BüTTNER, David S.A.
(1724 – 1768)
Hungarian botanist. Büttner was appointed professor of medicine and botany in 1756 at the Collegium medico-chirurgicum Berlin. From 1760 to 1768, he was professor of botany and zoology at the University of Göttingen.
Biographical references: Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51: 1, 2400. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16: 1, 718-9. Poggendorff: 1, col. 337. Wagenitz, Göttinger Biologen, 1988: 39.
1. Latin, 1694 [Dissertation].
Seu Disputatio De Lapidibus tam Pretiosis quam Vulgaricus, vulgo, von edeln und gemeinen Steinen. Præs. D. Büttnero. Hamburg, 1694.
Very scarce. OLDIUS. Jacobus
Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.33.]. LKG: XVI 92.
2. German, 1710.
Rudera Diluvii Testes, i.e. Zeichen und Zeugen der Sündfluth, in Ansehung der itzigen Zustandes unserer Erd- und Wasser-Kugel, insonderheit der darinnen vielfältig auch zeither im Querfurtischen Revier unterschiedlich angetroffenen, ehemals verschwemten Thiere und Gewächse, bey dem Lichte natürlicher Weissheit betrachtet und nebst vielen Abbildungen zum Druck gegeben. Leipzig: Johann Friedrich Braun, 1710.
4°: [8], 314, [20], [2] p., engraved frontispiece, XXX leaves of plates (some folded). Includes index. Title page printed in red and black. Page size: 194 x 150 mm.
Very scarce. An early work on geology and fossils by a Lutheran pastor near Leipzig. The plates show fossils, minerals, and two sections of the earth after Kircher. The text concerns the fossil evidence of the biblical Deluge.First edition, rare, of this study of the fossils of Querfurt in Saxony, considered as 'relics of the universal deluge'. Büttner (1660-1719) deacon of Querfurt, was a theologian and naturalist, and wrote this work in order to demonstrate that fossils were the remnants of the Flood. 'Büttner ... was firmly convinced of the diluvial origin of fossils, and was strongly opposed to those who attributed these "reliquiae diluvianae" to either the "lusus naturae" or the spermatic principle. Büttner, in his Treatise on the Deposits which are Evidence of the Deluge, refers in surprisingly scurrilous terms to Lhwyd and his animalculae' (Melvin E. Jahn and Daniel J. Woolf in The Lying Stones of ... Beringer, p. 178).
Bibliographical references: LKG: XVII 17. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 183.
3. German, 1712?.
Als Christian Herzog zu Sachsen Ann. 1712 in Dero Hauptstadt Ouerfurt die Erbhuldigung eingenommen hatte, wurde eine bei Dero Querfurt. Amtsdorfe Kuchburg gewaltige und mit unterschiedlichen Nautalis, Conchitis und andern Petrifactis angefullte marmelartuge Platte unterthanigst uberreicht, auch deren Beschaffenheit in nachgesetzem Carmine unter der Rubrik: die huldigende Kuckenburg, umstandlicher vorgestellt. Zum andernmal zum Druck gefordet von D.S. Buttner. Querfurt, [n.d.].
8°: Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIV 226*.

4. Latin, 1714 [Dissertation].
[Contained within a single rule box: David-Sigismundi Büttners | Coralliographia | Subterranea | Seu | Dissertatio | De | Coralliis | Fossilibus, | in Specie, | De | Lapide Corneo | Horn= oder gemeinem | Feuer=Stein/ | Cum | Tabulis æneis. | [rule] | Lipsiæ, | Impensis Friderici Groschuffii. Anno 1714.
4°: [4], 68, [4] p., VI (i.e., IV) leaves of plates. Includes index. The text of each page is contained within a single rule box. Page size: 190 x 135 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Elenchus." [=table of contents].; 1-68, Text.; [4 pgs], Index.
Very scarce. Büttner's dissertation on fossil coral includes some material on the formation of stones.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 191. LKG: XVII 127. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 183. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 379.