius [1763-1809], respondent; (II) Abraham Lilius [1761-1848], respondent.
Martin Lilius. (Born: 1763; Died: 1809) Swedish. Need Biography.
Abraham Lilius. (Born: 1761; Died: 1848) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.372.(6.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 170. Gothäische gelehrte Zeitungen: 1792, p. 235. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: nos. 1146 & 1147. (Lilius) (Lilius)
21. Swedish, 1792 [Dissertation].
Dissertatio om Hollola Socken uti Tavastland. Respondent Johan Fredrich Bucht. Åbo, 1792.
4°: [4], 31, [1] p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Johan Fredrich Bucht [1770-1846], respondent.
Johan Fredrich Bucht. (Born: 1770; Died: 1846) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL. LKG: XIV 801f. NUC [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1154. (Bucht)
22. Swedish, 1795 [Dissertation].
Inledning til Mineral - Historien öfver Åbo Läns Norra Del - og - Saedra Del. Respondent Johan Fredrik Glasberg. Åbo, Tryckt i Frenkellfka Boktryckeriet, 1795.
4°: [4], 14 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Johan Fredrik Glasberg [1770-1809], respondent.
Johan Fredrik Glasberg. (Born: 1770; Died: 1809) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: BL. LKG: XIV 802g. NUC [no copy listed]. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1158. (Glasberg)
23. Swedish, 1795 [Dissertation].
Inledning til Mineral-Historien öfver Åbo läns södra del. Respondent Jacob Gummerus. Åbo, Tryckt i Frenkellfka Boktryckeriet, 1795.
4°: [2], 25 p.
Very scarce. Dissertation - Jacob Gummerus [1771-1843], respondent. A scholarly study of the mineral and mines of Abolehn in Finland.
Jacob Gummerus. (Born: 1771; Died: 1843) Swedish. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 92. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: April, 1796, p. 663. LKG: XIV 809. Vallinkoski, Turun Akatemian Vaitoskirjat, 1962-9: no. 1159. (Gummerus)