Mineralogical Record Art Museum

The Mineralogical Record Museum of Art (we wish)
The Mineralogical Record Museum of Art is devoted to the display of mineral and mining art for the purposes of education and scholarly study. Over 1,000 such artworks from all time periods, by some of the world’s finest artists, living and dead, are currently on exhibit. Each artist (or author who has utilized artists) has his own gallery of artworks, accompanied by biographical notes. We invite you to browse through our exhibit rooms. Select an artist from among those listed in the drop-down menus (above) for “Mineral Artists” or “Mining Artists.” Up to eight artworks are listed per page, and there may be several pages for a given artist. You can click on the small thumbnail images and see an enlarged version of any artwork. And when you get tired and need a break, stop by the refreshment kiosk where we will be serving complementary wine, latte and hors d’oeuvres. (Oops, I guess we’ll need a website upgrade for that.) Remember, no cameras allowed—all images are copyrighted by the artists, owners or publishers, so no copying please. Artworks on exhibit by living artists may or may not be for sale—that’s none of our business; interested buyers should contact the individual artists for more information. Publishing-quality scans of images from the Mineralogical Record Library are available for a small fee—Contact the Director at minrecord@comcast.net.
Museum hours: January-December, Mon-Fri 12 noon to 12 noon.
Weekends: same hours. Holidays: Always open.
Note to Artists: An exhibit room is available at no charge to qualifying artists. Please contact the Museum Director at minrecord@comcast.net for more information.

New!! 50 Years of What's New in Minerals
Click HERE to order your copy while they last.
The Mineralogical Record Museum of Art is supported entirely by donations from Kathryn and Bryan Lees,
Rob Lavinsky, Wendell Wilson, and Susan Robinson.