FOCK, Andreas Ludwig.
(1856 – ?)
In 1880, Fock received his Ph.D. from Strasbourg, after which he was appointed assistant to P. Groth in Strasbourg. In 1881, he became assistant to Landolt in Berlin. In 1885, Fock became a privatdocent at the University of Berlin.
Biographical references: DBA: II 381, 80-85. Poggendorff: 3, 455, 4, 433, 5, 375 & 6, ??. WBI.
1. German, 1888.
Einleitung | In Die | Chemische Krystallographie | von | Dr. A. Fock, | Privatdozenten An Der Universität Zu Berlin. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann | 1888.
4°: viii, 126 p. Scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [07109.h.42.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 70.
2. German, 1890.
Krystallographisch-chemische Tabellen ... von Andreas L. Fock. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1890.
4°: vi, 94 p. Scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [07109.g.25.].
3. English, 1895 [English transl.].
An Introduction | To | Chemical Crystallography | By | Andreas Fock, Ph.D. (Berlin) | Lectures In The University Of Berlin | Translated And Edited By | William J. Pope | With A Preface By | N. Story-Maskelyne, M.A., F.R.S. | Professor Of Mineralogy, Oxford | Oxford | At The Clarendon Press | 1895.
8°: [4], [vii]-xvi, [1]-189, [3], 1-76 p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "An Introduction | To | Chemical Crystallography | Andreas Fock," verso "London ..."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Oxford..."; [vii]-xii, "Preface."; [xiii]-xiv, "Translator's Preface."; [xv]-xvi, "Contents."; [1]-184, Text.; [185]-186, "Index To Author's Names."; [187]-189, "Index To Subjects."; [1 pg], "Oxford..."; [1 pg], Advertisement.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-76, Publisher's list.
Scarce. Translation by Sir William Jackson Pope, K.B.E. of Einleitung in die Chemische Krystalographie (Leipzig, 1888), together with introductory material by N. Story-Maskelyne.
"In 1888 Dr. Foch published the little treatise Einleitung in die Chemische Krystalographie, in which he summarised the results of recent investigation and the views deduced from them on the subject of crystal-growth in its relation to some chemical problems: and in the present small volume this admirable summary has been enlarged by additions necessitated by the advances made in this important subject since 1888."-Preface
Bibliographical references: BL []. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.