DOMEKYO, Ignacio.
(1802 – 1889)
Domekyo's original Polish name was Żegota Domejko. He studied natural history at the University of Wilno from 1817 to 1822; however, after taking part in a Polish insurrection against the Russian authorities, he was obliged in 1831 to emigrate to France. There he continued his education at the Sorbonne under Jean Dumas [1800-1884] and F.S. Beudant and at the École des Mines under O.P.A.P. Dufrenoy and Jean Elié de Beaumont [1798-1874]. He was appointed professor of chemistry and mineralogy at the college in Coquimbo, Chile in 1838. Then in 1846 he accepted an appointment to the University of Santiago, 1846, rising to the position of University Chancellor in 1867. He made many excursions throughout South America studying natural history and mineralogy.
Biographical references: ABE: I 272, 47-49; II 288, 323-326; III 199, 137. ISIS, 1913-65: 1, 353. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 117-8. Mitchell, R.S., "Who's who in mineral names - Ignacio Domeyko (1802-1889)", Rocks and Minerals, 63, (1988), no. 5, 403-4, portrait. Orgelbranda, Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1898-1912: 4, 426, portrait. Poggendorff: 3, 370 & 4, 340. Polski Slownik Biograficzny: 5, 313-8 [by K. Maślankiewicz & T. Turkowski]. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 912 & Suppl. 2 (1995), 1, 583. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 471.
1. Spanish, 1845 [First edition].
Elementos | De | Mineralogia, | por | Ignacio Domeyko, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Serena, | Imprenta Del Colegio. | - 1845. -
8°: π4 A-Z8; 195l.; [i]-vi, [2], [1]-382 p.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-vi, "A La Juventud Chilena."-signed Ignacio Domeyko, 18 September 1845.; [1 pg], "Advertencia."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-382, Text.
Very rare. "This valuable manual is dedicated to the youths of Chile. No one has done so much towards developing the mineralogy of that country as Prof. Domeyko; and his researches have been rewarded by the discovery of several new species. His work has a special value on account of its fullness upon the ores and mineral products of his adopted land." (AJS Review).
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 2nd series, 15 (1853), 431. BL [7104.b.19.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 70. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: no. 643 [not seen].
2. Spanish, 1860 [2nd edition].
Elementos | de | Mineralojia, | o del | conocimiento de las especies minerales en jeneral, i en particular de las de Chile | Por Ignacio Domeyko, | Miembro de la le Universidad de Chile, | Profesor de Quimica i Mineralojia en el Instituto | de Santiago. | [rule] | Segunda Edicion. | [rule] | Santiago. | [rule] | Imprenta del Ferrocarril, | Calle de Teatinos, núm. 34. | [rule] | Año 1860.
4°: π5 1-544; 222l.; [i]-xi, [1], [1]-432 p., 6 plates of crystal drawings. Page size: 240 x 150 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Mineralojia," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vi, "A La Juventud Chilena."-signed Ignacio Domeyko 18 September 1845.; [vii], "Advertencia. Que se dio en la Primera Edicion."; [x]-xi, "Advertencia (Para esta sequnda edicion."-dated 18 September 1860.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-47, Text of preliminary introduction to mineralogy.; [48], Abbreviations.; [49]-364, Text of systematic mineralogy.; [365]-400, List of Chilean minerals as a descriptive mineralogy.; [401]-403, "Nota sobre las Formuas de Composicion usadas en esta obra."; [404], Blank.; [405]-411, Table of contents.; [412], Blank.; [413]-421, "Indice Alfabético."; [422], Blank.; [423]-429, Additions.; [430], Blank.; [431]-432, "Fe de Erratas."; [At end], 6 plates of crystal drawings.
Very scarce. The author's second expanded edition of his Elements of Mineralogy. Although written as a general textbook, Domeyko has put considerable effort into fully describing and emphasising the mineral species found in Chile and other countries of South America.
Six supplements to this work appeared before the third edition was published in 1879. These are listed below:
Suppl. 1, 1860: Primer Apendice ... Santiago, 1860. |
Suppl. 2, 1867: Secundo Apendice ... Santiago, 1867. 54 p. |
Suppl. 3, 1871: Tercer Apendice ... Santiago, 1871. 58 p. |
Suppl. 4, 1874: Quarto Apendice ... Santiago, 1874. 57 p. |
Suppl. 5, 1876: Quinto Apendice ... Santiago, 1876. 79 p. |
Suppl. 6, 1878: Sexto Apendice ... Santiago, 1878. 48 p. |
Bibliographical references: BL [7104.e.4.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 70. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: no. 643. Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 198. NUC: 146, 288-89.

3. Spanish, 1879 [3rd edition].
Mineralojía | Por | Ignacio Domeyko | Profesor de Química i Mineralojía en la Universidad | de Santíago de Chile. | [rule] | Tercera Edicion | Que Comprende Principalmente Las Especies Mineralójicas | De Chile, Bolivia, Perú I Provicías Arjentinas. | [ornate rule] | Santíago: | Libreria Central De Servat I Ca. | Esquina de Huérfanos i Ahumada. | 1879.
8°: π9 1-478 485; 390l.; [I]-XVIII, [1]-762 p., 6 plates (showing crystal drawings). Page size: 238 x 154 mm.
Contents: [I-II], Half title page, "Mineralojía," verso blank.; [III-IV], Title page, verso "Es Propiedad De Los Editores | ..."; [V]-XVIII, "Introduccion."-dated 1 December 1879.; [1]-687, Text.; [688], Blank.; [689], Sectional title page, "Lista | De | Las Especies Minerales | Que Se Han | Descubierto Hasta Ahora En Chile, | Peru, Bolivia I Provincias Arjentinas."; [690], Blank.; [691]-740, Text.; [741]-748, "Indice De Las Materias."; [749]-760, "Indice Alfabético."; [2 pgs], "Fé De Erratas."; [At end], 6 plates.
Very scarce. Since the appearance of the second edition of Domeyko's Mineralojía, six appendixes and numerous articles had appeared to keep the work up to date. At the time, this was the best authority on the mineralogy of Chile, Peru, Bolivia and portions of Argentina, and when this edition became available it was immediately recognized as a major work. It is written as a textbook with the preliminaries covering the basic definitions, morphological crystallography, fracture, cleavage, texture, color, and chemical characters. The second part of the work is a standard descriptive mineralogy, arranged on the four classes of (1) metals, (2) minerals with no contained metals, (3) silicates and (4) combustibles. The text incorporates a large number of new facts, due mostly to the labors of the author himself. The minerals of Chili and the neighboring republics are in many cases of peculiar interest, and the knowledge of their mineralogy is the result of the author's efforts in spreading the results of his investigations through his publications.
Three supplements to this work were published.
Suppl. 1, 1881: Primer Apendice: Nuevas investigaciones en el reino mineral Chile i de las Republicas vecinas, in: An. Universid. Chile, 1881, pp. 5-48. |
Suppl. 2, 1883: Secundo Apendice ... Santiago, 1883. 55 p., 2 plates. |
Suppl. 3, 1884: Tercer Apendice ... Santiago, 1884. 41 p. |
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 3rd Series, 21 (1881), 161. BL [7105.e.2.]. Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie: 4 (1881), 33-4 [review]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 70. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: no. 643. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie: 1 1881, 170-1 [review]. Verhandlungen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien: 1882, 123-4.
4. French, 1889 [Collection catalog].
Catalogue de la Collection Minéralogique du Chili, envoyée à l'Exposition Universalle de Paris de 1889 par la Section de Minéralogie de la Commission de l'Exposition Chilenne. Santiago, 1889.
8°: 84 p.
Extremely rare. Catalog of a collection of mineralogical and geological samples displayed by the Republic of Chile at the Universal Exposition held in Paris in 1889.
Bibliographical references: Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: no. 696. Kosmos: 14 (1889), 260-1 [review].
5. Spanish, 1897.
Mineralojía | Por | Ignacio Domeyko | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Edicion Oficial | Comprende Principalmente Lás Especies Mineralójicas | De Chile, Bolivia, Perú I Provincias Arjentinas | [rule] | Primera Pare | Minerales Metálicos | [rule] | Segndo Tomo | [rule] | Santiago De Chile | Imprenta Cervantes | Bandera, 73 | [short rule] | 1897.
5 vols. [Vol 1] Not seen. [Vol 2: 1897] 8°: [i]-xx, [1]-501, [1] p., 15 plates (crystal drawings). [Vol 3: 1897] 8°: [1]-435, [1] p., 6 plates (crystal drawings). [Vol 4: 1900] 8°: [2], [1]-559, [1] p., 5 folding plates (cross sections & maps). [Vol 5: 1903] 8°: [1]-457, [1] p., 8 folding plates (cross sections & maps).
Contents: [Vol 1] Not seen.
[Vol 2] [i-ii], Half title page, "Mineralojía," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-xx, "Introduccion | Sombre El Estado Actual Del Conocimiento Del Reino Mineral | De Chile, Bolivia, Perú I Provincias Arjentianas (a)."; [1]-81, "Caractéres De Los Minerales."; [82], Blank.; [83]-475, Text (=descriptive mineralogy).; [476], Blank.; [477]-501, "Índice De Las Materias."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 15 plates of crystal drawings, numbered I-XV.
[Vol 3] [1-2], Half title page, "Mineralojía," verso "19,372.-Imp. Cervantes, Bandera 73."; [3-4], Title page, verso blank.; [5]-413, Text (=descriptive mineralogy continued).; [414], Blank.; [415]-418, "Índice De Materias."; [419]-435, "Índice Alfabético."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 6 plates of crystal drawings, numbered I-VI.
[Vol 4] [2 pgs], Title page, verso "21,167.-Imp. Cervantes, Bandera 46."; [1], "I | Ensayo | Sobre Los Depósitos Metalíferos De Chile."; [2], Blank.; [3]-10, "I | Ensayo | Sobre Los Depósitos Metalíferas De Chile, Con Relacion | A Su Jeolojía I Configuracion Esterior."; [11]-554, Text.; [555]-559, "Índice De Materias."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 5 folding plates showing cross sections and maps, numbered Lam I-V.
[Vol 5] [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-453, Text of geology treatise.; [454], Blank.; [455]-457, "Índice."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 8 folding plates showing geological maps and cross sections, numbered I-VIII.
Very rare. This is the official edition of Domeyko's works, for which it is not clear that the first volume was ever issued; however, see the next entry. Otherwise this monumental work is a remarkable and largely unkown book that has a comprehensive description of the principal minerals and geology of Chile, Bolivia, Peru and several provinces of Argentina. The first two volumes concern mineralogy and act as a general text book on the science, together with a long descriptive mineralogy. Here the various mineral species known to occur in these region of South America are given together with physical and chemical details and notes on their localities. Volumes four and five treat methods of assaying and the geology of the region.
Bibliographical references: Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966 [not mentioned]. NYPL Catalog.
6. Spanish, 1898.
Tratado de ensayes tanto por la vía seca como por la vía húmeda, de toda clase de minerales i pastas de cobre, plomo, plata, oro, mercurio, etc.; con descripcion de los caractéres de los principales minerales i productos de las artes en América i en particular de Chile, por Ignacio Domeyko. Ed. oficial. Primer tomo. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 1898.
8°: 701 p., 8 folding plates.
Very rare. Edited by Daniel Palacios Olmedo, this treatis on the assaying of ores is perhaps volume one of the official edition of Domeyko's works [which see previous entry].
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.