BAUSCH, Johann Laurentius.
(1605 – 1665)
Bausch was educated Jena, 1623-26, Marburg, 1626-28, Padua, Italy, 1628-30, finally receiving a degree from Altdorf in 1630. He practiced medicine in Schweinfurt from 1630 onward. Bausch was a founding member and first president of Academie Naturæ Curiosum, the first such society in Europe.
Biographical references: Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 85. LKG: 279. Poggendorff: 1, col. 119. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 312. World Who's Who in Science: 131.

1. Latin, 1665.
[In red:] Joh. Laurentii Bauschi | [ black, 2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [in red:] Schediasmata Bina | [in black:] Curiosa | De Lapide | [in red:] Hæmatite | [in black:] et | [in red:] Ætite, | [in black:] ad mentem | [in red:] Academiæ Naturæ | [in black:] Curiosorum | congesta. | [ornament] | Lipsiæ, | [in red:] Impensis Viti Jacobi Trescheri, | [in black:] Bibliopolæ Uratislaviensis. | [in red:] Typis Johannis-Erici Hahnii. | [in black:] Anno M DC LXV.
2 parts in one volume. 8°: [4], 164 p., 2 plates.; [8], 79, [1] p., 5 plates. Title in red and black.
Rare. Discusses the supposed medical virtues of bloodstone and Aetite, also called the "Eaglestone." For centuries these stones were thought to impart miraculous cures to those who wore them in finger rings or pendants.
Bibliographical references: Agassiz, Bibliographia Geologiæ, 1848-54: 1, 215. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 85. LKG: XVI 256*. NUC: 40, 190 [NB 0201650]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 486 [not seen]. VD17: 12:186981V. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 147 [part 2 only].
2. Latin, 1668.
Schediasma Posthumum | De | Coeruleo | & Chrysocolla, | Autore | D. Joh. Laurentio | Bauschio, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornament] | Jenæ, | Impensis Viti Jacobi Trescher, | Bibliopolæ Vratislav. | [rule] | Typis Johannis Nisii. | M DC LXVIII.
8°: (a)4 A-K8 L4; 88l.; [8], [1]-168 p. Title in red and black.
Rare. An early discussion of the preparation and use of paint pigments. Such pigments are commonly made from animal, botanical and mineral products. However, pigments of blue color were the most difficult and expensive to make with the very best blue paint usually being made by pulverizing the precious stone lapis lazuli that was found in Afghanistan. This book discusses the color blue, its preparation and the best ingredients to create a pigment. The mineral olivine is also discussed for use in the preparations to present a greener hue to the paint.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XVI 329. NUC: 40, p. 190 [NB 0201652]. VD17: 39:144785T.
Schediasma ... de Unicornu fossili &c. (Jenæ, 1666).See under: Fehr, Joannes Michael..