BAYLEY, William Shirley.
(1861 – 1943)
Biographical references: ABA: I 88, 310-313; II 35, 333-336. • American Men of Science, 6th edition (1938). • Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. • WBI. • Who Was Who in America.
1. English, 1910.
Elementary | Crystallography | Being Part One Of | General Mineralogy | By | W.S. Bayley, Ph.D. | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 239 West 39th Street, New York | 6 Bouverie Street, London, E.C. | 1910.
8°: [i]-xii, [1]-241 p., illus.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Elementary Crystallography," verso "McGraw-Hill Book Company."; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Copyright, 1910, | By The | McGraw-Hill Book Company."; [v]-vi, "Preface."; [vii]-viii, "Contents."; [ix]-xii, "Introduction."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-233, Text.; [234], Blank.; [235]-241, "Index."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. The introduction provides information on the objectives, history and general description of mineralogy. The text proper is a general survey of crystallography and is divided into three parts: geometrical, physical and chemical crystallography.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 6, 67. • NUC.
2. English, 1915.
Minerals And Rocks | The Elements Of Mineralogy And Lithology | For The Use Of | Students In General Geology | By | William Shirely Bayley, Ph.D. | Professor of Geology in the University of Illinois | [ornament] | New York And London | D. Appleton And Company | 1915.
8°: [i]-viii, [1]-227 p., 104 illus.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Minerals And Rocks," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Copyright, 1915 By | D. Appleton And Company."; [v]-[vi], "Preface."-signed William Shirley Bayley, 5 July 1915.; vii-viii, "Contents."; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "Minerals And Rocks".; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-218, Text.; [219]-227, "Index."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. A descriptive textbook that describes the prominent characters of the common minerals. The introduction is brief, and there is a chapter on the use of the blowpipe with key tables. At the end, a short section discribes the classification of rocks, with instructions on their determination.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 6, 67. • Mineralogical Magazine: 19 (1922), 114 [by L.J. Spencer]. • NUC.
3. English, 1917.
Descriptive | Mineralogy | By | William Shirley Bayley, Ph.D. | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornament] | With Two Hundred Sixty-Eight Illustrations | D. Appleton And Company | New York and London | 1917.
8°: [i]-xvii, [1], [1]-542 p., 268 illus.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Descriptive Mineralogy," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Copyright, 1917, by | D. Appleton And Company."; [v], Dedication.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-viii, "Preface."-signed W.S. Bayley.; [ix]-x, "Contents."; xi-xviii, "List Of Illustrations."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-494, Text.; 495-512, "Appendicies I. Guide to the Description of Minerals."; 513-520, "Appendicies II. List of the More Important Minerals Arranged According to their Principal Constituents."; 521-526, "Appendicies III. List of Minerals Arranged According to their Crystallization."; 527-528, "Appendicies IV. List of Reference Books."; [529]-534, "General Index."; [535]-542, "Index Of Minerals."
Very scarce. A large textbook on mineralogy almost entirely devoted to mineral descriptions and several appendices that list the material by alternative methods. It is fully illustrated with 268 pictures and crystal drawings.
Bibliographical references: NUC.