(1837 – 1910?)
Biographical references: ABA: II 699, 279-280. WBI.

1. English, 1868.
Alphabet Of Geology | And | Elements of Mineralogy. | A Treatise | Designed For Students At School Or At Home, And | Especially Adapted To The Advanced Classes | Of The Common Schools. | Accompanied By | Mineral Specimens | Of Most Of The | Great Masses of Rock that Compose the Globe. | [rule] | By H.T.W. Adams. | [rule] | Springfield, Mass.: | Samuel Bowles & Company. | 1868.
8°: [i]-viii, [9]-70, [2] p. Page size: 186 x 114 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by | H.T.W. Adams, | ..."; [iii], "Preface."; [iv]-vi, "Introduction."; [vii]-viii, "Guide To Teachers."; [9]-42, Text.; [43]-46, Poems about the earth.; [47]-70, "Glossary | Of Minerals, Gems, And Definitions Of Terms In Geology | And Mineralogy."; [2 pgs], "Testimonials."
Rare. This small manual was developed to present an introduction to geology and mineralogy for students. It develops its subject through a series of questions and answers. Topics covered include geology, chemistry and paleontology. A long glossary at the end defines various mineralogical terms. According to the title, this textbook was accompanied by a suite of mineral and rock specimens to which reference is made throughout the guide.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. NUC: 3, 430.