DUHAMEL, Jean Baptiste.
(1624 – 1706)
Du Hamel was priest to the congregation of Oratorium. First he was stationed at Neuilly sur Marne, later being appointed professor of philosophy at the Collége Royale de France in Paris. He was a confessor of the King. Member and secretary of the Academie des Sciences in Paris.
Biographical references: DSB: 4, 221. Poggendorff: 1, col. 616.

1. Latin, 1660.
Ioan. Bapt. Dv Hamel | De | Meteoris | Et | Fossilibvs | Libri Dvo. | In Priore libro mixta imperfecta, quæque in su- | blimi aëre vel gignuntur, vel apparent, fusè pertractantur. | Posterior liber mixta perfecta complectitur; | vbi salium, bituminum, lapidum, gemmarum, & metal- | lorum naturæ, causæ, & vsus inquiruntur. | [ornament] | Parisiis, | Apud Petrvm Lamy, in magna aula Palatii, secunda | columna, sub Magno Cæsare. | [rule] | M. DC. LX. | Cvm Privilegio Regis.
4°: a4 e4 i4 o2 A-Qq4 Rr2; 172l.; [28], 1-310, [6] p., diagrams in the text.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [11 pgs], Dedictation to Cardinal Grimaldo.; [1 pg], Blank.; [3 pgs], "In Libros | De Meteoris Et Fossilibus." (recommendations).; [1 pg], "In Eosdem."; [4 pgs], "Præfatio."; [5 pgs], "Svmmaria" (=table of contents).; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-310, Text.; [5 pgs], "Index | Rervm Præcipvarvm."; [1 pg], "Privilege Dv Roy."
NOTE: Leaf i3 was missing from copy examined, and it is assumed to contain the last page of te "Præfatio" and first page of the "Svmmaria."
Very rare. This volume investigates meteorites and various aspects of mineralogy and palaeontology, including salt, coal, metals, and various gems. Although written for the general public, it is a valuable scientific contribution for its comparisions of mid-seventeenth century theories to the ancient explanations of minerals.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 271. NUC: 150, 673 [ND 0414036]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1796. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 703.
2. Latin, 1681 [Collected works].
Johannis Baptistæ du Hamel | Operum | Philosophi- | corum | Tomus I. | In quo continentur tractatus hi sequentes: | I. Astronomia Physica. | II. De Meteoris & fossilibus libri duo. | III. De Consensu veteris & novæ Phi- | losophiæ | [ornament] | Norimbergæ, | Sumptibus Johannis Ziegeri, Bibliopolæ. | Literis Christophori Gerhardi. | [rule] | Anno M DC LXXXI.
2 vols. Title vignettes, frontispiece, illus. 4°: [8], 799 p., engraved frontispiece.
Rare. The Meteoris et Fossilibus is reprinted in the first volume of these collected writings of Du Hamel. The contents of volume 2 comprise: IV. De Corporum Affectionibus cum Manifestis, tum Occultis, Libri Duo. V. De Mente Humana Libri quatuor. VI. De Corpore Animato Libri quatuor.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 150, 673 [ND 0414040]. VD17: 1:064100Z.