BAILEY, Dorothy.
(1900? – ?)
1. English, 1929.
An | Etymological | Dictionary | Of Chemistry And | Mineralogy | By | Dorothy Bailey, Sc.B., Ph.D. | And | Kenneth C. Bailey, M.A., Sc.D. | Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin | London | Edward Arnold & Co., | 1929 | All rights reserved.
8°: π4 B-T8 U10 14; 162l.; [i]-viii, [1]-307, [1], [1]-8 p. Page size: 216 x 135 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "An Etymological | Dictionary | Of Chemistry And | Mineralogy," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Printed in Great Britain."; [v]-vi, "Preface."; [vii]-viii, "Abbreviations."; [1]-307, Text.; [1 pg], "Addenda."; [1]-8, "Messrs. Edward Arnold & Co.'s | Scientific & Technical Publications."
Scarce. The aim of this dictionary is primarily etymological, and no attempt at exhaustive definitions has been made. However, the text is enhanced by the inclusion of references, which in many cases are original, and point the reader to sources where more complete definitions and descriptions may be found. Approximately 11,000 terms are listed in the dictionary, including many scientific terms. However, the work was originally supposed to cover chemistry alone, and it was the difficulty in dividing the sciences that mineralogy was ultimately included. Words current in the literature of both sciences from the middle nineteenth century to 1928 are included.
Kenneth C. Bailey. (Born: ; Died: ) English ??. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.
Bibliographical references: Nature: 1929 [by V.A. Eyles]. (Bailey)