BAUMER, Johann W.C.
(1719 – 1788)
In 1748, Baumer was named professor of medicine at the University of Erfurt. In 1754, he was appointed professor of physics. Then he accepted in 1765 an appointment as professor of medicine at the University of Giessen as well as city physician.
Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 64, 52-70. Fischer, Biographisches Lexikon der Ärzte, 1932-3: 1, 75-6. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8: 1, 385-86. Hirsching, Historisch-literarisches Handbuch, 1794-1815. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 25. LKG: 279. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 116-7. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 311. WBI.
1. Latin, 1759 [Dissertation].
Dissertatio Philosophica | [rule] | De | Mineralogia | Territorii Erfvrthensis, | [rule] | Qvam, | Svb Avspiciis Divinis, | Consentiente Amplissimo Senatv | Philosophico, | Pvblicae Ervditorvm Disqvistiioni Svbmittit, | [...7 more lines...] | Praeses, | Io. Wilhelmvs Bavmer, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Respondente | Iacobo Henrico Rittermann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Di V. Martii M DCC LVIIII. | In Avditorio Collegii Mai. Philos. Hor. Consvetis. | [double rule] | Erfvrthi, Typis Heringianis, acad. Typogr.
4°: [1]-40 p.
Rare. Dissertation - University of Erfurt (Jacob Heinrich Rittermann, respondent). Describes the minerals found in the vicinity of Erfurt, Germany.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.371.(5.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 91-2. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1751, p. 471. NUC [no copy listed].

2. German, 1763-4.
Naturgeschichte | des | Mineralreichs | mit besonderer Anwendung | auf Thüringen | herausgegeben | von | D. Joh. Wilhelm Baumer | [...4 lines of achievments...] | [vignette] | Mit Kupfern. | [ornate rule] | Gotha | verlegts Joh. Christian Dieterich, 1763.
2 parts in one volume. [Vol 1: 1763] 4°: a4 A-Kk8 Ll3; 272l.; [8], [1]-520, [14] p., 11 folding plates (minerals and mostly fossils). Title vignette. [Vol 2: 1764] 4°: π1 a-t8 u7 x4; 164l.; [2], [1]-318, [8] p., 9 folding plates (minerals and mostly fossils). Page size: 168 x 98 mm.
Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], Dedication, signed Joh. Wilh. Baumer, 3 October 1763.; [1]-520, Text.; [14 pgs], "Register."
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-16, "Vorbericht."; [17]-318, Text.; [8 pgs], "Register."; [At end], 9 folding plates.
Very scarce, especially the second volume. In this attempt at a new form of systematic mineralogy, Baumer has arranged his system along a unique system. His arrangement includes burnable bodies, water, salts, earths, stones and ore and metals. He includes descriptions of accidental or jovial forms of stones and petrifications, metals and ores, and mountains of large masses. Although Baumer has compiled many oddities in his choices, citations are diligently recorded to other literature for each mineral species listed. The mineral descriptions are particularly good for the minerals found in the vicinity of Thüring, Germany. The second volume includes additions, corrections and reinterpretations to the first, arranged in the same way.
Bibliographical references: Alt. gel. Merc.: 283. Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: p. 91. Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 330-1. Berlinischer Magazin: 1 (1763), 240-3. BL [990.b.16.]. BMC: 1, 113. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 600. Commentarii Lipsiæ: 14, 408. Erlanger gelehrte Beyträge: 185. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 27. Greifsw. gel. Urth: 286 & 292. Hamb. Nachr. aus dem Reich der Gelehrs: 721-26. Hamburg. wöchentl. gelehrte Nach.: 1764, no. 25. LKG: XII 61. NUC: 40, 66-7 [NB 0198681]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 481-2.
3. Latin, 1771.
Historia Natvralis | Lapidvm | Pretiosovm | Omnivm, | Nec Non | Terrarvm Et Lapidvm | Hactenvs In Vsvm Medicvm | Vocatorvm, | Additis Observationibvs | Mineralogiam Generatim | Illvstrantibvs, | In Vsvm Avditorvm | Svorvm | Descripta | A | D. Ioan. Wilh. Bavmer, | [...8 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Francofvrti, | Apvd Ioan. Georg. Fleischer. | MDCCLXXI.
8°: π4 A-I8 K-L4 (D4 missigned D3); 84l.; [8], [1]-159, [1] p. Page size: 180 x 120 mm.
Very scarce. Baumer discusses the uses of gemstones and other mineral substances in medicine, while making it clear that many of the precious variety can not be useful because they will not dissolve in the stomach. However, as a physician he knew that some `earths' neutralize acid, or are soluable in water, and therefore of potential therepeutic use. He deplores the myths and superstions assigned to many of the stones, especially for there curative powers.
The text is divided into two parts. The first is a classification of gemstones, into precious, semi-precious, spurious, etc., with discussions of physical properties, origins, and differences between species. The second section describes other mineral substances, such as ochre and the earths that were used in medices of he late eigheenth century. Baumer makes note of curious lore and ancient beliefs attached to the same, together with details on the preparation and administration, and ills cured.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 45, 139. BL [B.257.(6.)]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 600. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 84. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 238. LKG: XVI 234. NUC: 40, 66-7 [NB 0198678]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 483.
4. German, 1774.
D. Johann Wilhelm Baumers | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Naturgeschichte | aller | Edelsteine; | wie auch | der | Erden und Steine, | so bisher zur | Arzney sind gebraucht worden; | mit | beygefügten | Anmerkungen | die die Mineralogie überhaupt erläutern, | zum Gebrauche seiner Zuhörer | beschrieben. | [double rule] | Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt | von | Karl Freyherrn und Reichsrittern von Meidinger. | [ornate rule] | Wien, zu finden in dem Kraussischen Buchladen, | nächst der Kaiserl. Konigl. Burg., | [ornate rule] | 1774.
8°: A-J8 K9; 82l.; [1]-149, [13] p. Page size: 197 x 116 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorbericht."-dated 24 December 1773.; [4 pgs], "Vorrede | des Verfassers."; [1]-149, Text.; [7 pgs], "Register."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler."; [1 pg], Blank.; [3 pgs], Publisher's list.; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Translated by Karl von Meidinger from Historia Naturalis Lapidum Pretiosorum Omnium (Frankfurt, 1771). The translator improves upon the original by reorganizing material within some paragraphs, correcting errors, and annotating the text through footnotes.
Karl Freiherr von Meidinger. (Born: Trier, Germany, 1 May 1750; Died: Vienna, Austria, 1820) Austrian aristrocat. Son of Johann Friedrich Freiherr von Meidinger [1726-1777], Meidinger was a royal advisor and consultant on state matters in Vienna.
Bibliographical references: Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 5, 476. BL [972.h.25.]. BMC: 1, 114. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 238. NUC: 40, 66-7 [NB 0198680]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 484. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 145. (Meidinger) Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 287. • Poggendorff: 2, col. 102. • Schröter's Journal für die Liebhaber: 5, 562-4. • Tornier, Gesellschaft Naturforschender, 1924: 33. • Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91: 17, 277-8.
5. Latin, 1780.
Historia | Naturalis | Regni Mineralogici | Ad | Naturæ Ductum | Tradita | A | Joan. Wilh. Baumer | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornament] | Francofurti | ex Officina Garbiana | MDCCLXXX.
12°: [6], [1]-554, [16] p., 3 folding engraved plates.
Scarce. The present work is divided into six parts of which the last two, `De regnis vestalibus' and `De regnis subterraneis,' occupy the major part of the work. They contain chapters on metals, stones, petrified plants and animals.
Bibliographical references: BL [954.a.28.]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: p. 600. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 84. LKG: XII 62a. NUC: 40, 66-7 [NB 0198678].
6. Latin, 1779.
Fvndamenta Geographiæ et Hydrographiæ Subterraneæ, ad natvrae dvctvm posita a Ioanne Gvilielmo Bavmer ... Giessae, Krieger, 1779.
8°: [6], [1]-234, [8] p., folding color plates.
Very scarce. Physical geography.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIII 106a. NUC: 40, 66-7 [NB 0198675].
7. Latin, 1785.
Historiam Mercurii Cornei Hassiaci Naturalem et Chymicam Investigation emtradit. Von Johann W. Baumer ... [N.p.], 1785.
4°: 8 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XVI 293.
8. Latin, 1761 [Dissertation].
Dissertatio de Mintibus Argillaceo - Calcareis et Argillaceo-Gypseis. Erfurthi, 1761.
4°: Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIII 105.
9. Latin, 1769 [Dissertation].
De re Cattorum Metallica Dissertatio Johann Wilhelm Baumer [Respondent] Ernst Justus Theodor Höpfner. Giessæ, Cattorum, 1769.
4°: 24 p.
Rare. Dissertation - University of Giessen (Ernst Justus Theodor Höpfner, respondent).
Bibliographical references: BMC: 6, 66.