(1772 – 1840)
From 1791 to '93, Brochant studied under A.G. Werner at Freiberg. In 1794 he entered the newly formed École des Mines. He won an appointment as an engineer in the Agence des Mines in 1800 and became an editor of the Journal des Mines in 1801. In 1804, Brochant was named a professor of geology of mineralogy at the École des Mines. Eventually he became inspector general of mines throughout France. Brochant was instrumental in establishing a national survey to produce a geological map of the country. He held membership in the Académie des Sciences. In his honor, the mineral species "Brochantite" was named in his honor by A. Lévy in 1824.
Biographical references: ABF: I 157, 85-89. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: no. 654. DSB: 2, 482 [by J.G. Burke]. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 59. Poggendorff: 1, col. 304. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 622. Schiffner, Alter Freiberger Bergstudenten, 1935-40: 2, 21-2. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 437. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 245.

1. French, 1801-3 [First edition].
Traité | Élémentaire | De Minéralogie, | Suivant | Les Principes Du Professeur Werner, | Conseiller Des Mines De Saxe, | Rédigé d'après plusieurs ouvrages allemands, | augmenté des découvertes les plus modernes, | et accompagné de notes pour accorder sa | nomenclature avec celle des autres minéralo- | gistes français et étrangers; | Par A.J.M. Brochant, | Ingénieur Des Mines. | [...6 lines of quotation from Dolomieu...] | Tome Premier. [-Second.] | Avec 18 tableaux et une planche. | [tapered rule] | A Paris, | Chez Villier, Libraire, rue des Mathurins, n°. 396. | An IX [-XI].
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1801] 8°: π2 A-Rr8 Ss2; 324l.; [4], [1]-644 p., 1 folding plate.; [Vol 2: 1803] 8°: a4 A-Tt8 Vv2; 342l.; [i]-vii, [1], [1]-674 p. One folding engraved plate signed 'Cloquet, Sculp.' (facing vol. I, p. 644). Page size: 216 x 130 mm. uncut.
Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Traité | Élementaire | De | Minéralogie. | Tome I.," verso "Avis Au Relieur."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-18, "Préface."; [19]-22, "Notice des ouvrages de Minéralogie dans lesquels on | a puisé les principes de Werner, ..."; [23]-24, "Notice des autres ouvrages principaux de Minéralogie | qui sont cités dans ce Traité."; [25]-76, "Introduction."; [77]-131, "Exposition | Des | Caractères Extérieurs | Des Minéraux Simples."; [1 pg], Blank.; [133]-152, "Tableau | De La Classification Des Minéraux | Du Professuer Werner."; [153]-644, Text; [At end], 1 folding plate.
[Vol 2] [i-ii], Half title page, "Traité | Élementaire | De Minéralogie. | Tome II.," verso "Avis Au Relieur."; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vii, "Avertissement."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-488, Text.; [489]-557, "Appendice."; [558], Blank.; [559]-640, "Traité Des Roches."; [641]-658, "Table | Des Noms Français."; [659]-670, "Table | De Noms Allemands."; [671]-674, "Corrections Et Additions."
Very scarce. A major exposition of Werner's theories in the French language. Brochant writes that he origionally concieved to write a work that provided a concise view of the mineralogical principlals of Werner accompanied by a list of synonyms. But after starting the work, he decided that it was inadequate treatment and therefore compiled a complete treatise, enriched by his own observations. He perpared this work by examining every systematic work of importance written in the German language. Brochant has assimilated the information into a subperb treatise. He has closely followed the arrangement of Werner as delivered in lectures in 1800. His descriptions are compiled from the collected authorities of all authors consulted. A list of synonyms is presented. In the second volume, the author makes announcements of recent discoveries and how they were made. He also includes species and other information not contained in Werner's original ssytem. Brochant has added a sketch of geological arrangement, illustrated by descriptions of rocks, principally derived from field notes compiled by Daubuisson. Brochant has endeavoured to select from the knowledge others have accumulated, rather present his own theories. When he ventures a remark it is for illustration only. Thus, he has made this work a vehicle for presenting Werner's theories to the mineralogists of France for them to determine the merits of the system he has expounded.
The directions to binder in vol. I instruct that the tables are to be bound in vol. II, but the directions in vol. II state that the additions to the volume have been so great that they must be bound separately. They are in fact sometimes bound into vol. II, but they are missing in this copy as in the University of Illinois copy described by Ward and Carozzi. Offered with a second copy of vol. II, untrimmed (130 x 225mm) in the original blue boards, rebacked, new endpapers, signature 'Ilchester' on half-title, also without the tables.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 67. Edinburgh Review: 3 (1808), 493-7. LKG: XII 154. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 169. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 322.
2. French, 1808 [2nd edition].
Traité | Élémentaire | De Minéralogie, | Suivant | Les Principes Du Professeur Werner, | Conseiller Des Mines De Saxe; | Rédigé d'après plusieurs Ouvrages allemands, | augmenté des Découvertes les plus modernes, | et accompagné de Notes pour accorder sa | Nomenclature avec celle des autres Minéra- | logistes français et étrangers; | Par A.J.M. Brochant, | Professeur de Minéralogie à l'Ecole pratique des | Mines. | ...6 lines of quotation from Dolomieu...] | Tome Premier. [-Second.] | Avec 18 Tableaux et une Planche. | [rule] | Seconde Édition. | [rule] | A Paris, | Chez Madame Veuve Villier, Libraire, rue des Mathurins, | n° 15. | [rule] | 1808.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: [4], [1]-644 p., 1 folding plate (24 figures of xl drawings).; [Vol 2] 8°: [4], [1]-674 p. Page size: 194 x 122 mm.
Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Traité | Élementaire | De | Minéralogie. | Tome I.," verso "Avis Au Relieur."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-18, "Préface."; [19]-22, "Notice des ouvrages de Minéralogie dans lesquels on | a puisé les principes de Werner, ..."; [23]-24, "Notice des autres ouvrages principaux de Minéralogie | qui sont cités dans ce Traité."; [25]-76, "Introduction."; [77]-131, "Exposition | Des | Caractères Extérieurs | Des Minéraux Simples."; [1 pg], Blank.; [133]-152, "Tableau | De La Classification Des Minéraux | Du Professuer Werner."; [153]-644, Text; [At end], 1 folding plate.
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Traité | Élementaire | De Minéralogie. | Tome II.," verso "Avis Au Relieur."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-488, Text.; [489]-557, "Appendice."; [558], Blank.; [559]-640, "Traité Des Roches."; [641]-658, "Table | Des Noms Français."; [659]-670, "Table | De Noms Allemands."; [671]-674, "Corrections Et Additions."
Very scarce. Essentially a reprint of the first edition published in 1801 and 1803, with only minor alterations.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 67. LKG: XII 154. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 323.
3. Italian, 1807 [Italian transl.].
Elementi | Di Mineralogia | Del | Signor Brochant | Compendiosamente Tradotti | Ed Aumentati Di Nuove Scoperte | E Di Un Ragionamento | Sulle Classificazioni | Ad Uso De'Licei | Del Regno D'Italia. | [rule] | Tomo I. [-II.] | [rule] | Milano | Per Cairo E Compagno | 1807.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 16°: 291 p. [Vol 2] 16°: 313 p., one table. Page size: 200 x 125 mm.
Very scarce. Re Brochant, I have the edition you mention, which is the first. A beautifully bound presentation copy in two volumes, 291 p., 1 folded table and 1 folded plate + 313 p. - 20x12.5 cm (see Attachment).
Bibliographical references: Personal communication [Renato and Adriana Pagano]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 169.
4. Italian, 1825 [Italian transl., 3rd edition].
Elementi | Di Mineralogia | Del | Signor Brochant | Compendiosamente Tradotti | Ed Aumentati Di Nuove Scoperte | E Di Un Ragionamento | Sulle Classificazioni. | Terza Edizione | [short rule] | Volume Primo. | [short rule] | Bologna | Dai Pipi Del Nobili E Comp. | 1825.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 12°: 240 p. , errata page, 1 folded table and 1 folded plate. [Vol 2] 12°: 252 p. Page size: 190 x 130 mm. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Personal communication [Renato and Adriana Pagano].

5. French, 1819.
De | La Cristallisation | Considérée | Géométriquement Et Physiquement, | Ou | Traité Abrégé De Cristallographie, | Suivi D'un | Précis De Nos Connoissances Actuelles | Sur Les | Phénomènes Physiques De La Cristallisation. | Par| A.J.M. Brochant De Villiers, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | A Strasbourg, | De l'imprimerie de F.G. Levrault, imprimeur du Roi. | 1819.
8°: [i]-vij, [8]-206 p., 16 plates (numbered I to XVI). Page size: 204 x 124 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "De | La Cristallisation | Considérée | Géométriquement et Physiquement," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vij, "Avertissment."; [8], Blank.; [9]-190, Text.; [191]-199, "Table Des Matières."; [200], Blank.; [201]-206, "Tableau Indicatif | des Figures."; [At end], 16 plates.
Plates: Of the 16 plates, the first 2 show goniometers and apparatus, while the remainder show crystal diagrams.
Very scarce. Discusses the crystallographic theories of Weiss, Beudant, Leblanc, Gay-Lussac, etc., but especially the principles laid down by Haüy, with whom he collaborated. Observations on geometrical and physical properties are included. This work is an expansion of the article Brochant prepared for the Dictionaire des Sciences Naturelle (Paris, ????). It is written in such a manner as to provide the beginner with a textbook but useful information to the expert as well. The first part provides a geometrical description of crystals based on Haüy's theories. In this Brochant has been helped by the careful examination of the collection of the School of Mines. The second part theoretically describes the physical phenomenon of crystallization, which had occupied the authors studies for some time.
Bibliographical references: Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 324.

6. German, 1820 [German transl.].
Die | Krystallisation | in | geometrischer und physikalischer Hinsicht. | Von | A.J.M. Brochant de Villiers. | Uebersetzt | aus dem Französischen | von | G. Herm. Kersten; | mit einer Vorrede | vom | Geheimerath von Leonhard. | [tapered rule] | Mit XVI Steinbruktafeln. | [tapered rule] | Heidelberg, | bei Mohr und Winter | 1820.
8°: xx, 200 p., 16 plates
Very scarce. Translation by G. Herm. Kersten [see note below] of De la Cristallisation Considérée Géométriquement et Physiquement (Paris, 1819). It also includes a forword authored by Karl Cäsar von Leonhard concerning the merits of the work.
Bibliographical references: Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 169.