Smithsonite–Think Zinc! is the new entry in the ExtraLapis-English series of books from Lithographie, LLC. In this case it does not appear to be patterned after any previously published German-language edition, but rather is a new, original publication. Like the other books in the series, it is beautifully produced in large format on high-quality paper and with color photos of 161 mineral specimens (plus 16 polished examples and various maps and locality photos). And as usual, the text is interesting and readable, written by a well-chosen group of authors. Chapters cover the following topics:
Mineralogical aspects (by Paul Pohwat)
James Smithson (by Smithsonian curator Paul Pohwat)
Generalized geology (by Peter Megaw)
Sardinian localities (by Fabrizio and Luca Ferrero)
Mexican localities (by Peter Megaw)
Arizona localities (by Tony Potucek and Tom Hughes)
Broken Hill, Australia (by Bill Birch)
Tsumeb and Berg Aukas, Namibia (by Bruce Cairncross)
Arkansas occurrences (by J. Michael Howard)
Laurium, Greece (by Wolfgang Wendel)
New Mexican localities (by Robert Eveleth and Virgil Leuth)
Color in smithsonite (by Virgil Leuth and Patricia Frisch)
Pseudomorphism (by David Ellis)
Lapidary aspects (by Michael Gray)
Cleaning techniques (by Jon Voelter)
–and a three-page References list
This is a book that any mineral collector will enjoy.