(1193 – 1280)
Albertus was one of the most famous authors of the High Middle Ages. He was born to a wealthy and powerful family, which provided him with a good Classical eduction. He studied liberal arts at Padua, where he came under the influence of Joranus of Saxony [?-1236], Master General of the Dominican Order. Against his family wishes, Albert vowed to a life of poverty and entered the Order, eventually being ordained a priest. Around 1241, he was sent to the University of Paris where he quickly rose to the post of Master of Theology. His devotion and knowledge soon lead to his appointment to establish in Cologne a studium generale. This education center was to occupy and consume Albertus for the remainder of his life; among his illustrious students were Thomas Aquinas [1227-1274], Thomas of Cantimpré [1201-after 1280] and Ulrich of Strassburg and Giles [?-1278]. In 1260 the Pope appointed Albertus Bishop of Regensburg, a post he resigned in 1262. The remainder of his long life was devoted to preaching, teaching and writing, primarily at Cologne. He was the most influential medieval educator of the Aristotelian philosphies, and through his position as provost at Cologne, he introduced Greek teachings to the curriculum-a practice soon copied at other education centers. Albertus Magnus was canonized in 1931 by Pope Pius XI, who declared him Saint to all those who cultivate the natural sciences.
Biographical references: ADB: 1, 186-96. • Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 3. • Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists: 105 [8 portraits listed]. • Damon, S.F., "A portrait of Albertus Magnus", Speculum, 5, (1930), 102, portrait. • DBA: I 12, 363-398; II 17, 110-248. • Doerfler, P., Albertus Magnus. Munich, 1940. • DSB: 1, 99-103 [by W.A. Wallace]. • Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. • Ennen, L., Albertus Magnus, ein Lebensbild aus dem Mittelalter. Köln, L. Schwann, 1856. • ISIS, 1913-65: 1, 22-4. • Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 5-6. • Lexicon des Mittel Alters, 1977-99. 9 vols. • Mathar, L., Albert der Deutsche. München, Gladbach, 1940. • NDB: 1, 144-8 [by M. Grabmann]. • Poggendorff: 1, col. 24. • Popular Science Monthly: 71 (1907), 87. • Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 408-9, Suppl. 1 (1986), 1, 243-4, & Suppl. 2 (1995), 1, 378-9. • Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 2, 934-44. • Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 2. • Scheeben, H.C., Albertus der Grosse. Zur Chronologie seines Lebens. Vechta, Germany, 1931. • Sighart, J., Albertus Magnus in Geschichte und Sage. Köln, Georg Joseph Manz, 1880. [i]-xvi, [1]-386 p., frontispiece (portrait), plates. • Sighart, J., Albertus Magnus. Sein Leben und seine Wissenschaft. Regensburg, Georg Joseph Manz, 1857. [i]-xvi, [1]-386, [2] p., frontispiece, 2 color plates. • WBI. • Wilms, P.H., Albert der Grosse. Munich, Kösel & Pustet, 1930. 237 p., one plate. • Winterswyl, L., Albert der Deutsche. Das Leben und Wirken des Albertus Magnus. Potsdam, Germany, 1936. • World Who's Who in Science: 24. • Wyckoff, Book of Minerals, 1967.
De Mineralibus

1. Latin, 1476 [First edition].
De Mineralibus Libri. [Colophon: Patavii, Petrus Maufer for Antonius de Albricis, 20 September 1476].
2°: [18 26 36 48] (unsigned); 28l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Two columns, Gothic type, 63 lines. Page size: 441 x 270 mm.
Contents: 1/1r (=1r), "Alberti magni philosophoruz maximi de mi | neralibus liber primus īcipit. Tractatus pri | mus de lapidibus in cōmuni. Capitulum pri | mum de quo est intentio . & que diuisio modus | & dicendorum ordo. | [ D9 ]e com | mixti | one et | coagulatione | similiter & cō | gelatione & li | quefactione & | ceteris huius | modi passiōi | bus in libro metheororum iam dictuz est. ..."; 2/1r (=9r), "et virtutes eorum eomodo quo mos est medi | cis..."; 4/8v (=28v), Colophon: "finis. | Alberti magni libris quinqz mineralium deo | duce finis impositus est. Nobilis et egregii vi | ri Antonii de albricis Bargomensis artium | et medicine doctoris clarissimi impensa. Qui | ut correctiores redderentur famosissimus arti- | um et medicine doctor dominus Nicoletus de | pigaciis in preclarissimo gimnasio patauino | ordinariam philosophie legens accuratissime | reuisit. Per me petrum maufer normanuz Rothoma | gensem ciuem. die 20 septembris 1476. | DEO GRATIAS AMEN."; 4/8v (=28v), line 58: "Capitulum nonuz de natura et proprietatibus electri. | finis . coronat."
Edition princeps. Extremely rare. Albertus Magnus set as his life's work to place all of Aristotle's extant writings into a coherent system and to reconcile the Greek philosophies with those of the Christian world. To attain this outcome, he scoured the libraries of every monastery he visited for any writings of the Ancients. In this quest he was rewarded with the discovery of several ancient works thought lost. These he had copied under his own eyes, thus preserving them for the future when they might not otherwise have survived. However, Albert's diligence did not locate any copy of what he thought was Aristotle's Lapidary, and what is now known to be a pseudo-Aristotelian work. He was therefore forced to write his own work dealing with minerals. The result is of remarkable interest as it shows not only what the state of mineralogy was in the 13th century, but what Albert thought the science should be.
The De Mineralibus [=Book of Minerals] is an reflection of the knowledge of minerals in the 13th century structured in the framework of ancient Greek doctrine. Following basic Aristotelian philosophy and guided only by the few lines devoted to mineral substances in Aristotle's Meteorologica, Albertus draws heavily upon his own observations and less so on other medieval and classical sources to describe minerals. Various duties of his religious Order caused him to take frequent trips throughout the territories of France, Germany and Italy. Along the literally thousands of miles traveled on foot by Albertus, he had many encounters with mines, miners and minerals. These impressions he retained in his memory until they were later recorded in this work. Consequently, when reading Albertus' words, there is no doubt as to the authority of his citations. One can only regret that the scope of the project was so great as to preclude observations of many phenomena.
The De Mineralibus is divided into five books, dealing with stones (Books I-II), metals (Books III-IV), "intermediates" (Book V), which are neither stones nor metals, but have characteristics of both. In books, I, III and V the author follows classical philosophy by discussing minerals based upon their causes. This refers to the four causes distinguished by Aristotle as material (the matter from which minerals are made), efficient (the process by which minerals are made), formal (the form which minerals take, assumed by Albertus to be based on biological propagation), and final (the reason the mineral exists). In books, II, IV and V Albertus completes his plan by individually naming stones, metals, and "intermediates," and describing each in considerable detail. This type of catalog, alphabetically arranged on the name of the stone was popular in medieval herbals and lapidaries and is a tradition that dates back at least to Pliny. Yet Albertus' De Mineralibus is not a simple lapidary. Even though its background is based in medieval thought, with many errors, the structure of the text is recognizable in modern textbooks (i.e., the introduction of general principles giving the origin, and physical properties of minerals, followed by descriptions of individual minerals including appearance, place of occurrence, uses, etc.). With Albertus Magnus' mineralogy, the study of minerals begins to emerge from its embryonic period into a full fledged science. The tradition of magical and curative powers in gems still permeates the text, but one feels the author fighting the superstitions of the ancient beliefs, and seeing the world in a new, more skeptical and practical view.
English translation, 1967: Albertus Magnus | Book of | Minerals | Translated by | Dorothy Wyckoff | Professor of Geology, Bryn Mawr College | Clarendon Press | Oxford | 1967. 8°: [A]-Y8; 176l.; [i]-xlii, [1]-309, [1] p., 2 plates.
[i-ii], Half title page, verso "Oxford University Press, Ely House, London ..."; [iii-iv], Title page, verso copyright notice.; [v], Dedication to D.M.T.; [vi], Blank.; [vii], "Preface."; [viii], Blank.; [ix], "Contents."; [x], Blank.; [xi], "Illustrations."; [xii], Blank.; [xiii]-xlii, "Introduction."; [1], "Book of Minerals."; [2], Blank.; 3-7, Contents of the book of minerals.; [8], Blank.; [9]-53, "Book I. Minerals."; [54], Blank.; [55]-151, "Book II. Precious Stones."; [152], Blank.; [153]-201, "Book III. Metals in General."; [202], Blank.; [203]-236, "Book IV. The Metals Individually."; [237]-251, "Book V. Minerals that seem to be Intermediate Between Stones and Metals."; [252], Blank.; [253]-263, "Appendix A. Aristotle."; [264]-271, "Appendix B. Lapidaries."; [272]-278, "Appendix C. Astrology and Magic."; [279]-285, "Appendix D. Alchemy."; [286]-292, "Appendix E. Identification of Minerals and Rocks."; [293]-301, "Bibliography."; [302], Blank.; 303-309, "Index."; [1 pg], Blank.
English translation by Dorothy Wyckoff [see note below] from De Mineralibus (Parisiis, 1890).
German translation, 1983: De Mineralibus. Basel, Braun, Geschichte für Präventivmedizin, 1983. 68 p. Published as: Texte zur Geschichte der Präventivmedizin, no. 2. [ISBN 3-7643-1528-8.]
French translation, 1995: Saint Albert le Grand; Le monde minéral; Les pierres; De mineralibus (livres I et II); présentation, traduction et commentaires par Michel Angel. Paris, Les Editions du Cerf, collection sagesse chrétienne, 1995. 443 p. [ISBN 2-204-05244-2].
Michel Angel gives in this modern work the first translation in French of De Mineralibus.
Dorothy Wyckoff. (Born: Topsfield, Massacheusetts, U.S.A., 22 July 1900; Died: Bryn Mawr, Delaware, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., July 1982) American geologist. Wycoff graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1921. A Workman fellow from 1928-9, she received her Ph.D. in 1932. She stayed at the College, being a demonstrator, 1925-32, instructor 1932-4, professor of geology, 1934-66, when she retired.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Birth and Development, 1938: 114-5. • BL [no copy listed]. • CBN: 1, 496. • Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. • DSB: 1, 99-103 [by W.A. Wallace]. • Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 15-7. • GW: 686. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 522*. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140878]. • Paneth, F., "Ueber eine alchemistische Handschriften des 14. Jahrhunderts und ihr Verhältnis zu Albertus Magnus' Buch `De Mineralibus'", Archiv für Geschichte der Mathematik der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 12, (1929), 35-45 & 13, (1930) 408-13. • Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 2, 545-6. • Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779. (Wyckoff) American Men of Science, 6th edition (1938): p. 1583. • Internet search. • SSDI.
2. Latin, 1491 [2nd edition].
Mineralium Libri. [Colophon, Papiæ, Christophorus de Canibus, 18 June 1491].
2°: a8 b-c6 d8; 28l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, Gothic type, 59 lines. Very rare.
Contents: a1r (=1r), "Alberti magni philoxophorū maximi de mi | neralibus liber primus īcipit. Tractatus pri | mus de lapidibus in cōmuni. Capituluz pri | mum de quo ēintentio . & que diuisio modus | & dicendorum ordo. | [D10]E cōmixtione | & coagulatōe simi | liter & {????}gelatōe & | liquefactione & ce | teris buiusmodi | passionib9 in libro | metheororum iā | dictuz est. ..."; b1r (=9r), "z virtutes eorum eo mō quo mos ēmedicis | describere ..."; d8v (=28v), col. 2, line 31, Colophon: "... Exdictis enim omnino | quecūqz hic non nominata sunt de facili pote | runt cognosci. | Explicit op9 Alberti magni in libris quinz | mineraliuz. | Laus Deo | Impressum Papie per Christophorum de | canibus sub āno domini .149i. die i8. Iunii. LIBer mineralium alberti magni | ..."; d8v (=28v), col. 2, line 60: "Finis."
Bibliographical references: CBN: 1, 496. • GW: 687. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 521*. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140878]. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 337. • Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 3266.
3. Latin, 1495 [3rd edition].
De Mineralibus. [Colophon, Impressum Venetijs per Ioannem & Gregoriuz de Gregorijs fratres. Anno dni. M.cccclxxxxv. die. xxij. Iunij. (=22 June 1495)].
2°: aa-cc6 dd4; 22l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, Gothic type, 65 lines. Very rare.
Contents: aa1r, "Alberti magni philosopho[old aux] maximi de mine | ralibus liber primus incipit. | Tractatus primus de lapidibus in cōi. | Capituluz primuz de quo est intentio & que diui | sio modus & dicendoruz ordo. | [D13]E cōmixtiōe & coa- | gulatiōe sil'iter & cō- | gelatione & liquefa | factiōe & ceteris hu | iusmodi passionib9 | in libro metheoro[old aux] | iam dictuz est. ..."; bb1r (=7r), "materiam complexionatam cui infunditur. Si ergo | ..."; dd3v (=21v), line 43: "... Ex dictis enim oīno quecūqz hic non noīa- | ta sunt de facili poterunt cognosci. | Finis | Impressum Venetijs per Ioannem & Gregoriuz de Gregorijs fratres . Anno dni .M.cccc.lxxxxv. | die .xxij. Iunij."; dd4r (=22r): "Liber mineraliuz Alberti Magni libros quinqz | continet partiales. | ..."; dd4v (=22v), line 15: "Finis" under which is the printer's mark.
Bibliographical references: BL [IB.21084.]. • BMC XV: 5, 346 [IB 21084]. • BSB-Ink: no. A151. • Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 18. • Goff: A-281. • GW: no. 688. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 522*. • Hoover Collection: no. 38. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 21.3. • Kristeller, Italienische Buchdruckerzeichen, 1893: no. 228. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140879]. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 338. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4543. • Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 3884.
4. Latin, 1499 [4th edition].
Liber Mineraliū Uene | rabil' Alberti magni Ratisponensis Episcopi trac | tans de materia . accidentibus . causis . locis . vir | tutibus . de ymagibus [!] et sigillis lapiduz deqz | metallo[old aux] causis accidētalibus [!] scilicet cōgelati= | one . liquefactiōe . ductibilitate . cremabilitate . sapore . colore et odore eorundem deniqz de cau | sis et principijs effentialibus cuiuslicet metalli | in speciali eleganter enarrans | ...
8°: π4 [a]-c8 d4 e4 f-h8 i4 k4 l-p8 q4; 112l.; no pagination or foliation. Gothic type, 27 lines.
Contents: π2r (=2r): "[Dark C] Incipit tabula libri mineralium Alberti | magni ordinē libro[old aux] & quotā folio[old aux] ostēdens..."; a1r (=5r): "Liber mineraliū | Principis philosophorum Domini | Alberti mgani [!] Ratisponensis Ec= | clesie Episcopi | ..."; a1v (=5v), Blank.; a2r (=6r), "Foliū ij.: [Dark C] Alberti magni philosopho[old aux] maximi de | mineralibus liber primus incipit. Tractatus | primus de lapidibus in cōmuni. Capitulum | primū de quo est intētio . & que diuisio . modus | et dicendo[old aux] ordo | [ 6]E cōmixtione & coagulatiōe | sil'r & cōgelatōe & liqfactōe & | ceteris huihsmodi passionib9 | in libro metheororum iam di | ctum est. ..."; q3v (=111v), line 12: "... Ex dict7 em omnino | quecunqz hic non nominata sunt de facili pote | runt cognosci. [E]xplicit opus Alberti magni | in libris quinqz mineralium | ..."; q4 (=112), Blank.
Very rare. Printed at Köln by Kornelius von Zierikzee, not before 1499.
Bibliographical references: GW: 689. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 521*. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: 21.4. • Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 130.

5. Latin, 1517-8 [5th edition].
Diui Alberti Magni | Sūmi in via peripathetica philosophi: Theolo- | giqz profundissimi naturalia ac supranaturalia | opera per Marcū Antoniuz Zimarā philo= | sophuz excellēntissimū nuper castigata erroribusqz | purgata: necnō cuz mariginib9 optimis anno= | tatiōnib9 ornatis doctrinaqz excultis atqz fideli= | ter ipressis feliciter incipiunt. Que sunt hec. vz. | De Physico auditu Lib. VIII. | De Celo & mundo Lib. IIII. | De Generatiōe & corrup. Lib. II. | De Methauris Lib. IIII. | De Mineralibus Lib. IIII. | De Anima Lib. III. | De Intellectu & intelligibili Lib. II. | De Metaphysica Lib. XIII.
3 parts in one volume. [Part 1: 1517] 2°: [Maltese Cross]6 a6 b8 c-p6; 120l.; [24] p., 1-108l.; [Part 2: 1518] 2°: 2a-2t8; 150l.; 1-150l.; [Part 3: 1518] 2°: A-Y6; 174l.; 1-174l. Gothic lettering and double column through out. Each part has separate foliation and colophon with printer's device. Only the recto side of the leaf is numbered. Colophon: [Part 1: recto of leaf 108] Aenetijs impensa beredum quondam Bo= | mini Octaviani Scoti Dodoe= | tiensis:ac sociorum. | 19. Februarij. | 1517. [Part 2: recto of leaf 150] Aenetijs impensa beredum quondam Bo= | mini Octaviani Scoti Dodoe= | tiensis:ac sociorum. | 29. Maij, 1518. [Part 3: recto of leaf 174] Aenetijs impensa beredum quondam Bo= | mini Octaviani Scoti Dodoe= | tiensis:ac sociorum. | 15. Januarij. | 1518. Page size: 310 x 220 mm.
Contents: [Part 1] [Maltese Cross]1r (=1r), Title page; [Maltese Cross]1v (=1v), Blank.; [Maltese Cross]2r-a6v, "Tabula" [=contents].; 1r-108r, "De Physico auditu."; 108v, Blank.
[Part 2] 1r-59r, "De celo r mundo."; 59v-77v, "De generatione & corruptione."; 78r-134r, "Metheororum."; 134v-150r, "De Mineralibus."; 150v, Blank.
[Part 3] Folios: 1r-50r, "De anima."; 50r-55v, "De itell'u & itelligibili."; 56r-174r, "Metaphysica."; 174v, Blank.
Rare. An important collected edition of scientific writings by the great scientist philospher edited with notes added by the physician Marco Antonio Zimara [see note below]. Included are the author's books on mineralogy, astronomy, metaphysics, the intellect, etc. The volume is generously illustrated with woodcut scientific diagrams, and is one of the keystones in a long series of medieval scientific texts published by the heirs of Ottaviano Scoto in the early sixteenth century, mostly printed by Bonetus Locatellus [fl. 1486-1523]. The De Mineralibus, which includes works on chemistry and alchemy, precious stones and mineralogy generally is found in the second part.
Ottaviano Scoto. (Born: Monza, Italy, c1440; Died: Venice, Italy, 1498/9) Italian publisher. Scoto headed a distinguished family of Venetian printers. Born of a noble family of Monza, he came to Venice at the age of 35 and operated a press there between 1479 and 1484. He continued as an editor until 1498/9 whereupon his heirs, including his brothers and nephews, undertook their own activity (1499-1532). The original printer's mark of Ottaviano Scoto, was an elegant circle from whose center extended a double cross. Within the circle are the letters O.S.M, the initials of Octavianus Scotus Modoetiensis (Ottaviano Scoto of Monza).
Marco Antonio Zimara. (Born: Galatina, Italy, 1460; Died: Padua, Italy, 1523) Italian physician. Although of humble origins, Zimara graduated from the University of Padua with degrees in philosophy and medicine. In 1507 he was named professor ordinary at Padua, and in 1514 he became mayor of Galatina. His last years were devoted to writing a guide to natural philosophy and metaphyisics contained in the works of Aristotle and Averroës.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: A-529. • BL [3706.g.2.]. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140784]. (Scoto) ABI: II 564, 352-357. • Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824. • WBI. (Zimara) ABI: I 1015, 56-58. • Antonaci, A., Marcantonio Zimara ricerche sull'aristotelismo del Rinascimento Antonio Antonaci. Lecce, Editrice salentina, [1971- ]. [Published as: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di filosofia, Universita di Bari.]. • Biographie Universelle. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. • Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 2318. • WBI.

6. Latin, 1518 [6th edition].
De mineralibus. Liber mineralium Domini Alberti Magni ... [Colophon: Impressum in Oppenheym per Jacobum Koebel, Anno. 1518].
4°: π4 A-S4; 76l.; [8] p., I-LXXIl., [2] p., woodcut illus. The leaves are printed on the recto side only. Page size: 194 x 138 mm. Rare.
Contents: [1 pg], Title page.; [1 pg], "Thiloninus Philyninus | Lectori."; [6 pgs], "Index Quinque Librorum ..."; Folios I-LXXIv (=A1r-S3v), Text.; [1 pg/=S4r], Woodcut, "De Alchimie phantastica fatiga | ..."; [1 pg/=S4v], Blank.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: A-527. • BL [972.h.19.]. • BM/STC German: 13. • Duveen, Bibliotheca, Supplement, 1953: p. 6. • Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 19. • GW: 688. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 522. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [0140880]. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 338. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 11941. • Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 22. • Rothe, Die Buchdruckerei des Jacob Koebel. ????: no. 30. • Sallander, Bibliotheca Walleriana, 1955: no. 12105. • Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 132.

7. Latin, 1519 [7th edition].
[Contained within an ornate woodcut border:] Alberti | magni philosopho | rum maximi de | mineralibus | libri quin | que.
4°: 58 unnumbered l. The title is enclosed by a woodcut border featuring arabesque and scallop shell by Hans Weiditz. Colophon: Excusa Auguste Vindelicorum, impensis Sigismundi Griffi & Marci Vuyrsung, 1519.
Rare. The title border is described by Röttinger, Weiditz, no. 15 and (from its appearance in another book) by Dodgson, 2, p. 149, no. 8. The Augsburg publisher was Sigmund Grimm and Marx Wirsung.
Bibliographical references: GW: 686. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 522. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140881]. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 336. • Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 41. • Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 131. • Wheeler Catalogue: 1, 51, no. 8.
Raimundi Lulii ... De secretis naturae: siue Quinta essentia libri duo his accesserunt Alberti Magni ... De mineralibus & rebus metallicis libri quin[que] quae omnia solerti cura repurgata rerum naturae studiosis recens publicata sunt per Gualtherum H. Ryff. (Argentorati, 1541 and other editions).See under: Lull, Ramon.

8. Latin, 1569 [Coloniæ].
De | Mineralibvs | Et Rebvs Metal- | licis Libri Qvinqve. | Avctore | Alberto Magno summo | Philosopho. | Solerti cura repurgati, & rerum na- | tural. studiosis publicati. | [ornament] | Coloniæ | Apud Ioannem Birckmannum | & Theodorum Baumium. | An. M.D.LXIX.
12°: [A]-Q12 R10; 202l.; [1]-391, [12] p., title page vignette, ornamental initials. Page size: 122 x 73 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-9, "...Præfatio."; [10], blank.; 11-89, "Liber I. De Materia lapidum."; 90-224, "Liber Secvndvs. Qvi est de Lapidibvs pretiosis, ..."; 225-318, "Incipit Liber Tertivs de Mineralibus, in qvo determinatur de metallis in communi."; [319], blank.; 320-375, "In Qartvm librvm in Qvo determinatur de metallis in Speciali."; 376-391, "De Natura Salis & speciebus & modis."; [12 pgs], "Index Librorvm Alberti Magni de mineralibus & rebvs metallicis."
Scarce. The text covers the use of stones and minerals in medicine, precious stones, mineralogy in terms of Aristotle's four elements, and a listing of known mineral species?
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: no. 528. • BL [977.a.13.]. • Hoover Collection: no. 39. • LKG: III 14. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140883].
Opera Omnis
9. Latin, 1651.
Beati | Alberti | Magni, [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Opera | Qvæ Hactenvs Haberi Potvervnt, | Svb | Rmis PP. FF. [Three lines braced on either side:] Thoma Tvrco. | Nicolao Rodvlphio. | Ioan. Baptista De Marinis. [After the closing brace:] Eiusdem Ord. Ma- | gistris Generalibus. | In Lvcem Edita. | Studio & labore R.A.P.F. Petri Iammy, sacræTheologiæ Doctoris, | Conuentus Gratianopolitani, eiusdem Ordinis. | Tomvs Primvs. | [large rectancular ornament] | [rule] | Lvgdvni, | Sumptibus [Four lines braced on the left:] Clavdii Prost. | Petri & Clavdii Rigavd, Frat. | Hieronymi De La Garde. | Ioan. Ant. Hvgvetan. Filij. [After the closing brace:] Via Merca- | toria. | [rule] | M. DC. LI. | Cvm Privilegio Regis.
21 vols.
Very scarce. The collected works of Albertus Magnus, edited by the Dominican Petri Jammy. The De Mineralibus is contained in volume 2, part 4, pp. 201-75. The breakout of the volumes consists of: vols. 1 to 6, the Aristotelian commentaries, vols. 7 & 8, commentaries on the Old Testement, vols. 9 to 11, commentaries on the New Testement, vol. 12, sermons, vol. 13, commentaries on Dionysios Areopagites and the Compendium theologicæ veritatis, vols. 14 to 16, commentaries on the Books of sentences of Peter the Lombard, vols. 17 & 18, Summa theologiæ, vol. 19, Summa de creaturis, vol. 20 treatises on the Holy Virgin, and vol. 21, Miscellaea, including the Philosophia pauperum, and the De alchimia libellus. There is also an index rerum memorabilium to the Parva naturalia in volume 5.
Bibliographical references: BL [L.6.a.1.]. • CBN: 1, 496. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140769]. • Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 2, 941-2.
10. Latin, 1890-9.
B. Alberti Magni Ratisbonensis episcopi, Ordinis prædicatorum, Opera omnis, ex editione lugdunensi religiose castigata, et pro auctoritatibus ad fidem vulgatæ versionis accuratiorumque patrologiæ textum revocata, auctaque b. Alberti vita ac bibliographia operum a p.p. Quétif et Echard exaratis, etiam revisa et locupletata, cura ac labore Augusti Borgnet ... Parisiis, Apud Ludovicum Vivs, 1890-9.
38 vols.
Very scarce. Collected works of Albertus Magnus, edited by Auguste Borgnet and helped later by Emile Borgnet, both priests. Mineralium libri quinque is contained in volume five. Contains essentially the same collection of Albertus' works as that published in 1651 but in a somewhat different order. The main novelty is the long introduction covering biographical and bibliographical details.
Bibliographical references: BL. • CBN: 1, 496. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0140773]. • Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 2, 941-2.
Supposititious & Doubtful Works

11. Latin, c1477 [First edition].
Liber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, Lapidum, et animalium quorundam. [Ferrara, Severinus Ferrariensis, c1477].
4°: a-e8 f4; 44l., 27 lines.
Contents: a1 (=1), Blank.; a2r (=2r), "Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum alb'ti | magni de uirtutibus herbarum lapidum et anima | lium quorundaz Liber primus de uiribus quarun | dam herbarum. | [ S3 ]Icut uult ph's in pluribus locis Omnis | scientia de genere bonorum est. ..."; b1r (=9r), "et nascitur in gremio testudinis indico et esse uari | ..."; c5r (=21r), line 18: "Et nota {\cp} Jupiter et Uenus boni sunt . Saturnus | et Mars mali . Sol uero et Luna mediocres. | Mercurius autem cum bonis bonus . et cum ma= | lis malus. | ..."; c5v (=21v),"EIVSDEM ALBERTI MAGNI. | DE MIRABILIBVS MVNDI FE | LICITER INCIPIT. | [ 4]OSTQVAM SCIVIM | VS QVOD OPVS SAPI | ENTIS EST FACERE | CESSARE MIRABILIA | rerum ..."; f4v (=44v), line 21: "... et si tres essent habes .i8. et sic de aliis | Unde uersus . | Etatem Lune duplica post addito quinqz. | Quinqz dabis signo quo Lune incepit origo. | Et Sic Est Finis."
Edition princeps. Extremely rare. As its Latin title suggests, Liber Aggreationis, or "book of collected items," The Book of Secrets is an anthology rather than a single work. The treatment of the subject matter is also sensational, reinforcing the popular myths about nature. It is divided into sections describing the marvellous properites of herbs, stones, and beasts. However, within each part the text is collected from a wide variety of sources. The text may be divided into these component parts: (1) On Herbs describes 16 herbs described in terms of their magical properties, (2) On Stones repeats 45 entries from Albertus Magnus' Mineralia, which is followed by a single paragraph taken from the 7th century encyclopedist, Isidore of Seville, (3) On Beast, in which 18 beasts-animals, birds and fish are described, and (4) On the Astrological Influence of Planets containing a treatise on the hours of the day governed by the various planets. In later editions of The Book of Secrets another formerly independent treatise describing "The Marvels of the World" is soetimes appended.
Although the preface and a passage at the end of the section dealing with beasts attribute this as an original work of Albertus Magnus, it is very different from the other known writings of him. It was written, however, contemporary with Albertus or shortly after he died; the earliest surviving manuscripts are from the late 13th century, and Albertus died in 1279. It may be that The Book of Secrets was written by a follower of Albertus; certainly, as Thorndike writes, "There can be little doubt that it pretends to be a product of his experimental school among the Dominicans at Cologne." Sometimes the text as been attributed wrongly to Albertus de Saxonia [which see note below].
Secrets in literature became a popular tradition during the Middle Ages; texts of this type were written for the popular audience, not scholarly persuit. Despite the scorn of the scholars, however, this literature capitalized on the prestige associated with the great scholars of the past including Albertus Magnus. They each have many works spuriously attributed to them. This is not suprising when one realizes that the intellectual climate constrained many scholars to cast their writings in the form of commentaries on the works of the ancients. For example, the whole of Albertus' vast output was intended by the author to be a commentary on Aristotle, though it contains much original work.
The most interesting fact about the Liber Aggregationis is not that it was written but that it enjoyed wide popularity for so long. With the introduction of mechanical printing this work became an incunubula best seller with more than 45 editions being published before 1501. It was perennially translated, reworked and edited for four more centuries with the last edition appearing in 1937.
The Liber Aggregationis was one of the most widely known and republished works in the literature that gained popularity during the Middle Ages. The demand for this work is demonstrated by the survival of a large number of manuscripts dating from as early as the 12th century and by the fact that several of these continued to be copied, anthologized, translated into the incunubula period. With the invention of printing the Liber Aggregationis was issued in more than fifty Latin editions during the 15th Century, with the first dated edition making its appearance in 1478 from the press of Johann Schriber of Bologna. During the incunubula period it also appeared in Italian, Catalan, and French versions. Commonly, the Liber Aggregationis was also bound with Albertus Magnus' De Mirabilibus Mundi and the Parvum Regimen Sanitatis.
Albertus de Saxonia. (Born: Saxony, Germany, c1330; Died: c1390) German theologian, philosopher & naturalist. Albertus was the son of a Saxon framer. He graduated from the University of Paris and was appointed the first Rector of the University of Vienna in 1365. Then from 1366 to 1390 he was Bishop of Halberstadt in Germany. As a logician, he was at the forefront of the movement that expanded the analysis of language based on the properties of terms, especially their reference (in Latin: suppositio), but also in the exploration of new fields of logic, especially the theory of consequences. As a natural philosopher, he contributed to the spread of Parisian natural philosophy throughout Italy and central Europe. Because of the authority of his name, the pseudo-Albertus Magnus work, Liber aggregationis or Secreta de herbis, lapidibus et mineralibus was sometimes issued under his name.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA. 25683]. • BMC: 6, 609. • GW: 630. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.14. • Osler, Bibliotheca Osleriana, 1969: no. 126. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 5743. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: CR 166. (Albertus de Saxonia) ADB. • Catholic Encyclopaedia. • DBA: I 11, 206-211; II 16, 124, 124a, 125a-128. • Ferchl. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • NDB. • Österreich Biographisches Lexikon. • Poggendorff: 1, col. 24. • Stange, E., ed., Arnoldus Saxo, De finibus [floribus] rerum naturalium (um 1225) Die Enzyklopädie. Herausgegeben von Emil Stange. Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Königlichen Gymnasiums zu Erfurt. Erfurt, 1905-07. • Stange, E., Arnoldus Saxo, der älteste encyklopädist des dreizehnten jahrhunderts. Halle, 1885. 66 p. [Inaugural-dissertation.]. • WBI. • World Who's Who in Science: p. 24. • Worstbrock, F.J., "Arnoldus Saxo," in Verfasserlexikon, 1, 485ff.
12. Latin, 1478 [Bologna].
Liber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam. [Bologna,] Johannes Schriber de Annunciata, 1478.
4°: a8 b-e6; 32l., double column, 35-36 lines.
Contents: a1r (=1r), "Liber aggre | gationis seu liber secreto[old aux] | Alberti magni de virtutib9 | herba[old aux] lapidum & aĩalium | quorundam. Liber primus | de viribus quarundaz her- | barum. | [ S4 ]Icut vult | ph's | ĩ pluribus locis. | Omnis scientia | de genere bono[old aux] est. ..."; b1r (=9r), "Si uis curare me- | ..."; c1r (=15r), line 18: "Et nota \cp Ju | piter & Ve- | nus boni sũt . Saturnus et Maris mali . Sol vo & Luna medi= ocres. | Mercurius autem cum bo- | nis bonus . & cũmalis mal9. | . finis ."; e6r (=32r), line 9: "... Et si tres essent | habes .j8. & sic de alijs. | Uñ versus . | Etatem Lune duplica post | addito quinqz. | Quĩqz dabis signo quo Lu | ne incepit origo. | Impressuz | quide est hoc opu | sculũ per Magi- | strũ Johãnem de | Annũciata de | Augusta. | Laus deo pararoseqz | virgini Marie . nec nõ | toti curie celesti trium | phanti. Anno salutis . | M.cccc.lxxviij."; e6v (=32v), Blank.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi. This is the first dated edition from the Bologna press of Johannes Schriber.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA 28760]. • BMC XV: 6, 818 [IA 28760]. • Goff: A-249. • GW: no. 631. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 535. • IGI: no. 185. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.15. • Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 148. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 360. • Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 75. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6547.
13. Latin, c1478 [Strassburg].
Liber aggregationis ... [Strassburg, Henricus Ariminensis, c1478].
4°: [a-d8] (unsigned); 32l., 34 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 619. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 523.
14. Latin, 1480 [Rome].
Liber aggregationis ... [Rome, Stephan Plannck, not before 1480].
4°: [1-38 46] (unsigned; 1/1 blank); 30l., double column, 33 lines.
Contents: 1/1 (=1), Blank.; 1/2r (=2r), "[Dark C] Liber aggregatiõis seu liber | secreto[old aux] Alberti Magni de vir | tutibus herbarũ : lapidũ : & ani- | malium quorundam. | [Dark C] Liber primus de virib9 qua- | rundam herbarum. | [ ]Icut vult Phũs in | pluribus locis : oĩs | scientia de genere | bono[old aux] est. ..."; 2/1r (=9r), "chrystalli. De hoc referunt anti | ..."; 4/6r (=30r), line 7: "si tres eent : habes xviii | Et sic de alijs. Unde versus : | Etatem lune duplica : post addi | to quinqz. | Quinqz dabis signo : quo lune | incepit origo. | [Dark C] Finis. | [register in two columns]. ... [End of column 2, line 5:] "ciem que."; 4/6v (=30v), blank.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-250. • GW: no. 632. • IGI: no. 186. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.16. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 346.
15. Latin, 1481 [Rome].
Liber aggregationis ... [Rome, Georg Herolt, about 1481].
4°: 22l., double column, 40 lines.
Contents: 1r, "Liber aggregatiõis seu liber | secretorũ Alberti magni de uir | tutibus herbarũ. lapidũ . & anima | lium quorundã. Liber primus [old aux]' | uirtutibus quarundã herbarum. | [ S4 ]Icut vult Philoso | phus in pluribus lo | cis . Omnis scientia | de genere bonorũ | est."; 22v, "Etatem lune duplica post addito | quinqz . Quinqz dabis signo . quo | lune incepit origo. | finis huius operis.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: Goff: no. A-251. • GW: no. 633. • IGI: no. 187. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.17.
16. Latin, 1482 [Bologna].
Liber aggregationis ... Bologna, Petrus de Heidelberga, 1482.
4°: a-e6; 30l., Gothic character, double columns, 32 lines.
Contents: a1r, incipit: "Liber aggreatatōnis seu liber | secretorum Alberti magni de | virtutitubus herba[old aux]. lapiduz. & | animaliū quorūdaz incipit. Li | ber primus de viribus quarū- | dam herbarum. | [ S3 ] Icut vult phūs ī plu | ribus locis ..."; e5v, col. 2, colophon: "Impressum est quidez hoc opus per Magistrū Petruū | de Heydelberga. in Inclyta ciuitate Bononie. Anno do | mini M.cccc.lxxxij."; e6, Blank.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 6, 829 [IA 28742]. • Goff: A-252. • GW: no. 634. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 536. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.18. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 361.
17. Latin, c1483 [Speyer].
Liber aggregationis ... [Speyer, Johann and Konrad Hist, c1483].
4°: [a-d8] (unsigned); 32l., 34 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 623. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 351.
18. Latin, c1483 [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris, Simon Doliatoris, c1483].
4°: a-d8; 32l., 33 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 641. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 345.
19. Latin, 1483 [Reutlingen].
Liber aggregationis ... [Reutlingen, Michel Greyff, about 1483].
4°: [a-d8] (unsigned); 32l., 33-34 lines. Very rare.
Contents: a1, Blank.; a2r, "Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum alberti | magni de virtutiibus [!] herbarū lapidū & aīaliū quorū | dā. Liber pm9 [old aux]' vi | rib9qrūdā herba[old aux]. | [ S12 ] Icut vult phūs in plu | ribus locis Omnis sciē | cia de genere bonorū ē | ..."; d8v, line 28: "... et si | tres essent habes .xviii. et sie de alijs. Vn versus | Etatem lune duplica post addito quinqz. | Quinqz dabis signo quo lune incepit origo. | Et sie est finis."
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-253. • GW: no. 620. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 525*.
20. Latin, 1483 [Speier].
Liber aggregationis ... [Speier, Johann and Conrad Hist, about 1483].
4°: [a-d8] (unsigned); 32l., 33 lines.
Contents: a1, Blank.; a2r, "Liber Aggregacionis seu liber Secretorum | Alberti Magni de virtutibus herbarum lapidū | et animalium quorundam. | Liber Prim9 de virtutib9 qrundā herbarū. | [ S9 ]Icut vult ph'usplurib9 lo- | cis Omis sciencia de gene' | bono[old aux] est ..."; d8r, line 31: "... et | si tres essent habes .xviii. ers de alijs. Vn vs9 | Etatem lune duplica post addito qnz. Quinqz | dabis signo quo lune incepit origo."; d8v, Blank.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-254. • GW: no. 621. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 524*. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.5.
21. Latin, 1483 [Speier].
Liber aggregationis ... [Speier, Johann and Conrad Hist, about 1483].
4°: [a-d8] (unsigned); 32l., 33 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-255. • GW: no. 622. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.6. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 343. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: no. 4. • Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 116.
22. Latin, c1485 [London].
Liber aggregationis ... London, Wilhelmus de Machlinia, [c1485].
4°: a-d8 e6 f4; 42l., 27 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books, 1917: no. 9. • GW: no. 653. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 534. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 9770.
23. Latin, 1485 [Cologne].
Liber aggregationis ... [Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, about 1485].
4°: a-d8 e6 f4; 42l., 27 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA.55455.]. • Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: no. 82. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 171. • Goff: A-256. • GW: no. 624. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.8. • Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 789. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 1381. • Voulliéme (Köln): no. 39.
24. Latin, c1485 [Rome].
Liber aggregationis ... [Rome, Eucharius Silber, c1485].
4°: [a-c8] (unsigned); 24l., double column, 41 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 172. • GW: no. 635. • Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 3498.
25. Latin, c1487 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... [Antwerp, Matthias van der Goes, c1487].
4°: a-f6 g4 H6 i4 k6; 56l., 30 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: no. 79. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: I, no. 527 [not Hain 527]. • GW: no. 659.
26. Latin, 1487 [Venice].
Liber aggregationis ... [Venice, Bartholomaeus de Zanis, not before 1487].
4°: ab8 b8 c6 d4; 26l., 38 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 169. • Goff: A-257. • GW: no. 636. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HR 516. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.20 [1488]. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 357.
27. Latin, 1487 [Geneva].
Liber aggregationis, seu, Liber secretorum Alberti magni de virtutibus herbarum lapidum & animalium quorundam. [Geneva, Louis Cruse, after 1487].
4°: a6 b8 c6 d8.; 28l., 36 lines. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 643. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 355.
28. Latin, c1487? [Geneva].
Liber aggregationis ... [Geneva?, c1487?].
4°: a-d\^?; 28l., 36 lines, Gothic type. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 642. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 354.
29. Latin, c1488 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... [Antwerp, Matthias van der Goes, c1488].
4°: a-f6 g4; 40l., 30 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 654. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 527.
30. Latin, c1488/91 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... [Antwerp, Matthias van der Goes, c1488/91].
4°: a-q6; 96l., 30 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 666. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 532 [= Copinger 166a]. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 9407.
31. Latin, 1488/91 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... [Antwerp, Mathias van der Goes, about 1488/91].
4°: a-q6; 96l., 30 lines.
Very rare. With Adelardus Bathoniensis, Qaestiones Naturales, Quaestiones Natureales Philosophorum.
Bibliographical references: Camp-Kron: no. 81b. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 166a. • Goff: A-258. • GW: no. 666. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 532. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.53. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 9407.
32. Latin, c1490 [Lyons].
Liber aggregationis ... [Lyons?, c1490?].
4°: a-d8; 32l., 33 lines, Gothic initials. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 645. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 347.
33. Latin, c1490 [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris?, c1490?].
4°: a-d8; 32l., 33 lines, Gothic letters. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 647. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 349.
34. Latin, c1490 [Paris].
Liber secretorū Alberti magni. [fol. 2 recto:] Liber aggregationis seu liber secretoz Alberti magni de virtutibus herba?, lapidū, et animaliū quorūdam. [fol. 12 recto:] Eiusdē alberti magni de mirabilib? mūdi feliciter incipit. [Antoine Caillaut: Paris, 1490?]
4°: a-c8.; 24l., 38 lines. With the printer's device on the titlepage. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA.39554.].
35. Latin, c1490 [Rouen].
Liber aggregationis ... [Rouen?, c1490?].
4°: [a]-d8; 32l., 33 lines, Gothic type. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 648. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 350.
36. Latin, c1490.
Liber aggregationis ... [South France?, Printer to Alexander Magnus, c1490].
4°: a-b8 c4; 20l., 44 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 174. • GW: no. 644. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 358. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 7377.
37. Latin, c1490 [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris, Antoine Caillaut, c1490].
4°: a-c8; 24l., 38 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: BMC XV [1173.l.2 (1).]. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 170. • GW: no. 649. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 7973.
38. Latin, 1490 [Strassburg].
Liber aggregationis ... Strassburg, [Johann Grüninger] XII. Kal. Oct. [20 September] 1490.
4°: a-d8; 32l.; double column, 34-35 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 625. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 537=538. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 362.
39. Latin, 1490 [Lyons].
Liber aggregationis ... [Lyons?, c1490?].
4°: A-D8; 32l., 33 lines, Gothic and Roman type. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 646. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 348.
40. Latin, c1490 [Rome].
Liber aggregationis ... [Rome?, Stepahn Plannck?, c1490].
4°: 32l., double column, 35 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 638 [also no. 637]. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: no. 1437.
41. Latin, c1491 [Antwerp].
Albertus magnus | De virtutibus herbarum | De virtutibus lapidum | De virtutib9 animaliū et | De mirabilibus mūdi | Item paruū regimē sani= | tatis balde vtile.
4°: a-e6 f-g4 h6 i4 k6; 54l., 30 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi and Parvum Regimen Sanitatis. Quaestionese Naturales Philosophorum.Attributed to Antwerp, Mathias van der Goes, about 1491.
Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 9, 184 [IA 49921]. • Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: Suppl. 2, no. 80. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 175. • Goff: A-259. • GW: no. 660. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.47. • Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 3965. • Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 74.
42. Latin, c1491/2 [Lyons].
Liber aggregationis ... [Lyons, Jean Trechsel?, c1491/2].
4°: a-d8; 32l., 32 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 650. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 344.
43. Latin, 1492-1500 [Venice].
Liber secretorum Alber | ti magni de virtutibus | herbarum: & animalium quorundā. Eiusdem= | qz liber de mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de qui= | busdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam anima | libus &c.
8°: a-k4; 40l., 27 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.Attributed to Venice from either the press of Johannes Emericus, de Spira or Bernardinus Benalius [GW].
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-260. • GW: no. 640 [Venice, Genalius, after 1500?]. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 529*. • IGI: no. 193. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.11.
44. Latin, 1492 [Leipzig].
Liber aggregationis ... [Leipzig], Arnold von Köln, 1492.
4°; AA-BB6 CC4 DD-EE6; 28l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 626. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 539.
45. Latin, 14 March 1493 [Strassburg].
Liber secretorum Alberti | magni de virtutibus her | barum . et animalium quorundam . Eiusdemqz | liber: de mirabilibus mundi . et etiam de quibusdaz effectib[us] causat[is] a q[ui]busdam a[n]i[m]alib[us] &c.
8°: a-d8; 32l., double column, 31 lines. Colophon: Impressum Argentine [Strasbourg], [Johann Grüninger] Mccccixiij p[ri]die id[us] Mar. [14 March 1493.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA.1419.]. • BMC XV: 1, 108 [IA 1419]. • Goff: A-261. • GW: no. 627. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 541*. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.11. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 464.
46. Latin, 1493? [Paris].
Liber Alberti magni de virtutib9 | herbarū/ lapidū & aīaliū quorū- | dam | ...
8°: a-d8 e4; 36l., 31 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.Attributed to Paris, Antoine Caillaut, about 1493?
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-262. • GW: no. 651. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.36. • Pierpont Morgan (B): no. 511.
47. Latin, 12 November 1493 [Naples].
Liber aggregationis ... Naples, Antoine Gontier, 12 November 1493.
4°: a-c8; 24l., double column, 44 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 639. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 540. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6745.
48. Latin, not before 1494 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... Antwerp, Govert Bac, [not before 1494].
4°: a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4; 36l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 661.
49. Latin, 1494 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... Antwerp, Govert Bac, [not before 1494].
4°: a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4; 36l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 662.
50. Latin, 29 August 1496 [Augsburg].
Liber secretorum Alberti magni de virtutibus herbarum. et animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[uem] liber. de mirabilibus mundi. et etiam de quibusda[m] effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus. [et]c. Augsburg, Johannes Schauren, 29 August 1496.
4°: a-b8 c-e6; 28l., 29 lines. With initial spaces, some with guide-letters; without foliation and catchwords. Colophon: Impressum Auguste p[er] Johanne[m] schauren feria secunda post Bartholomei M.CCCC.LXXXXVj.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi.Contains the text of De mirabilibus mundi (leaves b8v-34v).
Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 2, 393 [IA 6829]. • BSB-Ink: A-178. • Goff: A-263. • GW: no. 628. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 542*. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.12. • Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 969.
51. Latin, 1498 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... Antwerp, Govert Bac, 1498.
4°: a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4; 36l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: no. 83. • GW: no. 663. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 543.
52. Latin, 1499 [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... Antwerp, Govert Bac, 1499.
4°: a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4; 36l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: no. 84a. • Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 176. • GW: no. 664. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 363. • Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 4809.
53. Latin, 1499/1500 [Cologne].
Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum Alberti magni | de virtutibus herbarum . de virtutibus lapidum . et de virtu | tibus et efficacia animalium quorumdam.
4°: a-b6; 12l., 34 lines.
Very rare.Attributed to Cologne, Cornelis de Zierikzee, about 1499/1500.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 167. • Goff: A-264. • GW: no. 618. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.2.
54. Latin, 1499 or later [Antwerp].
Liber aggregationis ... Antwerp, Govert Bac, [1499 or later].
4°: a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4; 36l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Campbell, Annales de la Typographie, 1874-90: no. 84. • GW: no. 665. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 533.
55. Latin, 14--- [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris, 14-].
4°: a8; 8l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Contents: a1r, "Liber aggregationis seu liber secreto[old aux] Alberti magni de | virtutibus herba[old aux] lapidū et animaliū quorūdam." a8v, end: "sit mundus ab omni corporis pollutōne | Explicit."
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 617. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 353.
56. Latin, 1500? [Cologne].
[ A2 ] lbertus Madnus De | virtutibus herbarum. | De virtutibus Lapidum | De virtutibus Anima. [!] | liū De Mirabilibus | mundi Paruum | Regimen sani= | tatis valde | vtile. | [Maltese Cross].
4°: A8 B4 C8 D4; 24l., 38 lines.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi and Parvum Regimen Sanitatis.Attributed to Cologne, Cornelis de Zierikzee, after 1500?.
Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 1, 310 [IA 5195]. • Goff: A-265. • GW: no. 655. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 528*. • Hoover Collection: no. 40. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.42. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 1494. • Schreiber, Manuel de la Gravure, 1893-1911: no. 3064. • Voulliéme (Köln): p. 13 [After 1500].
57. Latin, c1500 [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris, Guy Marchant, c1500].
4°: a-c8 d6; 30l., 35 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 168. • GW: no. 652. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 352.
58. Latin, 1500? [Cologne].
[ A2 ]lbertus Magnus | De virtutib9 herbarum | De virtutibus Lapidum | De virtutibus Animalium | De mirabilib9 mūdi Paruum Regimen sanitais valde vtile | [woodcut].
4°: A8 B4 C8 D4.; 24l.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi and Parvum Regimen Sanitatis.Attributed to Cologne, Cornelis de Zierikzee, after 1500?.
Bibliographical references: Goff: A-266. • GW: no. 656. • Hunt Botanical Catalog: no. 4. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.43. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 356.
59. Latin, c1500 [Vienna].
Liber aggregationis ... [Vienna, Johann Winterburg, c1500].
4°: a-c8 d4; 28l., 35 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 629. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 526.

60. Latin, c1500 [Cologne].
[ A2 ]lbertus Magnus De | virtutibus herbarum. | De virtutibus Lapidum | De virtutibus Anima= | liū De mirabilibus | mundi Paruum | Regimen sani | tatis valde | vtile. | [Maltese Cross] | [two woodcuts lined up side by side.]
4°: 24l., 39 lines, Gothic character, ornamental woodcuts on the title page.
Very rare. With De Mirabilibus Mundi and Parvum Regimen Sanitatis.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 177. • Goff: A-267. • GW: no. 658. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 18.45. • Schreiber, Kräuterbücher, 1924: no. 3065. • Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 1093.
61. Latin, after 1500 [Paris].
Liber aggregationis ... [Paris?, after 1500].
4°: [a-b] c-d8 e6; 22l., 29-30 lines.
Extremely rare. Known only in an incomplete fragment that is missing the first portion of the text.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 652a.
62. Latin, after 1500 [Cologne].
Liber aggregationis ... [Cologne, Kornelius von Zierikzee, after 1500].
4°: A8 B4 C8 D4; 24l., 38 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 657.
63. Latin, 1502 [Antwerp].
De virtutibus herbarū. De virtutibus lapidū. De virtutibus animaliū, &c. [In oppido Antwerpien, per me Goddfridū bac, 1502].
4° in 8s: a-f8; 40l.; no pagination.
Very scarce. Adams: 538.

64. Latin, 12 February 1502 [Venice].
Liber secretorum Alberti magni de virtutibus herbarum:& ani | malium quorundam. Eiusdemqz liber de mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibuidam effectibus causatis a quibusdam anima | libus &c. | [Large woodcut showing within a border a savant at a desk reading a book, while two customers wait].
4°: with large woodcut on the title page of a master teaching, Sessa's cat-and-mouse device at end. Printed in Venice by J.B. Sessa on 12 February 1502. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Essling, Livres à Figures Vénitiens, 1907-14: 847. • Honeyman Sale: no. 51. • Sander, Livre à Figures Italien, 1941: no. 179.
65. Latin, 1504 [Antwerp].
Albertus Magnus. De virtutibus herbarum. De virtutibus lapidum. De virtutibus animaliū et mirabilibus mundi. Item paruum regimen sanitatis valde vtile. (Incipiunt questiones naturales philosopho?.) per me Godfridū back: in oppido Antwerpien, 1504.
4°: [76] p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [7321.c.19.].
66. Latin, 1509 [Venice].
Liber secretorum Alberti magni de uirtutibus herbarum: & animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[ue] liber de mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibusdam effecttibus [!] causatis a quibusdam animalibus &c. [Venice, 1509].
4°: 16 numb.l. Colophon: Impressu[m] Venetiis per Marchio. Sessa. Anno domini. 1509. dies [!] uero 25. setembrio. Large woodcut illus. on t.-p. (astronomers with astrolabe) signed: L.F. Very scarce.
67. Latin, 1560 [Lugduni].
Alberti cognomento Magni De secretis mulierum, libellus, scholijs auctus, & à mendis repurgatus. Eivsdem De virtvtibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus. Item De mirabilibvs mundi, ac de quibusdam effectibus causatis à quibusdam animalibus, &c. Lvgdvni 1560.
16°: A-Dd8.; ??l.
Very scarce. All 3 works are spurious; the "De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium" together with the "De mirabilibus mundi" are better known under the title "Liber aggregationis"; also attributed to Albertus de Saxonia.
68. Latin, 1596 [Lugduni].
Alberti Magni De secretis mulierum libellus cum scholiis. Eiusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus. Item, de mirabilibus mundi, ac de quibusdam affectibus caussatis à quibusdam animalibus, &c. His accessit nunc de falconibus, asturibus, & accipitribus opusculum. ... Lugduni, 1596.
8°: A-Gg8 Hh4 Ii2; ??l.;
Very scarce. An additional title page (Y3r): Albertus Magnus de falconibus, Asturibus & Accipitribus.
Bibliographical references: BL []. • Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: A-135.
69. Latin, 1598 [Lyons].
De secretis mulierum ... Eiusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium ... item de mirabilibus mundi ... Adiecimus & ob Materiae similitudinem Michaelis Scoti philosophy, De secretis naturae opusculum. Lyons, Antoine de Harsy, 1598.
8°: A-Z8 2A8 2B3; ??l.; [3]-381, [9] p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 9. • Ferguson, Histories of Inventions, 1981: III, 26.. • NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): no. 90. • Shaaber, English Seventeenth Century Imprints, 1978: A-136.
70. Latin, 1607 [Argentorati].
Alberti Magni de secretis mulierum libellus, scholiis auctus ... Ejusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum & animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi ... Michaelis Scotis ... de secretis naturæ opusculum, etc. Argentorati, Per L. Zetznerum, 1607.
16°: 390 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1175.a.1.].
71. Latin, 1609 [Francofurti].
Trinum magicum, siuc secretorum naturalium ... cœlestium, infernalium opus ... continens I. Marci Antonii Zimaræ conclusiones physicas ... II. Alexandri Aphrodisei quæstiones et solutiones physico-mathematicas (Angelo Politiano interprete). III. Alberti magni tractatus tres de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium ... Accessere eiusdem Alberti libelli De mirabilibus mundi et secretis mulierum, vt & Auerrois ac Aristotelis propositiones ac solutiones physicæ. Nunc primum in lucem editum à Longino Cæsare. Sumptibus A. Hummij: Francofurti, 1609.
8°: 328 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1141.a.7.].
72. Latin, 1615.
Alberti Magni de secretis mulierum libellus ... Eiusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum & animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi ... Michaelis Scoti ... de secretis naturæ opusculum. Argentorati, per L. Zetznerum, 1615.
16°: 390 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1606/43.].
73. Latin, 1615.
Alberti Magni Speculum astronomiæ nunc primum ... in lucem editum. Præmittuntur autem eiusdem authoris libelli, de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam. Item de mirabilibus mundi, etc. Lugduni, 1615.
16°: 166 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1175.a.2.(2.)].
74. Latin, 1615.
Tractatus Henrici de Saxonia, Alberti Magni discipuli, de secretis mulierum (quem ab Alberto excerpsit) ... Accessit insuper ejusdem de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, quorundam animalium, aliorumque libellus. Opera & impensa P. Musculi, Francofurti, 1615.
12°: 411 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1175.a.6.].
75. Latin, 1637.
De secretis mulierum libellus, scholiis auctus, & a mendis repurgatus. Eivsdem de virtvtibvs herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi, ac de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus, &c. Adjecimus & ob materiae similitudinem Michaelis Scoti philosophi, de secretis naturae opusculum. Cum indice locupletissimo. Argentorati, Sumptibus Haeredum Lazari Zetzneri, 1637.
8°: A-Y8 (Y7 blank).; ??l.; 340, [9] p. Printer's device on title page. Very scarce.
76. Latin, 1643.
Albertus Magnus de secretis mulierum. Item de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium. (De mirabilibus mundi.-Michaelis Scoti libellus de secretis naturæ.) Apud I. Ianssonium, Amstelodami, 1643.
12°: 366 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [1173.a.2.].
77. Latin, 1655.
Albertus Magnus De secretis mulierum. Item De virtutibus herbarum lapidum et animalium.Amstelodami, apud Iodocum Ianssonium, 1655.
358, [14] p.
Very scarce. Engraved t.-p., illustrated. "Alberti Magni libellus, De mirabilibus mundi": p.172-219. "Michaëli Scoti libellus, De secretis naturae": p.220-358.
78. Latin, 1665.
Albertus Magnus de secretis mulierum. Item de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium. (De mirabilibus mundi.-Michaelis Scoti libellus de secretis naturæ.) Apud I. Ianssonium: Amstelodami, 1655.
12°: 358 p. The titlepage is engraved. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [7581.a.14.].
79. Latin, 1662.
Albertus Magnus de secretis mulierum ; item De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, et animalium.
Amstelodami, Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, a[nn]o 1662.
12°: A-Pp12 Q-p6; ??l.; 358, [14] p. (the last leaf blank) ; 13 cm. Engraved t.p., with illustrated border. De secretis mulierum, De virtutibus herbarum (Liber aggregationis), and De mirabilibus mundi are falsely attributed to Albertus Magnus. Cf. Deutscher Gesamtkat. Also attributed to Henricus de Saxonia.
Very scarce. Other authors: Henricus, de Saxonia, 13th cent. Scot, Michael, ca. 1175-ca. 1234.
80. Latin, 1669.
Albertus Magnus de secretis mulierum ; item de virtutibus
herbarum lapidum et animalium [microform].
Amstelodami : Apud Henricum et Theod. Boom, a[nn]o 1669.
329 p.
Very scarce. Variously attributed to Albertus Magnus, Albertus de Saxonia, and Henricus de Saxonia.Contents: De secretis mulierum - Liber aggregationis - De mirabilibus mundi - Michaëlis Scoti libellus de secretis naturae.
Bibliographical references: Cicognara, Catalogo Ragionato dei Libri, 1821: 2424.
81. Latin, 1740.
Alberti Magni De secretis mulierum libellus, scholiis auctus, & à mendis repurgatus : ejusdem De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus : item De mirabilibus mundi, ac de quibusdam effectibus causatis à quibusdam animalibus, &c. : adjectum est ob materiae similitudinem Michaelis Scoti, philosophi De secretis naturae opusculum, cum indice locupletissimo. Amstelodami : [s.n.], 1740.
328, [6] p. Very scarce.
82. Latin, 1760.
De secretis mulierum libellus, scholiis auctus, & a mendis repurgatus. Ejusdem De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus. Item De mirabilibus mundi ... Adjectum est ob materiae similitudinem Michaelis Scoti, ... De secretis naturae opusculum ... Amstelodami, 1760.
316 p.
Very scarce. Other Authors: Scot, Michael, ca.1175-ca.1234. Albertus, de Saxonia, d. 1390.Contents the same as the 1665 Amsterdam ed., published by J. Ravestein. "De secretis mulierum libellus" attributed also to Albertus de Saxonia. "Michaelis Scoti opusculum, De secretis naturae", p. 189- 316.
Italian Editions

83. Italian, 1486 [Italian transl., Venezia].
Libro de le uirtu de le herbe | & | pietre: quale fece Alberto | magno Vulgare.
4°: a-c4 d2; 14l., wood cut initial "S." Printed in Venezia by Erhard Ratdolt.
Very rare. The first appearance of the Liber Aggregationis in a printed translation and printed in Venezia by Erhard Ratdolt. Added to this is a translation of the De Mirabilibus Mundi.
Bibliographical references: GW [no copy listed]. • IGI: no. 194.
84. Italian, 1493 [Bologna].
Alberto magno gran | philosopho.
4°: [4], [I]-XVIIl.; 22l., 36 lines.
Very rare. Italian translation of the Liber aggregationis.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 668. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: no. 1438.
85. Italian, 10 July 1494 [Bologna].
Liber de la vtu de herbe & pre | de: quale fece Albert Magno. | [Woodcut].
16l. Extremely rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 669. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 544. • Panzer, Ältern Deutschen Litteratur, 1788-1802: 4, 250, 194b.
86. Italian, 9 March 1495 [Milan].
Libro de le virtu de herbe & prede . quale fece | Alberto magno. | [Woodcut].
4°: a-d4; 16l., 36 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 670. • Kristeller, Italienische Buchdruckerzeichen, 1893. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: suppl. 6.
87. Italian, 20 June 1495 [Venice].
4°: A-D4; 16l.; [4], III-XIIl., 39 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Essling, Livres à Figures Vénitiens, 1907-14: no. 846. • GW: no. 671. • Reichling, Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 1905-14: no. 1116.
88. Italian, c1496 [Venice].
4°: A-C4 [D4]; 16l., double column, 40 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 672. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 543a [=Copinger 178].
89. Italian, after 1500 [Rome].
Opera nobilissima del preclarissimo phi- | losopho Alberto magno īuestigatore di- | ligentissimo de le cose naturali: & prima.
4°: [a-b4] a-l4 m6; 58l.; [8], i-Ll., 21 lines. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [IA.19145]. • BMC XV: 4, 145 [IA.19145]. • GW: no. 673. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 3917.
90. Italian, 1527 [Italian transl.].
Dele virtu dele herbe: animali: pietre preciose: di molte marauegliose cose del mondo. Venetia, Augustino de Bindoni, 1527.
4°: Very scarce.
91. Italian, 1543 [Vinegia].
De le virtu de le herbe, et animali, & pietre preciose. Vinegia, 1543.
8°: A-G8; 56l. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: no. 540.
Catalan edition
92. Catalan, 20 November 1499 [Barcelona].
Liber aggregationis, katalan. (Quesits.) Barcelona, Pedro Posa, 20 November 1499.
8°: a-n8 o4; 108l.; [2], iii-cviij. 32 lines per page.
Contents: a1r (=1r), Xylographic title: "quesits."; a2r (=2r), "Comencan [!] los quesits o perquens del re | uerent mestre Albert gran del orde de fra- | res predicadors e Archebisbe de Colūya mestre en ars e en fa | cra theologia e episcoph excellenissim. En Io qual libre declara | marauellosos secrets ..."; b1r (=9r), "payt. Lo molto donchs quant es vell be que sia de natua ..."; o4v (=108v), "son stāpada la present obra en Barcelona : per Pere posa. | E acabada a xx de Noembre Any .M.cccc.lxxxxix."
Very rare. Printed by Pedro Posa, only two copies of this translation are listed in the Gesammtkatalog Wiegendrucken.
Bibliographical references: Copinger, Hain's Repertorium, Supplement, 1898-1902: no. 205a. • GW: no. 674. • Haebler, Bibliografia Iberica, 1903-17: no. 10.
French editions
93. French, c1500 [Paris].
[Dark C] Le grant albert | Des secretz des vertus des herbes: pierres bestes. | et aultres liures des merueilles du monde dau- | cuns effectz causez daucunes bestes.
4°: a-h4; 32l., woodcut initial.
Contents: a1r, [Dark C] Le grant albert | Des secretz des vertus des herbes: pierres bestes. | et aultres liures des merueilles du monde dau- | cuns effectz causez daucunes bestes. | [Dark C] Item y est de nouueau adiouste vng traicte de | pline: determinant des secretz & merueiles daucu- | nes choses naturelles. | [Woodcut].; h3v, line 25, [Dark C] Pour la peste principallement quant on laprent.: | Prens demie once deau de fatoto ... [line 31] et cela est | chose bien approuuee en plusieurs lieux.; h4, Blank.
Very rare. This is a combination of translations of Albertus Magnus' Liber Aggregationis and Pliny's Histoire Naturelle.
Bibliographical references: GW: no. 667. • Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 364.
94. French, 1544 [Paris].
Albert le Grant translate de latin en francois. Lequel traicte de la vertu des herbes, des pierres precieuses. Et pareillem?t des bestes & oyseaux. Item est traicte des merueille [!] du monde. et daucuns effectz causez daulcunes bestes. Item y est de nouueau adioute vng traicte de Pline. Lequel parle des secrez [!] & merueilles daulcue [!] choses naturelles. A Paris en la maison de Nicolas Buffet. 1544.
4°: a-h4; 32l.; [64] p.
Very scarce. Translation of his "Liber aggregationis" and "De mirabilibus mundi", both of which are spurious.
95. French, 1697 [Cologne].
Les | Admirables Secrets | D'Albert | Le Grand | contentant plusieurs | Traités sur la conception des | Femmes, & les vertus des Her- | bes, des Pierres precieuses, & des | Animaux avec leurs figures. | Aubmentés d'un Abregé curieux de | Phisionomie & d'un Preservatif | contre la Peste, les Fievres mali- | gnes, les Poisions, & l'infection | de l'air. | Tire's & Traduits sur des Anciens | Manuscrits de l'Auteur, qui | n'avoient pas encore Parus. | [ornament] | A Cologne | Chez le Dispensateur des Secrets. | [rule] | 1697.
24°: π4 A-I12 L12 2L12 M-P12 Q8 R11; 202l.; [8], 1-374, [23], [1] blank, engraved title page, woodcut text illus., mostly of animals. Page size: 145 x 80 mm. Very scarce.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, engraved, "Les Admirables Secrets, D'Albert le Grand," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso bland.; [4 pgs], "Avis."; 1-4, "... Preface."; 5-10, "Epitre."; 11-83, Treatise on animals.; 84-151, "Des vertus des Herbes."; 152-190, "Traité des Merveilles du Monde par Albert le Grand."; 191-199, "Petit Traité D'Albert le Grand. Dans lequel on parle de quelques secrets merveilleux & naturels."; 200-259, "Traité des Vertus & Proprietés de plusieurs sortes de sientes."; 260-317, "Traite' De Phisionomie, où l'on connoit le naturel les inclinations des personnes par la diversisité des parties du corps."; 318-330, "Les Jours Heureux ou Mal-Heureux."; 331-374, "Le Preservatif des Fievres Malignes."; [14 pgs], "Table des Matieres qui font conteunes dans le Livré des Admirables secrets d'Albert le Grand."; [11 pgs], "Table Exacte & fort utile de la domination des Astres & des Planettes ..."; [1 pg], blank.
96. French, 1729 [Lyons].
Les Admirables Secrets d'Albert Le Grand contentant plusieurs Traitez sur la Conception des Femmes, des Vertus des Herbes, des Pierres Précieuses et des Animaux augmentéd'un Abrégé curieux de la Phisionomie ... les Poisions et l'infection de l'Air. - Secerts Merveilleux de la Magie Naturelle et Cabalistique, traduit sur l'Original Latin. Lyons, 1729.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 12°: [Vol 2] 12°: Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0141073].
97. French, 1758 [Lyons].
Les Admirables Secrets d'Albert Le Grand contentant plusieurs Traitez sur la Conception des Femmes, des Vertus des Herbes, des Pierres Précieuses et des Animaux. Lyons, 1758.
12°: [12], 312, [10] p., 4 plates. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Birth and Development, 1938: 114-5. • Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 15-7. • LKG: III. • NUC: 7, 276-89 [NA 0141080]. • Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 2, 545-6. • Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779.
98. French, 1791 [Lyons].
Les admirables Secrets d'Albert-le-Grand, contenant plusieurs Traités sur la Conception des femmes, des vertus des herbes, des pierres précieuses et des animaux. Augmentés d'un Abrégé curieux de la Physionomie, et d'un préservatif contre la peste [...]. Lyons [Avignon], Chez les Héritiers de Beringos [Offray], 1791 [i.e., vers 1850].
18°: xx, 203 p., illus.
Very scarce. Rel. 19e: demi-veau brun glacé à coins, dos fleuronné doré à nerfs (rel. usagée, frottée).Les éditions des Beringos sont en général assez recherchées. Celle-ci, publiée en réalité en 1850, est illustrée de 4 bois à pleine page en noir et de 5 bois rehaussés (sur 3 planches dont 2 dépliantes) et de qqs culs-de-lampe. Le texte est un ramassis de superstitions et billevesées assez amusantes sur la nature des femmes, les vertus des pierres, les animaux et leurs fientes, les métaux, et la physiognomonie. Il se termine par un traité des fièvres (avec recettes). Bibliotheca Esoterica, n° 42. s Provenance: Léon Pape ("Enchiridion Leonis Papae", vignette typographique moderne).
German editions

99. German, 1508 [Strassburg].
Albertus Magnus. | Das bůch der versamlung oder | das buch der heymligkeitē | Magni Alberti von | den tugenden der | krüter vñ edel= | gestein vnd | vō etlich | en thie= | ren. | [Woodcut ornament].
4°: 36 unnumb. l., ornamental woodcut on the title page.
Very rare. Published by Martin Flach in Strassburg in 1508, this is the first German edition of the popular Liber Aggregationis containing sections of interest in the history of botany, zoology and mineralogy. It handles descriptions of 16 plants, 46 stones, 18 animals, including influences of the planets and medical recipes. Only a very few early German editions were published, almost all editions being in Latin.
Bibliographical references: Taeuber & Weil, Bookseller: "Alte Naturwissenschaften," c1925, no. 115.
100. German, c1550 [Franckfurt am Mayn].
Ein Newer Albertus Magnus. Von Weibern vnd Geburten der Kinder sampt jren artzneien. Von tugenten etlicher fürnemer Kreuter. Von krafft der Edlen Gestein. Von Art vnd Natur ettlicher Thier. Mit sampt eim bewerten Regiment für die Pestilentz. Alles von newem gebessert durch Q. Apollinarem. Gedruckt zu Franckfurdt am Mayn, Durch Hermann Gülffrichen [c1550].
4°: XLV [i.e., XLIV] numb. l., [4] p., illus. Engraved title page printed in red and black with vignettes within an architectural border. Printer's device, tailpieces and initial.
Very scarce. Translation of the author's De secretis mulierum and his Liber aggregationis, to which are added two anonymous works: Das funfft Buch von Wassern des Lebens, and Das sechst Buch, Ein Regiment, wie man sich in der Zeit der Pestilenz halten sol mit Essen und Trincken. Cf. Nat. Lib. Med. Catalogue of sixteenth century printed books.Authors : Ryff, Walther Hermann, 16th century.
Bibliographical references: Benzing, J., "Walther H. Ryff und sein literarisches Werk", ???????, ??: 12.
English editions
101. English, 1560 [English transl.].
[Contained within a woodcut frame consisting of four parts:] [ornament] The boke | of secretes of Albartus Mag | nus, of the vertues of | Herbes, stones and | certaine beastes. | [ornament] Also, a boke of the same au | thor of the maruaylous th | ges of the world: and o[f] | certaine | effectes, cau | sed of certayne | beastes. | [ornament] | MDXXV.
8°: A-K8 L3; 83l.; no pagination.
Contents: A1r, Title page.; A1v, "Syth it is manifesli kno | wen, that ..."; A2r-B8r, "[ornament] The firste boke of the vertues | of certayne Herbes."; B8v-D8r, "On the vertues | magnes, the lode stone. | ..."; D8v, "...Explicet."; E1r-F7r, Text of book of beasts.; F7v:3v, [Of the Marvels of the Worlde].
Extremely rare. The boke of secretes (known as Liber aggregationis or Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam) and the Boke of the maruaylous thinges of the world (De mirabilibus mundi) are falsely attributed to Albertus Magnus. Cf. Deutscher Gesamtkat.
Facsimile reprint, 1969: Albertus Magnus | The Boke Of Secretes | London (1560) | Da Capo Press | Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm Ltd. | Amsterdam 1969 New York.
Bibliographical references: BL [b.54.a.10].
102. English, 1560 [Another issue].
[Contained within an elaborate woodcut frame showing motifs of plants, animals and people:]
[ornament] The boke | of secretes of Albertus Ma= | gnus, of thevertues of | Herbes, stones, and certayne beastes. | [ornament] Also, a boke of the sa= | me author of the maruay= | lous thinges of the world: | and of certaine effec= | tes, caused of cer= | taine beastes. | [ornaments] | Anno. M. D. LX.
8°: Extremely rare.