DOEVEREN, Wouter van.
(1730 – 1783)
Doeveren studied medicine at the University of Leiden. After graduation in 1754, Doeveren became professor of surgery and obstetrics at the University of Groningen. In 1771, he accepted a similar appointment at the University of Leiden. For amusement, he built a private museum of natural history specimens, especially rich in minerals and fossils.
Biographical references: Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1852-78. BAB: 192, 14-32. Engel, Dutch Zoological Cabinets, 1986: no. 390. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8: 2, 198-9 [by C.E. Daniëls]. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Kobus, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1886. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer): 7, cols. 438-9. NNBW: 4, cols. 511-2. Van der Zwaag, P., Wouter van Doeveren, 1730-1783. Thesis. Free University of Amsterdam, 1970. WBI.

1. Latin, 1785 [Sale catalog].
Musei | Doevereniani | Catalogus, | continentis instructissimam copiam | Quadrupedum, Avium, Piscium, Amphibiorum, | Insectorum, Vermium, & quorundam | Vegetabilium; | Praefertim ditissimam supellectilem | Terrarum, Lapidum, Salium, Sulphurum, Minera- | rum Metallicarum, & Petrefactorum; Praeterea | Instrumentorum Obstetriciorum, Chirurgicorum, & | aliarum rerum arte factarum: | Quae, dum in vivis erat, studiose collegit | Vir Celeberrimus | Gualtherus van Doeveren, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Horum omnium publica Auctio siet | Die 18. Aprilis & seqq. 1785. | In aedibus clarissimi Defuncti, | per | S. et J. Luchtmans, | apud quos Catalogi distribuunturs.
8°: [i]-viii, [1]-150, [2] p.
Rare. Compiled by Dionysius van de Wijnpersse and Sebald J. Brugmans. This is a sales catalog of the large collection of natural history specimens and minerals formed by the Dutch gynecologist Wouter van Doeveren, together with smaller collections of surgical and scientific instruments. It lists items sold at public auction on April 18, 1785 and subsequent days, and includes upwards of 500 specimens of mammals, amphibia, insects, etc., 2,660 specimens of minerals, 58 lots of obstetric, ophthalmological and other surgical instruments, and 114 lots of various objects including scientific apparatus. The 4-page introduction by Dionysius van de Wijnpersse deals with the collection of minerals, by far the richest of the selections. Engel records that some of these minerals went to the University of Leiden.
Bibliographical references: BL [T.259.(8.)]. Engel, Dutch Zoological Cabinets, 1986: no. 390. Murray, Museums, 1904: 2, 208. Offenbacher, Bookseller: cat. 33 (1983), no. 47.