(1609 – 1681)
Biographical references: Internet search.

1. Latin, 1684 [Collection catalog].
Jesus. | [rule] | Rariora Becceleriana, | prout se obtuleruut & sub stylum venerunt, extemporaneâ opellâ | consignante | D. Capello P.P. | edita. | [rule] | [rule] | Hamburgi, | Typis Rebenlini, | Anno Christiano | 1684. | [rule].
2°: [14], 117 (i.e., 121), [11] p., frontispiece, 3 plates. Pages 115-117 are repeated in the pagination.
Very rare. Collection/sale catalog of Becceler's natural history collection prepared by Rudolf Capell, and after his unexpected death, completed and edited by Johann Vagetius. Becceler's cabinet besides various animals and birds also contained minerals. In 1750, the catalog of the coin collection was published with the intention of selling it.
Rudolf Capell. (Born: 1635; Died: 1684) German theologian, historian & philologist. Capell studied at Wittenberg and Giessen. He became a professor at the University of Hamburg.
Johann Vaget. (Born: Geverstorf an der Oste, Germany, 10 June 1633; Died: Hamburg, Germany, 12 June 1691) German theologian & philologist. Vagetius began studing theology at the University of Jena in 1654. In 1662, he was named Rector in Verden. Then in 1676 he accepted the position of professor of logic and metaphysics at the Gymnasium in Hamburg. His residence soon became the meeting place for the intellectuals of the city.
Bibliographical references: BL [7757.h.12.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 259. NUC: 42, 88 [NB 0232285]. VD17: 23:292839F. Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: 160 & 204. (Capell) ADB. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • WBI. (Vaget) Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • Wahl, Naturforschung im alten Hamburg, 1928: p. 31. • WBI.