FOOTE, Albert Edward.
(1846 – 1895)
Father of the mineral dealer and businessman, Warren Mathews Foote. A.E. Foote was professor of chemistry at Iowa Agricultural College. However, in the mid-1860's, he began collecting mineral specimens from the mines of Michigan, causing Foote to establish a mineral dealing business in Philadelphia. Eventually, the name of Foote became famous for his large inventory of worldwide minerals, which were labeled and sold or traded to mineralogists at all levels.
Biographical references: American Journal of Science: 3rd series, 150 (1895), 434. Bideaux, R.A., "Collector's Corner: A.E. Foote", Mineralogical Record, 4, (1973), 192-4. Cleevely, World Palæontological Collections, 1983: 120. Foote, A.W., Foote Family, comprising the genealogy and history of Nathaniel Foote of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Rutland, Vermont, Marble City Press, 1907: p. 17 & 463. Francis, C.A., "Development of the Amherst College Collection", Mineralogical Record, 5, (1974), 190-2. Haynes, American Chemical Industry, 1945-54: 6, 167-8. Heitner, H.I., "Dr. Foote and his minerals", Matrix, 1, (1988), no. 5, 70-73, portrait, 2 figs. Kraus, E.H., "Albert E. Foote, the naturalist-a Michigan alumnus", Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, 64, (1958), no. 21, 342-7, illus. Kraus, E.H., "Albert E. Foote, M.D., Naturalist", Earth Science, 14, (1961), no. 1, 6-68 & 78, 3 figs. (including portrait). Kunz, George F., "Memoir of Albert E. Foote," Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 7 (1896), 481-6, biblio. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 143. Mineral Collector: 2 (1895), no. 9, 144. Mineralogical Magazine: 11 (1896), 146. Nature: 53 (1895/6), 12. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 1016-7. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1016-7. Toothaker, C.R., "The days of A.E. Foote", Rocks and Minerals, 26, (1951), nos. 9-10, 460-3.

1. English, 1876 [First edition].
The Naturalist's Agency | Catalogue. | [rule] | Part First: | Minerals. | [rule] | A.E. Foote, M.D. | Professor Of Chemistry And Mineralogy. | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Boxes Sent On Approval To Any Part Of The World By Express Or Mail. | [rule] | 3725 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. | [ornate rule] | The Collection Exhibited By A.E. Foote Received The Highest Award At The Exposition Of 1876. | The Only Award And Medal For "Collections Of Minerals" Given To An American. | [ornate rule] | Philadelphia: | Grant, Faires & Rodgers, Printers, 52 & 54 North Sixth St. | 1876.
8°: [i]-iv, [5]-48 p., frontispiece (showing various mineral specimens), illus., tables. Page size: 240 x 152 mm.
Contents: [Frontispiece].; [i-ii], Title page, verso copyright information.; iii-iv, "Of General Interest."; 5-48, Text.
Rare. All published? By the early-1870's Foote had formed an extensive personal mineral collection, part of which had been privately exhibited in New York in 1873. Probably based upon his reception there, he moved in 1875 to Philadelphia and prepared for the 1876 Centennial Exposition that took place in that city. Within the show he exhibited his best specimens, for which he won an award, while outside he sold his surplus specimens from a building rented just outside the Exposition grounds. This business was not exclusively minerals, but included shells, other natural history specimens, scientific instruments and second-hand scientific books. The catalogue described above describes the types of minerals Foote had for sale during this period. No trace has been found of other catalogue parts that might have been published.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 177, 304 [NF 0230352].
2. English, 1880 [5th edition].
Catalogue | Of | Minerals And Tables Of The Species. | A.E. Foote. | Professor Of Chemistry And Mineralogy. | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Fifth Edition, Revised, Corrected And Much Enlarged. | Main Stock | At 1223 Belmont Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. | [...12 lines of text...] | [ornament] | July, 1880. | Morrell Brothers, Steam Power Printers, 123 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
8°: [2], [1]-96, [2] p., illus. In printed wraps that are included in the pagination. Page size: 240 x 156 mm.
Contents: [In paper wraps:] [2 pgs=front wrap], Title page, verso "Index To Mineral Catalogue."; [1]-96, Text.; [2 pgs=back wrap], Continuation of contents and a list of illustrations, verso map to shop in Philadelphia.
Rare. "In preparing this Catalogue it has been my aim to make it of such value that no chemist or mineralogist, whether amateur, student or Professor of Mineralogy or Chemistry, would feel as if he could afford to be without it, and in doing this I have spared no expense, either in the way of illustration or labor."-Introduction.
The first part provides testimonials to Foote's integrity, as well as shipping directions and views on crystallization. Descriptions of various collections and individual species are than provided. The physical properties of the individual species are also provided. Scattered throughout are reprints of articles about some of the species offered for sale. A comprehensive catalogue.
3. English, 1884 [6th edition].
Catalogue | Of | Minerals. | [rule] | A.E. Foote, | No. 1223 Belmont Ave., Philad'a, Penna. | [rule] | Sixth Edition. | [rule] | [ornament] | [...7 lines of text...] | [short rule] | - 1884. -
8°: [1]-97, [1], [44] p. There are also blank pages in the book, probably to make notes. Page size: 152 x 232 mm.
Contents: [1], Title page.; [2], "Index."; [3]-[97], Text beginning "Of General Interest."; [1 pg], Map showing directions to the shop.; [2 pgs], Blank.; 44 pages of tables listing mineral species and their properties that are printed on one side of the page and interspersed with blank pages so the reader might add notes.
Rare. The catalog text proper consists of 98 pages, which is followed by another 44 page section that is a price list of species and the leading varieties of cabinet specimens. There are blank pages scattered throughout the book, probably to make notes, as well as several mineral illustrations.
Bibliographical references: NUC.
4. English, 1886 [7th edition].
Catalogue | Of | Minerals. | [rule] | A.E. Foote, No. 1223 Belmont Ave., Philad'a, Penna. | [rule] | Seventh Edition. | [rule] | [ornament] | [...7 lines of text...] | [rule] | 1886.
8°: [1]-96 p. In paper wraps. Page size: 230 x 150 mm. Rare.
Contents: [1], Title page.; [2], "Index."; [3-4], "Of General Interest."; [5]-96, Text.
5. English, 1889 [8th edition].
[On the front wrap:] Catalogue | Of | Minerals. | [rule] | A.E. Foote, | No. 1223 Belmont Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. | [rule] | Eighth Edition. | [rule] | [ornament] | [...8 lines of text...] | [rule] | 1889.
8°: [1]-[78] p. In paper wraps. Only pages 33 to 56 are numbered. Page size: 230 x 150 mm. Rare.
Contents: [1], Title page.; [2], "Index."; [3], "Of General Interest."; [4]-[78], Text.
6. English, 1892 [9th edition].
[Contained within a double rule box:] Catalogue Of | Minerals | And | Mineralogical Books | A.E. Foote, | 4116 Elm Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. | [ornament] | Ninth Edition. | 1892. | [rule] | [...8 lines of text...].
8°: [2], 1-128 p., frontispiece, illus., plates, diagrs. Page size: 236 x 147 mm. Rare.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 1-128, Text.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 177, 304 [NF 0230350].