ARNOLD, Edmund Samuel Foster.
(1820 – 1907)
Arnold was a physician who lived and practiced medicine in Newport, Rhode Island.
Biographical references: ABA: I 33, 16-19. Atkinson, W.B., A biographical dictionary of contemporary American physicians and surgeons. Second edition, enlarged and revised. Philadelphia, 1880. Kelley & Burrage, American Medical Biography, 1928. WBI. Who Was Who in America: 1, ??.

1. English, 1883.
Talks on Minerals; | or, | the Study of Mineralogy | made Interesting. | By | Edmund S.F. Arnold, M.D., | of Newport, R.I. | William H. Sadlier, | New York and Chicago.
8°: [1]-111, [3], [iii]-viii p., 6 woodcut diagrams. Page size: 227 x 138 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-17, "Introductory Address"-dated April, 1883.; [18]-98, Text.; [99]-105, "Questions on Familiar Talks.; [106], Blank.; [107]-111, "Supplement."; [2 pgs], Shows 6 diagrams of geologic cross sections.; [1 pg], Blank.; [iii], "The `Students Complete Mineral Collection."; [iv], Blank.; [v]-viii, "Contents"-a list of minerals mentioned in the text.
Rare. Although the title page is undated, the introduction is dated 1883. This odd textbook on mineralogy provides a beginner an adequate introduction to rocks and minerals. It describes the basic properties of rocks and minerals. In conjunction with this work, a "Complete Student Mineral Collection" could also be obtained from the author.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC [no copy listed].