FELLöCKER, P. Sigmund.
(1810? – )
1. German, 1855 [First edition].
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie und Geognosie. Für Obergymnasien und Oberrealschulen.
Wien, Gerold, 1855.
8°: [4], 337 p., illus. Very scarce.
2. German, 1864 [3rd edition].
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralogie und Geognosie. | [ornate rule] | Für | Obergymnasien und Oberrealschulen | bearbeitet von | P. Sigmund Fellöcker, | [...one line of titles and memberships...] | Dritte Auflage. | Mit vielen in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. | [ornate rule] | Wien. | Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn. | 1864.
8°: *2 1-198 202 211; 157l.; [i]-iv, [1]-309, [1] p., one plate (showing a geological cross-section). Page size: 216 x 138 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-iv, "Vorwort."-signed Sigmund Fellöcker, 27 August 1863.; [1]-2, "Einleitung."; [3]-306, Text.; [307]-309, "Register."; [1 pg], Publisher's list.; [At end], One plate.
Very scarce. An apparently once popular textbook of mineralogy used in centers of higher education within the Austrian-Hungarian empire. The first portion (pp. 3-133) provides a general introduction to mineralogical science, while the second part (pp. 134-306) give a descriptive mineralogy.
Bibliographical references: NUC.