ALTH, Alojzy.
(1819 – 1886)
In 1841, Alth recieved his Ph.D. in mineralogy. From 1862, he was professor of mineralogy at the University of Krakau. Member of many scientific societies.
Biographical references: Czarniecki, S., Zarys historii geologii na Universytecie Jagiellonskim. Krakow, Univsitat Jagiellon, 1964. 147 p., 17 illus: p. 50-54, portrait. Orgelbranda, Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1898-1912: 1, 200, portrait. PBA: Polskie Archiwum Biograficzne: 4, 49-52. Poggendorff: 3, 24-5. Polski Slownik Biograficzny: 1, 82-3 [by S. Kreutz]. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 417. WBI.

1. Polish, 1868.
Zasady Mineralogii. | Skreślone Przez | Dra Alojzego Altha | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Kraków. | W Drukarni Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | pod zarządem Konst. Mańkowskiego. | [short rule] | 1868.
Atlaz | XII tablic do dziela | Zasady Mineralogii | Dra Alojzego Altha | c.k. Professors przy Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. | [rule] | [rule] | Kraków. | [rule] | Lit. Czasu. M Salba w Krakowie.
[Text] 8°: [2], [i]-x, [1]-789 p., illus. [Atlas] 2°: [2] p., 12 plates (crystal drawings).
Contents: [Text] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i]-vi, "Przedmowa" (=preface).; [vii]-x, "Spis Przedmiotów" (=table of contents).; [1]-752, Text.; [753]-776, "Spis" (=index of mineral species).; [777]-782, "Omyłki."; [783]-786, "Pomyłki Druku."; [787]-789, "Pomyłki."
[Atlas] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 12 plates.
Rare. This "Basic Mineralogy" contains discussions on various aspects of mineralogy, including literature, history, terminology, physical crystallography, and the physical and chemical qualities. The descriptive mineralogy is divided into five classes. An index of mineral species is included at the end.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: 1 (2), no. 33. Internet search. Verhandlungen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien: 69-70 [by F. Kreutz].