AGUILERA, José Guadelupe.
(1857 – 1941)
In 1876, Aguilera moved to Mexico City to obtain a degree in assaying from that city's school of mines. While there he became proficient in the chemical analysis of minerals and subsequently, he was appointed custodian of the mineral and geology collections. He actively collaborated in the Comisíon Geográfico Exploradora (founded 1878) and participated in the geological explorations of the states of Oaxaca, Tlaxcala and Puebla. In 1884, the government sent him to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington for extended studies. Upon his return, he was appointed to many positions of leadership in the geological exploration of Mexico. In 1886, Aguilera participated in the creation of the Instituto Geológico Nacional; he was its director from 1895 to 1914. During his tenure, numerous publications describing the geology of Mexico were published under the oversight of the Instituto.
Biographical references: ABE: III 8, 234-235. Carreño, A.M., "Un insigne geólogo Mexicano," Boletín de la Sociedad de Geología Mexicana, 1938. Diccionario Porrúa: 1, 67. Flores Reyes, Teodoro., "José Guadalupe Aguilera, In memoriam," Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 17 (1954), no. 2, 10-15, 2 plates. Ordóñez, E., "José G. Aguilera ...", Boletín de la Sociedad de Geología Mexicana, 1938. Sarjeant, Geologists, Suppl. 1, 1986: 1, 242. WBI.

1. Spanish, 1898.
Instituto Geológico De México. | [rule] | Director, José G. Aguilera. | [double rule] | Catálogos | Sistemático Y Geográfico De La Especies Mineralógicas | Del La | República Mexicana | Formados | Por José G. Aguilera. | [ornament] | México | Oficina Tipográfica De La Secretaría De Formento | Calle de San Andrés núm. 15 (Avenida Oriente 51.) | [rule] | 1898.
8°: [1]-157, [1] p. Page size: 315 x 215 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3, "I | Catálogo Sistemático De Especes Mineralógicas | De La Repúblíca Mexicana." [4], Blank.; [5], "Prologo."-signed José G. Aguilera.; [6], Blank.; [7]-19, "Cuardo Sistematico | De Las | Especies Mineralogicas Mexicanas | Formado Según la classificación del Professor J.D. Dana." [=overview of the mineralogical classification].; [20], Blank.; [21]-116, "Catálogo Sistemático De Las Especies Mineralógicas." [=list of mineral species and localities known in Mexico].; [117], "II | Catálogo Geográfico | De Las Especies Mineralógicas De México."; [118], Blank.; [119]-149, Text [=geographical list and mineral species that occur at the locality].; [150], Blank.; [151], "Abreviaturas."; [152], Blank.; [153]-157, "Índice Alfabético | De Las | Especies Contenidas En Este Catálogo."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Although dated, this work is perhaps the fullest treatment of the minerals of Mexico, giving a valuable catalog of the mineral species found in the country. It was printed as Instituto Geologico Mexico, Boletin No. 11. In it the minerals are arranged according to the classification system presented in Dana's System of Mineralogy (6th ed., New York, 1892), with individual localities within Mexico being given fully in connection with each species. The book begins with a prolog where the author explains that the large quantity of mineral species found in Mexico made the country an obvious candidate for a topographical mineralogy. An overview of the mineralogical system is then presented, followed by a list of mineral species known to occur in Mexico together with their localities. Another section reverses the order by first listing the geographical location together with the species know to occur there. The volume closes with a list of abbreviations and an index to the species mentioned in the catalog.
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 4th Series, 8 (1899), 236. BL [no copy listed]. NUC: 5, 376 [NA 0101099].